Anno primo & secundo Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament

Anno Primo & secundo Philippi
& Mariae.

made at a Parliament, begon
and holden at Westminster, the .xii.
daye of November, in the fyrste
and seconde yeare of the reigne of
our soveraygne Lorde, and Lady
Philip and Mary, by the grace of
God, kinge & Quene of England,
Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and
Ireland, defendours of the fayth,
Princes of Spayne and Cycilie,
Archedukes of Austria, dukes of
Myllayn, Burgondie, and Bra
band, counties of Haspurge, Flaun
ders and Tyroll, and there conti
nued and kept to the dissolution
of the same, beynge the .xvi.
day of Januarye then next
ensuynge, were enacted
as foloweth.
Cum privilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

PUBLISHED BY Johannis Cawodi

The Table.

AN act touchyng letters patentes, and other writynges to be sygned by the quenes Majestie. Ca. i.
An act for the reformation of excesse in apparel. Cap. ii.
An act against seditious wordes and rumours. cap. iii.
An act for the punishment of certayne persons callinge themselves Egiptians. Cap. iiii.
An acte to restrayne caryinge of corne, victuals, and woode, over the Sea. Cap. v.
An act for the revivynge of three estatutes, made the punyshement of heresyes. Cap. vi.
An act that persons dwellyng in the countrey shall not sell dyvers wares in cytyes and Townes corporate by retayle. Cap. vii.
An act repealing al statutes, articles, and provisions, made agaynst the sea apostolyke of Rome, synce the twenty yeare of kynge Henry theyght, and also for the establishement of al spiritual, & ecclesiastical possessions, and hereditamentes conveyed to the laytye. Cap. viii.
An act for the punishment of trayterous words agaynst ye quenes majesty. Cap. ix.
An act wherby certayne offences be made treasons, and also for the governement of the kynges and Quenes Majestyes issue. Cap. x.
An act for the punishment of bryngynge in of counterfeyt coyne of forreyne realmes, being curraunte within this realme, Cap. xi.
An acte touching the impoundyng of distresses. Cap. xii.
An act appoyntyng in order to Justyces of peace, touchyng ye bailement of prysoners. Cap, xiii.
An act for the makyng of russels satens, sattens reverses, and fustian of Naples in Norwyche. Cap. xiiii.
An acte to confirme the liberties of the lord Marchers in Wales. Cap. xv.
An act for the continuaunce of certayne statutes. Cap. xvi.
An act touching leases hereafter to be made by certayne spirituall persons. Cap. xvii.
[Page vii]

1. An acte to restrayne carriing of corne, victuals, and woodde over the sea.
The .v. Chapyter.

WHere as sundrye good estatutes and lawes hath bene made within this realme in the tyme of the Queenes highnes most noble progenitours that none shuld transporte, carye or conveye oute of thys realme into anye place in the partyes beyond the seas any corne, butter chese or other victuall (excepte onelye for the vitaling of the towne of Caleys, Hames, & Guysnes, and the marches of the [Page] same, upon dyverse greate paynes and forfeytures in the same conteyned, that notwithstandyng many and sundrye covetous and unsacyable persones, sekyng their onely lucres, and gaines, hath, and dayelye doeth cary and conveigh innumerable quantitie, aswel of corne, chese, butter, and othe [...]victual, as of woode out thys realme, into the parties beyonde the seas. By reason whereof the sayd corne, vyctuall & wood are growen unto a wonderfull dearthe, and extreame pryces, to the greate detriment of the Commonwealth of this your hyghnes realme and your faythfull subjectes of the same.

For remedy whereof, it may please youre hyghnes that it maye bee enacted, and be it enacted by youre highnes by thassente of the lordes spirituall and temporall, and the commons in this present parlyament assembled, and by thauctoritie of the same, that no maner of personne or personnes, after the .xx. daye of January next commynge shall carye & transporte out of this realme by anye Shippe, Craier, or other vessell, whatsoever, into anye place in the parties beyonde the seas, or into the realme of Scotlande, any wheate, rye, barley, or other corne or grain, growing within this Realme, or anye malte made within the same, or any bere, butter, chese, herrynge, or wodde, excepte onely to and for the victualing and furniture of the townes of Callys, Hames, and Guysnes, and to the towne of Ba [...]wycke and the marches of the same, wyth out sufficient and lawefull aucthoritie so to do, upon the paines and penalties hereafter ensuinge, that is to saye, thowner and owners of the say de shyppes and other vesseles, to forfeyte the sayde shyppes, crayers and other vesseles, with al their apparels, to them and everye of them belongyng, wherein the sayde corne, butter, chese, herrynge, vyctuall, or wodde, shalbe so transported and caryed, and the owners and owner of the sayde corne, butter, chese, hearynge, and wodde to forfeyte the double valewe of the same, so caried and conveyed, and the mayster and mareners of every of the sayde shippes craiers, and vessells for everye suche offence, to forfeyte all their goodes, and to be imprysoned, by the space of one whole yeare without bayle or maynepryse.

And be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde, that yf anye person or persones, after the sayde twenty day of January do cary and conveye awaye by Boote, Crayer, or other vessell, or otherwyse anye wheate, rye, barleye, malte, or other corne or grayne, or any beare, butter, chese, herryng, or wodde to anye Shyppe or vessell beynge on the Seas, or within any Haven, creke, or other place of the border of thys Realme to be transported, caried, and conveyed into anye place in the parties beyonde the Seas, or into the realme of Scotlande, wythout sufficient aucthoritie so to doo, that then every owner of the sayde vyctualls corne, and other thynges above sayde soo transported or caryed and the owner and owners of everye suche bote or Vessell, and the botemen and mareners of the same shall loose, forfeyte, and suffer all [Page viii] suche forfaytures, paynes, and penaltyes as is above rehearsed, thone moytye of all, and every whiche forfayture or forfaytures, to be to the Kynge and Queenes hyghnes, theyre heyres and successours, and thother moytie to hym or them, that wyll sue for the same by byll, information, action of debte, or otherwyse in anye of the Kynge and Queenes hyghnes courtes of recorde, in whiche action, byll, or suite, the defendaunte shall not wage hys lawe, nor have any essoygne or protectyon to hym allowed.

And be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde, that yf any person or persons shall obtayne of the kynge and Queenes majesties, their heyres or successoures, or of any of them, any licence to cary and transporte any corne, victuall, or wodde, into any parties beyonde the seas, that if he or they, to whome any such licence, shalbe graunted, or any other, to whome such person or persones, havynge such licence, shall gyve, graunt or [...]ell his or their said licence unto, shall cary, and conveye or cause to be caried and conveyed any more corne, victuall, or woodde then shalbe conteined in hys or their sayd licence shall forfeyte the treble value of the sayde corne, victuall, or woode so caried and transported, wythoute sufficient authoritie, and shall suffer imprisonment for one whole yeare in the common gaole, where he shalbe apprehended, there to remayne without bayle or maynepryse.

And be it further enacted by thaucthorite aforesayde, that no maner of person or persones, after the sayde .xx. day of January, that shall obteyne, or have any such licence for transportynge and carienge anye corne victuall or wodde, into any parties beyonde the seas, shal shippe lade, and fraughte the same, or anye parte thereof, at sondrye places within this realme, but at one place certayne, upon payne of forfeyture of the sayde corne, victuall & wodde, and all his goods & cattels thone moytie there of to the Kynge and Quenes majesties, their heires and successours, and thother moytie to him or them that wyll sue for the same by action of debte, byll playnt information or otherwyse, wherein no wager of lawe, essoygne or protection shalbe to hym or them allowed.

And for the better executyon of this acte, be it further enacted by the aucthorytie aforesayde, that all and synguler Justyces of peace, as well within the liberties as withoute, within their severall aucthorityes and commyssions at any tyme, with in three yeares nexte after suche offences committed, shall have full power and aucthorytie to enquire as well by the othes of twelve lawfull men, as also to heare and examyne the mayster, maistres, and mareners of the sayd shyppes, crayers, & other [...]essels, and all, and everye other persone and persones, of all, and synguler thoffenders agaynst this presente Acte, and to heare and determine the same offences, as they maye, and ought to here and determine any other trespasses, or offences.


Provyded alwayes, and be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde, that at all time and tymes hereafter, when the common price of corne within this realme is, that wheate shall not exceade the pryce of .vi. s. viii. d. the quarter, and rye .iiii. s, the quarter, and bareleye. iii, shillings the quarter, it shalbe lawefull to every person and persones to cary and transporte over the sea, to any place beyonde the seas at their pleasure of the sayde kyndes of corne, so that it be not to the Kyng and Quenes enemyes.

Provided alwayes, and be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde, that thys Acte, ne any thinge therein contained, shall extende to anye person or persones for the necessary victeling of any shyppe, shyppes, or other vesseles, but that they, and every of them, maye victayle the said shyppes and vessels, as they myght have done before the makynge of this present acte. This acte or any thynge therein conteined to the contrary notwithstanding. Provyded alwayes, and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde, that this acte, or any thinge therein conteined, shall not be prejudicyall or hurtefull unto the Lorde greate admirall of Englande, for the time beinge, or to the Kynge and Queenes majesties jurisdiction of the Admiraltie, but that the sayde Lord Admiral, or his deputie, or deputies, maye, and shall exercyse, use, and execute all kynde of jurisdiction, belongyng to the sea accordyng to his or their commissions, as they might lawefullye have done heretofore. This acte, or any thinge therein conteyned to the contrary notwithstandyng.

This is a selection from the original text


corn, death, necessaries, victuals, wood

Source text

Title: Anno Primo & secundo Philippi & Mariae. ACTES made at a Parliament, begon and holden at Westminster, the .xii. daye of November, in the fyrste and seconde yeare of the reigne of our soveraygne Lorde, and Lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, kinge & Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, Princes of Spayne and Cycilie, Archedukes of Austria, dukes of Myllayn, Burgondie, and Bra band, counties of Haspurge, Flaun ders and Tyroll, and there conti nued and kept to the dissolution of the same, beynge the .xvi. day of Januarye then next ensuynge, were enacted as foloweth. Cum privilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

Author: England and Wales

Publisher: Johannis Cawodi

Publication date: 1555

Edition: 2nd Edition

Place of publication: London

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: Bibliographic name / number: STC (2nd ed.) / 9447.9 Physical description: xxxiiii [i.e. 68] p. Copy from: Harvard University Library Reel position: STC / 1793:16

Digital edition

Original author(s): England and Wales

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) tp, table of contents, images: 7, 8


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > official legislation

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
