A True Relation of the French Kinge

of the French Kinge his good
succese, in winning from the Duke of Par-
ma, his Fortes and Trenches, and slaieng
500. of his men, with the great Fa-
mine that is now in the sayd
Dukes Campe.

With other intelligences given by other let-
ters since the second of May. 1592.

A most wonderfull and rare example, the like wherof, neuer happened since the beginning of the world, of a certaine mountaine in the Ile of Palme, which burned continually, for fiue or six weeks together, with other both fearful & stra~ge sightes, seene in the ayre, ouer the same place.
Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe, and are
to be sold at his shop, ouer against the South-
dore of Paules. 1592.

PUBLISHED by John Wolfe
[Page 1]

1. A true Relation of the Frenche Kinge his good successe, in winning from the Duke of Parma, his forts and trenches, and slaieng 500. of his men, and the great famine that is now in the sayd Dukes Campe.

Most true it is which the Apostle saint Paule in the 13. to the Romans avoucheth of Kinges and Princes, saieng there is no power but of God, and the powers that bee are ordained by God. And no lesse true is that Golden sayeng of the princelie Prophet David, speking in the person of God: by me kinges rule, and by me doo princes exercise authoritie.

Then it followeth necessarilie, that as kings and princes uppon earth are the ordinance of God, (and therefore those that do resist or rebell against them doo resist the power of God, and purchase themselves eternall damnation, [Page 2] as the same Apostle beareth record: so the Lord will, and dailie dooth (as wee see by experience every daye) blesse the same his ordinaunce, confounding, scattering, and dispersing the practises, or rather the trecherous conspiraces of all those that rise up against his annointed.

Which thing the Lord hath moste notablie perfourmed even the last day upon the French King, that valiant souldiar of his, giving unto him most happie and fortunate successe against the Duke of Parma. Who albeit he be otherwise a man of puissance and valor, yet the Lord our God (blessed be his holie name therfore) to manifest to the worlde, how muche his attempt in aiding the rebellious Leaguers, against their Soveraigne Kinge and liege Lord, dooth displease him, he crosseth him in his actions, and as it were standeth before him, and fighteth against him, sometimes striking a suddaine terror and feare into his heart, with the rest of his complices, and other-sometimes overthrowing them altogither in their owne plats and devises, according to the sayeng of the Psalmist, The wicked hath digged a pitte for others, but is fallen into it himselfe.

But to come to the matter, as it pleased god it fell out thus.

The Duke of Parma having now the second or third time invaded the kingdom of France [Page 3] with a puissant and mightie Armie, with intent to aide the rebellious Leaguers, agaynste their lawfull Kinge, passing the confines, and entring (as it were) into the bowelles of the Realme, approched with his armie neere unto the Cyttie Roane, who beeing pursued by the King and his people, drew himselfe farther off towardes Newhaven, and there hee incamped himselfe, raising most strong Fortes, and erecting (as hee thought) trenches invincible for his owne and his souldiers better defence: yea so stronglie had he intrenched himselfe there, planting ordinance, Baricadoes, and other militarie munition of infinite varietie, that hee thought himselfe not onelye able to countervaile what strength the king should be able to bende against him, but also he supposed himselfe to be in effect inexpugnable.

But as the prophet Esaias saith, there is no wisedome, there is no pollycie, there is no power, nor strength against the Lord, nor against his annointed.

For the King by secret intelligences or spials, beeing advertised of the Duke his proceedings, and how stronglie he had fortified him selfe in Trenches and bulwarks, with all possible speed marched towardes him, taking with him such a competent number of horssemen, and footmen, as he thought sufficient to withstand the forces of the adversarie.

[Page 4]

Being come somewhat neere the place, he caused his armie to march forwarde both leasurelie and advisedlie, the better to prevent secret ambushes: and viewing with providente eie the manner of his enimies lyeng, their Fortes, their trenches, and other their munytions, at the last with mature advise, and most peremptorie resolution (as one that fighteth the Lords battels) in most fierce manner assailed his enimies on everie side.

And albeit the fight was both long and cruell, and seemed a great while to hang in equall ballance, neither inclining unto the one nor to the other, yet it pleased God, who continually fighteth for his servantes, that the Kinge prevayled.

And although he had not in his band so manie as the Enimie was by oddes, yet he wanne the Duke of Parma his Fortes and Trenches, mauger the heads of all his enimies, and forced his men to flie back and to retire to a more narrower place, beeing constrained to fortifie themselves anew, in such place as they coulde get on the suddaine, and it is verilye thought that they can not be able to holde out longe against the forces of the King.

The Duke of Parma also (such was the mightie hand of God against him) not onelye loste his fortes and trenches, but 500. of his chiefest souldiers also, besides other munition & great [Page 5]spoiles.

The Duke is nowe presentlie so driven to the wall, and so corbed up, al hope of new supplies of viandes or victuals, being in some sorte intercepted and cut off from him, that he with his whole armie are so sore assailed with famin, as that they are forced to eate their horsses for verie hunger.

Thus haste thou heard Gentle Reader the noble exploits of that valiant King of France, with his good successe (which God continue:) and the present state of the duke of Parma with his retinue, whose hande the Lorde of Hostes shorten, and strengthen that illustrious and renoumed French King, that he may fighte the Lords Battels still, that once (if it be his blessed will) poperie, superstition and Idolatrie maye bee cleane rooted out, and true religion maie universally be planted in all Christian Kingedomes of the worls, Amen.

[Page 6]

ON Thursday last beyng the seven and twentith day of April,1592.The Duke of Parma did go away by night toCleere,which is within four league of Roane,without anie drumme or trumpet founding,and on the next daie being Friday,the king followed him with a number of hys horsemen,to move him to the battaile. The Duke left behind him his artillerie, and his baggage.

On the Saterday before, the king had taken the Dukes Trenches, and one Fort which hee had made,and at the same time there was about eight hundred of the Dukes menne slaine.

The Duke of Savoy,hath been forced to retire out of Provence.

[Page 7]

The citie of Aix, which held for the said Duke of Savoie, who maried the king of Spain his daughter is revolted from him,and now presentlie houldeth for the king.

The Muscovites have given a great overthrow to the Tartarians.

There is in Germanie some rumor of civill wars amongest themselves.

Cicilia and Italie doo feare an another great dearth this next yeare.


This is a selection from the original text


ammunition, battle, horses, hunger, victuals

Source text

Title: A True Relation of the French Kinge

Author: Anon

Publisher: John Wolfe

Publication date: 1592

Edition: 2nd Edition

Place of publication: London

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: http://eebo.chadwyck.com/home Bib name / number: STC (2nd ed.) / 13147 Bib name / number: Early English books tract supplement interim guide / C.132.h.25[24] Physical description: [2], 18 p. Copy from: British Library

Digital edition

Original author(s): Anon

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) Tp, 1-6.


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > pamphlets

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
