MIRZA. A Tragedie, Really acted in PERSIA, in the last Age.

Really acted in PERSIA, in
the last Age.
Illustrated with Historicall
The Author. R. B. Esq;




Fatyma dead, begat as much sorrow and rage in oldAbbas, as alive she did love, who now sends threats of terrible satisfactions, as Famine, Chains, Strapadoes, and all sharp and exquisite tortures, to the inraged Prince his Son, who by his Messenge s, returns his Father as many bitter curses, hopes of better, and more perfect revenge, and wishes of whole Cataracts of miseries to poure themselves upon him. In this Rage he spent two sad dayes, and in the third, with a Roman resolution, gave a period to his sufferings in this world, by quaffing off a cup of poyson, to the confusion of his unnatural Father.

The sad Princess his Wife (like a true Turtle) surfeiting with sorrow, mew'd her self up, and since that time, has seldom been seen by any.

Lastly,Allybeg's Treason being discovered by a woman, we end with the punishment of the Conspirators, the Kings reassuming of the Princes friends into his favour, and declaring of his Son Soffie Heir to the Persian Dignity, after his GrandfatherAbbas his decease, which happening in the year 1629. the young Prince took upon him the Empire; aged sixteen years, hopeful and ingenious: so fresh in memory is this sad story.


[Page 32]
An't please your Royall Highness, the last sally
'Twas my fortune to make two young men Prisoners,
Whom by their civill fashion and demeanour,
I judg'd and found to be men of the Book,
Rather engag'd by novelty to see
Something of war, then any way expert
In these rough meetings: these I had into
My Tent, where being well warm'd with (4.) Shiras wine,
They fell into a freedom of discourse,
And, among other things, assured me,
They in the City had receiv'd a Promise
From OSMANHELI, their old Governour,
Of succours within four dayes, for which service
He was prepar'd, and stay'd but for some Gallies,
And Frigots to convoy him, and inable him
To passe through our Fleet, which Navy he had
A good assurance would attend him shortly.
And these are th'onely hopes hold up their hearts,
And keep their Gates shut 'gainst your Royal Highness.
Neither is this discovery the effect
But of their drink, for, sober, they confirm it.
The same, a Page of mine, lately their Prisoner,
Who mad's escape in the same sally, told me,
He learnt ith' Town.
It is the generall voice
Among the meaner Prisoners, who hug their
Condition, and joy they are with us,
That they may eat again, famine within
Rages so strongly.
Hopes of this supply,
They say, do onely keep the Town from uproar.
The starved Souldiers fly upon their Leaders,
And cry with a half hollow voice, Bread! Bread!
[Page 33]
For heavens sake Bread: when shall we eat again?
They answer, do but smell upon your Matches
Four dayes longer, then by th'life of (5) MORAT,
If no help comes, we'l make our best conditions.
It seems 'tis a conceit strongly believ'd,
That they shall have reliefe.
Believ'd, my Lord,
They every hour trace the sands, the walls
They climb, and Turrets, peep through Prospectives,
And if they but descry a Seagull, 'tis
A Sail, and if a flock, O that's the Navy,
Till lost again they chide their credulous faith,
And curse the two crosse winds, till their own sighs
But make them stronger to defeat their joyes.


[Page 119]
GReat NEMESIS! now have I sacrific'd
To thee the best of Creatures Persia had;
If the old Tyrant feeleth but the wound,
I have mine ends, and thou a feast of blood.
But sir, I fear the blow you gave through her
Will fall most heavy on your self: and make
Him more incens'd.
So he but feels a grief,
I'l triumph in my pains, and scorn his worst.
WHo's that?
'Tis FARRABAN, in his looks
I see Revenge and Torments threatned.
Sir, the King
Peac , thou most impudent tongue,
Call him not King, but dotard Tyrant, Serpent,
Go on.
Commands me to deliver's wrath
To you in thunder: Pardon the messenger,
He threats you with Strapadoes, Famine, Tortures
Cunning and cruell, for your dire deed.
I thank his Tyrantship; return thou him
From me many curses: but how took he
His minions death?
As he would do the sight
Of his own Executioner, heavily.
His lifeblood seem'd to stream from's aged eyes,
Horror to seize his Limbs, and grief his soul.
He tore his silver hair, beat's reverend breast,
Threw himself prostrate on the loved body,
[Page 120]
And curs'd his starrs: the killing newes is like
To do as much for him, as for the old
PANDION the like act of PROGNE's did.
He slights his meat, seems wholly given over
To sorrow and revenge.
Io, Io, PAEAN!
Sing victory, sing victory, my soul,
I'm Conquerour: I've vanquish't the stern Tyrant
In a great deed, 'bove th' horror of his own.
Now I can make him grieve, I'l make him bleed,
Bleed next, dog Goaler, bleed his damned soul
To air, which will turn to Pestilence,
And poyson, and infect the cursed world.
He has but yet a tast of what i'l do.
Sir, sir, we'l keep you from all further outrage.
Be civill, villain, to your Royal Master.
He must excuse me, I'm but an Officer.
O'th Devills.Traytor, do thy drudgery.
He has commanded me to load your limbs
With weighty gyves, and famish your stout stomach.
The Devill has.
His gyves are ornaments,
To me: and Famine, that I fear not slave,
I'l feed on my revenge. Come bring thy fetters,
I will adore them as a lover does
His Ladies favours.
Sir, Exasperate
Not Tyranny.


[Page 174]

[(3) Ottoman blood] Ottoman is the name of the family of the Grand Signior. The Turks arriv'd to the dominion of the goodliest portion of the Earth, from so obscure an original, as the same is rather conjectured at, then positively delivered by any. Some (after the manner of most Nations) derive them from the Troians, led thereunto by the affinity of the names Turci and Teneri, Philip of Mornay, the noble & learned Frenchman, (in his work of the truth of the Christian Religion) deduce them, and the Tartars from the Jewes, viz. from the ten Tribes [Page 175] which were by Salmanaser King of Assyria, in the time of Oseas King of Israel, carried into captivity, and by him confined into Media, and the other unpeopled Countries of the North, (2 King. 17.) His reasons are probable, and worthy of consideration, but to long for this note. Indeed themselves boast, that they are of the seed of Abraham, & his servant Hagar, and call themselves Ishmalites; this is also assured by their Alcoran, which calls them Hagarens, but that is such a fardel of forgeries, as it is no argument to beget credit, and themselves are so ignorant of their own antiquities, that their Histories are rather confused notes, then perfect Chronicles. Others will have them of the legitimate offspring of Abraham, by his wife Sarah, and from her called Saracens. But the most probable op nion, grounded upon the Authority of the greatest Cosmographers, (as Pomponius Mela (l. 1. cap. ult.) Plin. secundus (lib. 6. cap. 7.) and Ptolomy (in the description of Sarmatica Asiatica) is that they were a people of Scythia, at what time, and for what causes they left their cold and barren seat, to seek a better more Southerly, is no lesse controverted: Blondus, and Platina, will have them enforced with want to follow their better fortune, Anno Dom. 755. with whom Segonius agrees in the cause of their remove, but not in the time or place when, or whereby they departed: he will have the yeare 844. and that they issued by the streights of Caucasus, the others by the Caspian streights, which (saith Sabellicus (Eunead 9. lib. 2.) some of themselves report. With Segonius, our most exact Mr. Sandys agre s in the time, with the others in the way they took for their remove. So that mingling the currents of Opinions and Authors, in the seventh or eighth Century of years after our Saviour, these people of Scythia, then called Turcae or Tusci, expelled, or by force of ill neighbours, or famine, entring by the streights of the Caspian Mountaines, by strong hand possest themselves of Armenia the greater, called thereupon Turcomania, as it is at this day, multiplying by the daily accession of their Countrimen, being in Religion Pagans, and living in wandring troops, like the people about Techoa, or Deachow (which signifies the Towne under a hill) in the Kingdom of Larr, (of which see more in the 23d Note upon the 3d Act) whom the Persians call Vloches, or Shepheards, or as of old did the Scythian Nomades, a people about Maeotis, thus described.

[Page 176]
Nulla domus, plaustris habitant, migrare per arva,
Mos, at{que}errantes circumvectare penates.
No house, but wains have they; their mode's to range
The fields, and oft their Gods new seats to change.

Now the Saracen Empire waining by the division of the Mahometan Princes, Mahomet Sultan of Persia, distressed by the Caliph of Babylon, and the Indians, intreated aid of the Turkes, who sent him 3000. souldiers under the conduct of Tangrolipix, Prince of the Selzuccian family (for so the Greeks call him, though others Togra Mucalet, the Son of Mikeil, others Sidoc, or Sadock names (its like) corrupted of his Family) Mahomet by his aid vanquished Pysastris the Caliph, the Arabians not being able to endure the Turkes Archers. The Turk now desires to leave the Persian, and return over Araxis; but the Sultan, desiring to compell his father service, denied it; whereupon Tangrolipix not being able to keep the field against such numbers, betook himself to the Carmanian Deserts, spoiling the Persians Subjects; Against him Mahomet sent 20000. soldiers, who were soon defeated by stratagem; which victory so flesht the Turk's as (being now increased by fugitive) hee fought Mahomet soon after with 60000. men: which battell Mahomet seeing lost, betook himself to flight, intending for Spawhawn, but between it, and Rustans Tomb, fell and brake his neck; So by the consent of both Armies was Tangrolipix elected Sultan, and founded the Scythique or Turkish Empire. To Persia he added the jurisdiction of Babylon (or Bagdat now) which continued in the Ottoman Tyranny till the year 1625. When ABBAS the victorious King of Persia, (or rather MIRZA his Son) beat them out of it, as also out of Tauris, Van, and the greater Asia (of which see more in the seventeenth note upon the fourth Act) yet continued Trangrolipix the spirituall jurisdiction to the Caliphs successour, in honour of their false Prophet, the Turke having now embraced the Mahometan superstition, as the best means to establish his new Empire, begun about the year 1030. such time as Edward the Confessor ruled England, and about 200. yeares after the Turkes eruption out of Scythia. Axan succeeded his Father Tangrolipix, after him the Empire fell into petty divisions, till Ottoman head of the Oguzian family no lesse by f aud then force united it under himself; who taking advantage [Page 177] of the jarrs between the Christians, and some wrongs they did to him exasperating him, in those 27. years that he reigned, he annexed Bythinia, Cappadocia, and most of those strong holds that border on the Euxine Sea to his Empire, and left it intire to his Son Orchanes, who also much augmented it, and l ft it to his Son Amurath, &c. since which, with marvellous fortune it has grown to that stupendious bulk, that I hope will ruine it, for so long as the Christian armes are thus miserably imploy'd against themselves, so glorious a work is more then we can hope from them. Ottoman atchieved the Sultanship Anno 1300. in him began the race still continued, called in his honour the Ottoman Race, though they are indeed the Oguzian family; give me leave to shut up this long note with a short poeticall summary of this Ottoman, a man vigilant and hardy, and happily the best, as well as the first, of the Turkish Emperors of that name.

Multiplici lassatae Asiae res clade premuntur,
Hinc Sarracenus, Tartarus inde ruit.
Mutua Christicolae gladios in vulnera stringunt:
Graecia funesta seditione perit.
Impiger interea nova concipit Ottomannus
Concilia, & valida surgit in arma manu.
Et vasta Turcis regno fundamina turbae
Ponit: & in multo sanguine Sceptra levat.
Phi. Lonicerus Hist. Turc. lib. 2.
On Asia, torn, and tir'd with endlesse war
Here rush'd the Saracen, the Tartar there.
In mutuall wounds the Christians force is spent,
And poor Greece falls with civill discord rent.
Mean while quick Ottoman new Counsells takes,
And at the world his armed hand he shakes.
The basis of the Turkes vast sway did found,
And his new Scepter bath'd in many a wound.

Philip du Mornay, Pliny, Blondius, Platina, Pomponius Mela, Sabellicus, Segonius, Ptolomie, Sandys, Herbert, Turkish History, D'Juigne.

This is a selection from the original text


crown, famine, war

Source text

Title: MIRZA. A Tragedie, Really acted in PERSIA, in the last Age.

Author: Robert Baron

Publication date: 1647

Place of publication: London

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: http://eebo.chadwyck.com/home Bib Name / Number: Wing / B891 Copy from: Harvard University Library Durable URL: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&res_id=xri:eebo&res_dat= xri:pqil:res_ver=0.2&rft_id=xri:eebo:citation:12256239

Digital edition

Original author(s): Robert Baron

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) tp, image nos. 8 (Fatyma dead ... sad story), 25 (Alk. Ant please your Royall Highness ... defeat their joyes.), 70-71 (Mirza, Page. Great Nemesis ... Exasperate not Tyranny"), 98 (Annotation 3)


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > plays

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
