A Proclamation Set Furthe By the Kynges Majesty

A proclamation set furthe by the Kynges Majesty, with the advise of his most
honorable privey counsayll, for the valuacion of the Shillinges and grotes to a
meaner and lower value and rate.

PUBLISHED BY Richardus Grafton


WHeras, the late king of most famous memory, king Henry the .viii. father unto our most redoubted sovereigne Lord the Kinges majesty that now is, consideryng at the beginning of his last warres, that great & notable sommes of money, wer requisite to be provided for the maintenance and supportacion of thesame, did therfore devise, to abace, and diminishe the goodnes of the Coyne, and therupon, caused to be coyned and setfurth to be currant amonges his subjectes, certein peces of mony called Testons valuing thesame at .xii. d. sterl. the pece, and likewise, grotes of thesame bacenes, after the rate of .iiii. d. sterl. the pece. After which time, our said sovereine lord that now is, perceaving, that aswell straungers in forrein partes, as divers lewde persons within this realme, did by reason of the bacenes of thesayde Coine, counterfaict no small quantitie of like mony: His Majestie therefore mynding to remedy thesame, devised and caused to be coined and setfurth, to be currant with in this Realme, and other his dominions, other peces of mony called Shillinges and grotes, under another stampe, likewise valuing thesaid Shillinges, at .xii. d. sterl. the pece, and the grotes at .iiii. d. sterl. the pece.

Forasmuch as this notwithstanding, it hath appered sithens most certainly, unto our said soverein Lorde, and to his highnes counsaill, that not onely divers straungers of beyonde the seas, but also sundry false and naughty Personnes within this Realme, have in like maner, from time to time, counterfaicted and falsely coyned the sayde Shillinges and Grotes, set furthe by our saide Sovereygne Lorde, and with the same counterfaicte and false Monies, in greate and notable Summes, do trafficque and bie al maner of victualles, Wares and other kinde of Merchandizes, gevyng they care not what Prices for the same: Where upon hathe risen one greate and special occasion of so greate dearthe, of all maner of thinges as at this day dothe appere among all men, to the greate losse of his majestie and his subjectes, and to the greate slaunder of the whole Realme, and to the empoverishement of every man in his Degree, that hathe thesame mony, and woulde kepe it in store. His Majestie therefore gratiously considering, with the good advise of the Lordes, and others of the privie counsaill, what greate benefite, commodite and reputation shal arise and folow very shortly after, to the whole body of the realme, if that thesaide Coines wer amended, and brought to such a finenesse, as may make thesame certaine, like as in times past it hathe bene. Albeit that thesayde firste abacement of the Coyne was greatly beneficiall unto his sayde Majesties Father of famous memory, and also to the King our Sovereigne Lorde that nowe is, yet his Majestie considering that this amendement of the coyne shalbe bothe great honor to this Realme, and also a merveilous benefite unto the whole common wealthe, for the bringing doune of the highe prices of all thinges, hathe like a most gratious Prince determined to reforme thesame. And forasmuche as thys can not be broughte to passe onelesse the sayde mony called Shillinges, coyned by his majesty, and grotes coyned both by his majesty, and by the king his father, might be rated at a value, more nere unto the goodnes and finenes of thesame, then now they be rated at, whiche thing taking place, his highnes with al the spede that maye be, determineth to reforme this present coine, and to bring it (with goddes leave) to suche perfect goodnes and finenesse, as shal geve all his loving subjectes greate cause to rejoyce. Therefore his majestie doth ordeine and determine, that from and after the last Day of August now nexte ensuyng, the sayd Shillinges coyned and setfurth by his Majestie, shalbe curraunt within this Realme of Englande, and the towne of Caleis and Marches of the same, for ix. d. sterl. and not above, & the saide grotes at iii. d sterl.& not above And therfore straightly chargeth and commaundeth, al and every person and persons, of what estate, degre or condicion so ever thesame be, to paye and receave after the said last day of August the sayde coynes of Shillinges for. i [...] d. sterl. and thesayd grotes for .iii. d. sterl. And for no higher, or lower price, within this his highnes realme, & the toune of Caleis & Marches of thesame, upon paine of forfeiture to his majesty, of suche somes of mony as shalbe paid or receaved otherwise then by this proclamation is setfurthe, and also upon paine of imprisonment with a further fine to be set upon thoffendors, at his majestes pleasure. Geven the last of Aprill, in the .v. yere of the reigne of our sayd sovereigne Lorde King Edwarde the .vi.

God save the King.
typographus Regius
M. D. LI.
Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum

This is the full version of the original text


coin, proclamation, shilling, war

Source text

Title: A Proclamation Set Furthe By the Kynges Majesty

Author: England and Wales

Publisher: Richardus Grafton

Publication date: 1551

Edition: 2nd Edition

Place of publication: London

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: http://eebo.chadwyck.com/home Bibliographic name / number: STC (2nd ed.) / 7836 Physical description: 1 sheet ([1] p.). Copy from: Society of Antiquaries Reel position: STC / 1874:12

Digital edition

Original author(s): England and Wales

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) tp, whole


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > official legislation

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
