Fons Lachrymarum, or, A Fountain of Tears
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Introductory notes
[Page] [Page] Fons Lachrymarum;
From whence doth flow
Englands Complaint,
Jeremiah's Lamentations
Divine Meditations;
Upon that Son of Valor
Written by JOHN QUARLES.
London, Printed for Nathaniel Brooks,
at the Angel in Cornhill. 1649.
PUBLISHED FOR Nathaniel Brooks
illustrious Prince
IF the Current of my affections force me against the Rocks of presumption, I humbly crave the assistance of Your gracious [Page]pardon: The extent of my ambition is to prostitute at Your Highnesses feet the first fruits of an Orchard, which I planted in Flaunders, during the time of my banishment, and now have brought them into Englandto be press'd for growing in a strange Country; J confess, the fruit is green, and sowre, and cannot ripen till it feel the Sunshine of Your Princely eye; nor sweeten, till Your approbation shall be pleased to afford them a liking, and that liking honor [Page]them with a free acceptance. There is nothing that can make me esteem my self unhappy, but that the severity of these timeswill not permit me to tender Your Highness that service which my heart is ambitious to perform, and my duty binds me to acknowledg: J have nothing that I can stile my own but a fidelious heart, which shall always pray for Your prosperity; and that Your successes may (like waves) ride in one upon the back of another; and that at last You [Page]may, like the Sunne, break through the Clouds of Opposition, and once more shine in your proper Hemisphere: Heaven season Your Royal Heart with the Principles of Wisdom, and grant that You may not HideYour Counsels in the Bosoms of them that honour You with their Lips, when their Heartsare far from You. These are the serious and fervent Prayers of him, that desires to live no longer then he is willing to devote [Page]himself to Your Highnesses Commands, and is
most obliged
I Here present to thy view a Fountain, from which doth flow, Complaints, Lamentations, and Meditations, three Necessaries for these Times. Never were Complaints more frequent, then they are in this age of obduracy and oppression; Nor Lamentations more requisite, then in these Lachrymable Times; Nor Meditations more commendable, then [Page] in these days of uncertainty. Reader, I shall desire thee to pass by the errors of the Press, which are now too late to correct: Had not the perversness of these times debarred me from coming to the Press, the Printers Mistakes had not been so numerous. For my own part, I have nothing to boast of, but this that I am confident the judicious Reader will pardon the weakness of my endeavors, and know, that the tallest Cedars were but twigs at first.
My dear Friend the
My much esteemed Friend the
On his Book, intituled,
Fons Lachrymarum.
1.1.1. Englands Complaint.
1.1.2. Englands Petition to Heaven.
1 The miserable estate of Jerusalem by reason of her sins, 12 She complaineth of her grief, 18 and confesseth Gods judgments to be righteous.
HOw doth the City, that was blest of lateWith store of people, now lament her state?How like a poor distressed widow sheDeplores her sorrows, that was wont to beGreat among Nations? greater far then any;How tributary is she now to many?
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She drowns her blushing cheeks with midnight tears,And from her lovers can obtain no pray'rs:Her friends, arm'd all with treachery, ariseAnd shew themselves her publique enemies:
Spurr'd with affliction, Judah's forc'd to fly,And throw her self into Captivity;B cause of sense consuming servitudeShe dwells amongst the Heathen multitude:Her Foes o'retook her when she was distrest;Well might she wish for, but could take no rest.
Sion is with redoubled grief surpriz'd,Because her feasts by none are solemniz'd:Her Gates are fill'd with desolation, andHer Virgins tortur'd with afflictions hand:Her Priests with sighs, heart-breakingsighs, expressTheir grief: Ah Sion's fill'd with bitterness!
Her chiefest people are her chiefest foes;Just Heav'n with these innumerable woesPlagues her transgressions; and the enemyDrives her dear Children to Captivity.
And that rare beauty, which adorn'd and grac'dSions dear daughter, is of late defac'd:Her Princes fly, and ransack all about,Like hungry Harts, to finde a pasture out:They all are fled, and flying, can procureNo strength t'oppose the merciless pursuer.
But when Jerusalem was thus confin'dT'afflictions lawless bounds, she call'd to mindeHer by past pleasures, and those days which she
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For now her crying sins are grown so great,That Heav'n hath thrown her from his mercies seat:All those that lov'd her, yea and highly priz'd her,Seeing her shameful nakedness, despis'd her:She sighs & turns her back, as though she'd borrowA private breath t'express a publique sorrow:
For being fill'd with wickedness, Her endShe never thought of, neither had she friendTo comfort her: O Lord my God, beholdMy great afflictions: Ah my foe grows bold,
And magnifies himself: His stretch'dout handHath spoyld the pleasures of my fruitful Land:The very Heathen, whom thou didst denyCongregation, do contemn, defieThy just commands; and with unseemly pacesInforce an entrance to thy holy places.
Her bread-desiring people, fill'd with grief,Give their chief treasures for a small relief:Behold, O Lord, consider my distress,For I am vile, and fill'd with wickedness.
Oh stop your hasty feet, ye that pass by,And look upon my new-bred misery;Sum up the totals of all grief, then borrowA million more; 'Tis nothing to that sorrowWhich I support, wherewith the angry powerHath pleas'd t'afflict me in His wrathful hour:
For he from his all-ruling throne hath sentInto my bones a fiery Government:Yea, and his ever-active hand hath set,[Page 32]And I am desolate, and fainting lie;Being turn'd from him, am turn'd to misery.
Fast to my servile neck He hath bound onThe wreathed yoke of my transgression;Impair'd my strength, and by His just commands'm thrown into my persecutors hands,Where I, remorsless I, must still remain,Voyd of all hope to be enlarg'd again.
His unresisted strength hath broke the bones,And made a footstool of my Mighty Ones:A great Assembly He hath call'd that mayPunish my youngmen that will not obey;And Judahs fairest Virgin Daughter's trodAs in a winepress by th' Almighty God.
And O these sorrows, O these miseriesStir up a tempest in my clouded eyes!Mine eyes, mine eyes, run o're, I dayly spendMore tears then any brain can apprehend:My foes prevail, my children all are ledInto Captivity, my hopes are fled.
Sion spreads forth her feeble arms t'expressShe seeks for comfort, but is comfortless.The Lord of hoasts commands that Jacobs eyesShall round about him see his enemies;And poor despis'd, distrest JerusalemIs as a menstruous woman amongst them.
My God is just, yet I, rebellious I,Transgrest against his glorious Majesty:O hear my people, let your ears but borrowA minutes time, from Time, to hear my sorrow![Page 33]My Virgins and my young men all are fled
Into Captivity; my Priests are dead:My Friends refuse to hear me when I call;For want of food my hungry Elders fall.
O Lord, behold, see how I am opprest,My heart thumps at the portals of my brest:Oh I have sinned, and my sins indite me;Abroad the Sword, at home grim Death affrights me.
My friends have heard my groaning, and my griefIs known to them; But I know no relief:My foes with clamorous voyces fill the Earth,And make my grief the subject of their mirth:But Heav'n hath nam'd a day when these my foesShall be Copartners in my mock'd at woes.
O God, let not their faults be hid from thee,But deal with them as thou hast dealt with me:My heart is faint, my struggling sighs are many,My griefs too great to be exprest by any.
1.2.2. Meditatio in Capitulum.
1.3. CHAP. II.
1 Jeremiah lamenteth the misery of Jerusalem. 20 He complaineth thereof to God.
BEhold! Heav'ns Metropolitan hath spreadHis gloomy clouds of anger on the headOf sad Jerusalem: He hath destroy'dThose bounteous treasures Israel enjoy'd;And from his mem'ry hath his footstool thrown,When he with floods of anger was o'reflown.
And Jacobs habitations he unfram'd,And wrathfully consum'd them: Thus inflam'dThe strongest Castles Judahs Daughter had,He tumbled down, and made her people sad:And he, to shew what his grand power could do,Defil'd the Kingdom and the Princes too.His twoedg'd passion hath cut off the hornAnd Chief of Israel, made him a scorn
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To his deriding Foes, and also stayd,Yea and withdrawn his right hand from his ayd:His fury like an all consuming flameBurn'd against Jacob, and devour'd his name.
His wrestless arm hath bent his yeelding bow;He stood resolved like a dauntless foe:And in the Tabernacle he hath flewThe eyes delight, like fire his anger flew.
He threw down Israels strongest scituations,And fill'd Jerusalem with lamentations.
And like a fruitless garden hath layd voydTh' infected Tabernacle. and destroy'dTh' Assemblies structures; and an angry windHath blown their Feasts and Sabbaths from his mind;Both Kings & Priests in anger he forgot,And look'd on them as if he saw them not.
His holy places, and his Altar heAbhor'd; and gave unto the EnemieHer fairest Palaces: their illtun'd voyces,As on a feastday, fill'd the Church with noises.
His hand stretch'd forth a line, when he intendedTo ruine Sion that so much offended:He hath resolv'd destruction; therefore allThe rampart languish'd with the gliding wall.
He hath destroy'd, and batter'd down her grates,The gaping Earth imbowel'd all her GatesHer King and Princes dwell with Gentiles; andHer Laws are banish'd from her lawless LandHer Prophets gaze about; the frowning skiesDo represent no vision to their eyes.
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Her mournful Elders on the ground repose,And silently consent unto their woes:They cloth'd themselves with sackcloth, and they crown'dTheir heads with dust they borrowed from the ground:No joys were pleasing to the eys of themThat were the Virgins of Jerusalem.
My bowels yern, my teardistilling eyesAre sore with gazing on the miseriesOf frail Jerusalem: Alas, the feetOf her dear sucklings stagger in the street!
And like the wounded in the City, sendTheir sighs for food unto their dearest friend:And whilst they slumbred on their mothers brest,They pour'd their Souls into eternal rest.
What shall I witness for thee, O thou Gem,Thou pining Daughter of Jerusalem?To what shall I compare thee? What can be,Sions Daughter, equal unto thee?Let all the world recure thee, if they can;For Ah, thy breach is like the Ocean!
Alas, thy purblind Prophets all have beenHoodwink'd with folly, & vain things have seen:But ne'er discover'd thine iniquity,Which was the cause of thy captivity.Their misinformed senses were contentTo see false Reasons for thy Banishment.
All that past by, and saw thee thus decaying,Clapt their rude hands, yea hist at thee, thus saying;
Is this the City that the wordlings callBeauties perfection? This the joy of all?[Page 40]Thy foes revile thee, and as they pass byThey gnash their teeth against thee; thus they cry,This is the day we look'd for, now we knowShe is destroy'd, we see her overthrow.
That which the King of Heav'n devised, nowHe hath enacted and fulfil'd his vow:He hath thrown down without remorse, O see,Thy adversaries triumph over thee.This hath th' Almighty done for them, at lengthHe made the~ strong, yea & advanc'd their strength.
They mov'd the Lord with their uncessant cries;O wall of Sions daughter, let thine eyesRun down like rivers, give thy self no sleep;Forget to smile, and practise how to weep.
Arise, and in the silent night bemoanThy grief; O cry unto th' Almighty One:In the beginning of the watch imploreThy growing sorrows; make a flood beforeTh' Eternals face: O crave that he would pleaseTo sent thy young, faint, hungry children ease.
Consider Lord, to whom thou'st done this great, lieThis unrepented ill: Shall women eatTheir spanlong children? Shall thy slain PriestsTomb'd with thy Prophet in thy Sanct'ary?
The young and old have shar'd in equal harms,They lie and tumble in each others arms:Upon the flinty streets my Virgins fall,With my young men; the sword disliv'd them all:Thus in thine anger hast thou struck them dead,Thus hast thou kill'd, and never pitied.
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As in a solemn day, my terrors roundAbout thou'st called, so that none was foundIn the Lords day of anger to remain:Those that I swadled and brought up, in vainI brought them up; the enemy infum'dEnvy'd this off-spring, and their days consum'd.
1.4. Meditatio in Capitulum.
1.5. CHAP. III.
1 The faithful bewail their calamities. 22 By the mercies of God they nourish their hopes. 37 They acknowledg Gods Justice. 55 They pray for deliverance, 64 and vengeance on their enemies.
'TIs I have seen affliction by the rod,Th' impetuous anger of the wrathful God.
He with a pitchy darkness mask'd my sight,And hath not cloth'd me with the robes of light.
He turn'd his hand against me all the day;
He broke my bones, and made my flesh decay.
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His lab'ring fury hath built up a wallAgainst me, and surrounded me with gall.
In dungeon places he me set, like thoseWhich in their graves have had a long repose.
And he hath made my toilsom chains to beHeavy; He hedg'd me from my libertie.
And when I shout and cry he will not hear,But makes my pray'r a stranger to his ear.
He hath inclosed me with stones that stayMy hasty steps, he hath incurv'd my way.
And as a lurking Bear observes my paces,Or as a Lion in the secret places.
He turn'd me from my ways, disturb'd my state,Pull'd me in pieces, made me desolate.
He bent his Bow, and made my trembling heartThe aym'dat object of his fatal dart.
He caus'd his quivered guests t'inforce my veins,And take a large possession in my reins.
I was my peoples laughing stock, their songWas tuned to my mischief all day long.
He fill'd me full of bitterness and wo,And made me drunk with nauseous wormwood too.
He brake my teeth with gravel stones, and heWith heaps of ashes hath involved me.
Banish'd my Soul from Peace, ProsperityIs quite relapsed from my memory.
said, my strength, my very hope is evenWasted and perish'd from the Lord of Heav'n.
Ponder my woes, and my afflictions all,Remember both the honey and the gall.
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These things do still in my remembrance rest,And ah, my Soul is humbled in my brest!
This I recall to my swiftroving mind,Therefore I hope, and hoping, hope to find.
It is the mercy of the Lord we sailSo safe; for his compassions never fail.
They're every morning new; thy faithfulnessIs great, and greater then I can express.
The Lord's my portion, saith my Soul; and IWill therefore hope unto Eternity.
And that just Soul, which day
'Tis good that man should hope and wait uponTh' Almighties pleasure and salvation.
'Tis good for man to exercise the truth,And bear the yoke of his offending youth.
He sits alone, and silently makes known,He bears no other burthen then his own.
His humbled mouth salutes the dusty ground,As if some hopes of mercy may be found.
He's fill'd with shame, he willingly invitesT'a second stroke the hand of him that smites.
For they that strive, and really endeavor,God will not leave, nor cast them off for ever.
He will have pity, though he sends a grief;In multitudes of mercy lies relief.
He doth not punish, nor augment the smartOf sinners children with a willing heart.
His feet take no delight to crush to deathTh' offending pris'ners of th' inferior earth.
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To turn away mans right (his heart abhors)Before the face of their superiors.
And to subvert a man in his just cause,The Lord approveth not, 'tis not his Laws.
And who is he whose spend-thrift tongue dare say,This thing shall come to pass, when Heav'n says nay?
Out of the mouth of him that's God indeedThere doth not evil, but known good proceed.
Why doth a living man with grumbling thoughtsComplain as one that's punisht for his faults?
Let's search, let's try our ways, let's turn againTo God, and he will turn away our pain.
And let our hands b'extended with our SoulsTo Heav'ns Star-chamber, where our God controuls.
We have rebelliously transgrest, and thou,Thou hast not pard'ned with a cheerful brow.
Thine anger hath o'reshadowed us, thou hastSlain without pity, we thy anger taste.
Th' ast vail'd thy self with clouds, which will not letOur prayers pass thorough to discharge our debt.
And as th' off-scouring thou, O Lord, hast made us 45Amongst those factious people that betray'd us.
Our greedy enemies have op'ned wideTheir mouths against us, and our pains deride.
Fear, like a snare, incloses us about,And desolation will not keep without.
Mine eyes run down like hasty floods of water,For the destruction of my peoples Daughter.
Mine eyes are full, and tears do stream uponMy cheeks without an intermission:
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Till Heav'n look'd down on my enriver'd face,And view'd my weeping from his holy place.
Mine eyes affect my pining heart with pity,Because of all the Daughters of my City.
And causless (like a frighted bird that flies)I still am chased by my enemies.
They have destroy'd me in the dungeon, nayThey cast a stone upon me where I lay.
Th' imperious waves mounted above my head,And then I cry'd, Alas, alas, I'm dead.
I call'd upon thy Name (O Lord;) my voyceOut of the dungeon made a dreadful noise.
Th' ast heard my cries, Oh let thy ears not lieHid from the breathing of my doleful cry.
And in that day when I on thee did call,Thou cam'st, and bid me never fear at all.
And when my Soul (O Lord) was fil'd with strife,Thou didst both plead my cause, and save my life,
And thou hast plainly seen my wrong'd estate;Judg thou my cause, be thou my Advocate.
For thou hast seen their vengeance, thou dost seeTheir deep imaginations against me.
Thou their reproach hast heard, and apprehendedWhat against me their busie thoughts intended.
Thou know'st the very lips of them that roseAgainst me, and the malice of my foes.
Behold their sitting and their rising, IAm all their musick, and their melody.
Render to them a recompence, O God,And let them feel thy handywork, thy rod.
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O give them grief of heart; O let them burstWith dregs of sorrow, let them be accurst.
And let thy angry persecuting handDestroy, confound, and sweep them from the Land.
1.5.2. Meditatio in Capitulum.
1.6. CHAP. IV.
1 Sion bewaileth her pitiful estate: 13 She confesseth her sins. 21 Edom is threatned. 22 Si+on is comforted.
HOw is the gold grown dim! how is the fineThe purest changed, that was wont to shineThe stones that pav'd the Sanct'ary are thrownInto the streets, for beasts to trample on.
The sons of Sion, which I could compareTo finest gold, behold, see now they areEsteem'd as earthen pitchers, which the handsOf the industrious Potter still commands.
The ill-shap'd monsters, which the Ocean ownsAs proper guests, nourish their little ones:But ah, my Daughters are grown pitiless,Like Ostriches within the wilderness.
The wordless tongues of thirsty children cleaveTo their unliquid mouths; they never leaveTheir integrating cries: Poor hearts in vainThey cry for food, but can no food obtain.
And they that fed upon delicious sweets,Are desolate in the unquiet streets:[Page 53]They that were brought up in a scarlet dress,Embrace a dunghil as their happiness.
For ah, my peoples Daughter suffers moreFor her great sins, then Sodom did before.
Her beautified Nazarites could showA purer white then milk, whiter then snow;Their bodies then the rubies were more red,With shining Saphire were they polished.
But now their changed visages excelThe coal in blackness; they that knew them well,Now know them not: their flesh adheres & sticks:Unto their bones, they are like with'red sticks:
Those that are ravisht of their fading breathBy the encountring sword, enjoy a deathTranscending theirs, whose lingring souls are pindeFor want of food: Ah Famine's never kinde!
The woful women boyl their young, they haveTurn'd their own fruitful bellies to a grave.
The Lord hath now accomplished his ire,Pour'd out his streaming anger, caus'd a fireTo flame in Sion, which devour'd and laydThose buildings waste, which their own hands had made,
The wisest Kings, nor the worlds copious NationsDid ever think to see these great invasionsOf the unbridled foe, whose head-long coursesDivides her gates with their divided forces.
The Priests & Prophets crimeless blood have shed;Their sins drew down this mischief on their head.
Like those they wander, whose benighted eyesAttract no light from the all-lightning skies:[Page 54]They have themselves polluted, so that none.Can touch their clothes; they are with blood o'reflown.
The people cry, depart, what do ye mean?Depart, depart, touch not, it is unclean:The Heathen, as they fled together, cry'd,With us they shall not sojourn, nor abide.
Gods anger hath divided them; he neverWill love them more, but cast them off for ever:They dis-respected Priests, and they forgotThe gravest Elders, whom they pitied not.
But as for us, our helpbeguiled eyesFail'd us as yet, no comfort would ariseTo us; we watch'd for Nations, but their pow'rCould not protect us from so great a showre.
They hunt our steps, our oftextended feetCannot divide their paces in the street:Our end is neer, and our days total sumIs now fulfil'd, for now our end is come.
Our persecuters, our tormentors areSwifter then Eagles that enforce the ayr:Upon the mountains they pursu'd us; They,To trap our feet, in ambushcado lay.
Those pits, which they for ruine have appointed,Inclos'd our Souls delight, the Lords Anointed;Under whose shadow we shall live, we said,Amongst the Heathens; thus are we dismay'd.
O Edoms daughter, now stretch out thy voyce,Be glad; and for a time in Uz rejoyce:This cup shall pass along to thee, thou shaltBe drunk and naked, 'cause thou didst revolt.
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Thy plagues expire, O Sions daughters! heNo more will lead thee to captivity:But Edom, O lament, lift up thine eyes,For Heav'n will visit thy iniquities.
1.6.2. Meditatio in Capitulum.
1.7. CHAP. V.
REmember, Lord, what's come upon us; see,Ponder the greatness of our infamy.
Strangers inherit that which is our due,Our habitation's turn'd to aliens too.
For we are Orphans, and all fatherless,Our Mothers are as Widows in distress.
We buy our water, (O unhappy fate!)And purchase fuel at too dear a rate.
Our necks are persecuted and unblest,And still we labor, but obtain no rest.
Unto the Egyptians we our hand have spread,Desiring to be satisfied with bread.
Our buried fathers sin'd in former times,And we have born the burthen of their crimes
Servants have rul'd us, and there's none that willDeliver us, but let them rule us still.
With peril of our lives we have obtain'dOur bread, because the sword was unrestrain'd.
Our skins are black, like to an oven, and dry,Because the Famine caus'd a Tyranny.
Sion and Judahs daughter have been ledAway, and violently ravished.
Princes are hang'd up by the hands; the facesOf Elders have no honor but disgraces.
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They made the young men grinde; the children bloodFainted beneath the burthen of their wood.
The Elders at their gates did not abide,The young mens musick too is layd aside.
The joy is ceas'd which was our hearts relief,Our active dancing's turn'd to passive grief.
The crown is fallen from our heads; and wo,Wo be to us that have offended so.
Our hearts are faint, and our suffused eyesAre dim, because of these calamities.
Because that Sions mountain's desolate,The foxes walk thereon to recreate
Themselves: But thou, O Lord, shalt sit on highUpon thy Throne, unto Eternity.
Wherefore dost thou forsake us, and demureThy self so long from us, that seem secure:
Turn thou, and we are turn'd; Lord we imploreRenew our days, as thou hast done before.
But thou hast quite rejected us, and thouBeholdst thy servants with an angry brow.
1.7.2. Meditatio in Capitulum.
1.8.2. Quis miserior quàm qui suam nescit miseriam?
1.8.3. Surgit post nubila Phoebus.
1.8.4. Contenta vita est summa foelicitas.
1.8.5. Pax una triumpha est.
2.1. A DISCOURSE between the SOUL and WORLD.
2.2. A DISCOURSE between the SOUL and FAITH.
2.3. Another DISCOURSE Between the SOUL and FAITH.
2.5. Roganti dabitur.
2.6. Pulsanti aperietur.
3.1. AN
Upon that Son of Valor
Who was shot to Death by the Command of the Counsel of War, before COLCHESTER.
WHen my serious thoughts reflected upon the Death of so worthy a person, I could not but privately deplore so publique a loss; and being importuned by his virtues, and my own sorrow, I gave my pen the priviledg (assisting it with the uttermost of my power) to compose this Elegious Poem upon his Death, which I cannot expect will be consonant to all humors, but only to them that love Loyalty. (Reader) I shall desire thee to let the strength of thy goodness pardon the weakness of him that is
3.2. AN ELEGY.
4.2. AN ELEGIE Upon the Death of my dear Friend Mr ROBERT REASON Who quitted this life the 13. NOVEMBER, 1646.
By J.Q.