By the King a further proclamation prohibiting the exportation of corne and graine
By the King.
A further Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation
of Corne and Graine.
PUBLISHED BY Robert Barker
WHereas in pursuance of the many good Lawes and Statutes heretofore made and established, prohibiting the Exportation of Corne and Graine, We did by Our Proclamation bearing date the thirteenth day of June now last past, for the reasons therein expressed, prohibite and forbid the same. Neverthelesse, Wee are informed that notwithstanding Our former Proclamation, and the Orders since made to that purpose, and all the care and strict courses which have been taken by the Lords of Our Privie Councel by Our speciall Command, to prevent the Exportation of Corne into forreigne parts in this time of Dearth, divers persons for their owne private lucre and gaine, have, and doe presume to Export the same: Wherefore Wee have thought fit once more, by, and with the advice of the Lords and others of Our Privie Councell, to publish and declare Our Royall Will, Pleasure, and Command herein. And Wee doe hereby straitly charge, prohibite and command, That no person or persons whatsoever, shall, or doe from henceforth attempt, presume, or goe about to Transport, Export, or send away any Corne or Graine whatsoever, out of this Our Realme of England, or Dommion of Wales, or from any the Ports, Havens, or Creekes of the same, into any the parts beyond the Seas, untill Our Royall pleasure be further declared to the contrary, although the prices of such Corne or Graine shall fall out to be under the rate limited by the Statute for Transportation of Corne and Graine in that behalfe, any former Licence, or other Command whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding, upon paine of forfeiture of all such Corne and Graine so to bee shipped to be exported or transported contrary to Our Royall commandement herein expressed, and also upon such further Paines, Penalties, Punishments, and Imprisonments, as by any the Lawes and Statutes of this Our Realme, or by Our Prerogative Royall can or may be inflicted upon the offenders in this behalfe. And for the better execution of Our will and pleasure herein, Wee doe hereby straitly charge, will, require and command, all and singular Our Customers, Comptrollers, Collectors, Searchers, Waiters, and all other the Officers & ministers of all and every Our Customhouses and Ports of this Our Kingdome, that they and every of them, doe not, upon paine of Our high indignation and displeasure, & losse of their places and Offices, permit or suffer any Corne or Graine to be shipped to be exported or transported as aforesayd, but shal and will forthwith seize the same as forfeited to Us. And for the better encouragement of all such as shall take care and paines to make such discoveries, Our will and pleasure is, that every such person that shall be the first discoverer of such offender, shall be rewarded with the moitie, or one halfe of such Corne, or summes of money as shall come unto Us by vertue of any forfeiture incurred upon this Our Proclamation. And Wee doe further hereby will and command, All Maiors, Sheriffes, Justices of Peace, and other Officers and ministers within this Our Realme of England, and all other person and persons, of what degree, quality or place soever, to whom it shall appertaine, to take notice of this Our Royal Command, and to see the same duely observed, as they tender Our pleasure, and will avoid Our heavy indignation and displeasure for the contrary. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the five and twentieth day of March, in the sixt yeere of Our Reigne.
God save the King.