An epitome of chronicles
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Introductory notes
An Epitome of Chronicles written by Thomas Lanquet or Lanket was published in 1549, four years after the untimely death of the author at the age of 24. The work, left unfinished by Lanquet, was completed by Thomas Cooper (later Bishop of Winchester) and published by Thomas Berthelet. The work is often referred to as "Cooper's Chronicle". Cooper acknowledges Lanquet's labours warmly: ” he hathe briefely set foorthe the gestes and actes of forayne and straunge countreis, and therwith ivigned the hystorie of this realme of Englande…. But deathe (whiche spareth no man, ne can bee eschewed) brake his course, and (as it were) trypped hym in the myddes of hys rase, that he coulde not atteyne to the marke, wherat he ranne". The biographer Anthony a Wood credits Lanquet with having composed a Treatise of the Conquest of Bulloigne, though apparently nothing further is known about this work. The selections from Lanquet highlight episodes of dearth in various countries and times, which might give an indication of the vast scope of the work.
Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England as al other cou[n]treys, with the succesion of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did: much profitable to be redde, namelye of Magistrates, and such as have auctoritee in commo[n] weales, gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, Secondely to the reigne of our soveraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley.
Anno. 1559.
In aedibus Thomas Marshes
PUBLISHED BY William Seres
1. Of the origynall begynnynge of man, after the false opynion of the Ethnike philosophier.
THe phisosophyer of auncyent tyme (who wythout knowledge of the verye true godhead, many hundred yeres gone, have sette oute historyes in writynge) were of divers opynions, concernyng the originall begynnyng of man. For some of them beleved the worlde to have been a thynge uncreated, that is to saye, without begynnyng: and incorruptible, that is, never to have ende: and lykewyse mankynde to have been of eternall continuance. Other some of theim were of opynion, that the worlde was created and corruptyble, and avouched, that man toke the begynnyng of generacion by succession of tyme. For their imagynacion was, that at the fyrst begynnyng of thynges, bothe the skye and the earthe had one sole fourme and shape, the nature of the one wyth the other intermingled, and in proces, the same bodies dissevered, the universal worlde to have received thys order whiche we se at thys presente. And fyrste the ayre to have founde the same continuall movynge, and the fyry parte thereof, by reason of lyghtnesse, to have mounted to the highest places, the Sonne, and other sterres, of the same cause to have gotten theyr courses, and what was myngled wyth moysture, stylle to have remayned in the fyrst place, by reason it was hevy, and coulde not ryse, whyche inferior thynges, beyng mixed or heaped together by commixtion, the sea to have ben produced of the moyste or lyquyde thynges, and of the harder stuffe or matter, the erth in conclusion to have remained clammy and nesh. Whan this erthe, at the fyrste begynnynge, was through the fervente heate of the sonne settled and growen to a thycker and more massy substance, than the uppermoste partes of the same wythin a shorte space, by the power of the heate swelled into littel bunches, and certayn humoures in manye sundrye places gathered and congeled together by it selfe, in whyche humours dyd aryse certayn corrupcyons of rottennes, covered througheout with a lyttell thynne scumme or creame, lyke as it chaunceth in the marshes of [Page 4] Egypte, and in deade standynge pooles, whan the fervente heate of the ayre dooeth sodeynely parche the colde earthe, than whan the heate commethe to moyste thynges, anone is wroughte generatyon, by reasone that in the nyghte tyme, the ayre rounde aboute enuyronneth it wyth humoure, whyche in the daye is by the vertue of the soonne made harde.
After certayne space of tyme, the sayed putryfactyons beynge broughte to their uttermooste extente (approchynge as it were the tyme of delyverance) as soone as the sayd scummes or crea [...]es were throughly dried and broken, they broughte forthe the shapes of all kyndes of lyvynge thynges Whereof suche as had by chaunce receyved more heate, beynge made apt to flight [...] [...]unted up in to the ayre: such as had remayning in them more of the erth, becam, some of them crepers on the grounde, and some of them other beastes of the earth, suche as hapned to have a watryshe nature, were caryed into the element of their proper kynde, and were named fyshes. Than the earthe after this, partely wyth the parchynge heate of the sonne, and partlye wyth the wyndes warynge styll drier and dryer, surcessed bryngyng foorthe beastes of any great quantitye, but those that were alredye ingendred, broughte foorthe others, eche of his owne kynde, through mutuall comirtion and engendrynge one wyth an other.
And in the very selfe same wyse, they saye, that man also was at the fyrst begynnyng produced, and that he, seekinge his foode in the wylde fieldes, long tyme lyved a salvage and rude lyfe, as unto whome onely the fruicte of the grasse and of the tryes dyd of it selfe myn [...]ster sustynaunce. They sayen furthermore, that the other wylde beastes were noyefull unto men, whiche beastes to withstande, they assembled theym in companyes and for feare of the sayde beastes, for a common utilytie, and that mutuall ayde and succur myght bee ministred by one to an other, they sought oute places where to inhabite. And where the sowne of theyr mouth was suche as myght not be understande, they made a distinction of one word from an other by littell and lyttel, and called eche thynge by a severall name. Albeit for as muche as thei were placed in sundry corners or regions of the worlde, they used not [Page]all no maner wordes or speach: and therfore there was (saye those phylosophers) sundrye fourmes and facyons of letters.
And the companiss of men fyrste essembled, they reporte, to have ben the fyrst progenitours, every company of his owne nacion, but the fyrst men, havynge no maner staye of helpe or succoure, lived an harde lyfe, because they hadde no knowledge nor provision to save and laye up the fruytes of the fyeldes to occupye afterwardes in time of neede. And hereof it chaunced, that in the wynter season veraye many, eyther by famyne, or els by reason of colde peryshed. In proces of tyme, beynge well taught by experyence, they bothe soughte out caves to lye in, for aduoydyng and defendyng the extreme sharpnesse of co [...]de, and also began to kepe fruites in store. After this [...] knowlage of fyre, and of other thynges for mans use necessarye perceyved and lerned, the other commodityes of mannes lyfe were in shorte space founde out. Finally necessitye beynge made the schol [...] maystres of thynges, ministred unto the wittes of every singular persone, cunnyng and expert practisyng: and unto them were also geven to adiutours to helpe them, handes, speeche or communicacion, and excellency of mynde.
And those phylosophiers, whyche were throughly perswaded, that this was the orygynall begynnynge of man, and dyd not referre the same to the pro [...]ydence of god, avouched, that the Ethiopes were the fyrste men of all that ever were, folowyng this conjuecture, that the soyle of Ethiopia began before all other part es of the erthe to encrease in warmethe, by reason that the sonne is nerest to it, where as the erthe was of it selfe all da [...]kyshe and moyst, wherby it happened, that of the same fyrst proporcion attempring of moysture and heate, man was ingendred, and that the same man after hys pr [...]cr[...]cyon, dyd wyth better wyll and apytyte holde hym selfe in that parte of the earthe, where it hapned hym to be procreate, than to seke any other, for as muche as all thynges were unto hym as yet unoknwen.
Other there be, whyche suppose the Scithians to be the fyrst people of the worlde, and that betwene them and the Egyptians was long contencion, whether nacion was of more antiquytie. The Aegyptians all [...]dgynge for theym [Page 5]that in the begynnynge of all thynges, whan that some contraryes by the fervente heate of the sonne were [...]u [...]n parched and burned, other agayne by extreme colde were frosen, so that it coulde not ingend [...]r men, nor yet receyve nor susteyne inhabitauntes, before that garmentes were invented to save the bodye from the violence of colde and heate, and yll places by remedye mollified: Aegypte alwayes to have been so temperate, that neyther the winter colde, nor the somer heate myght greve hir inhabitantes, the grounde beyng moreover so fruitfull, that there is no lande so fertile of nouryshmentes for mans use. Therfore by reason it semeth, that there men shulde fyrst ingender, where they myght moste easely be nouryshed.
On the other parte, the Scithyans supposed the temperatenes of the ayre to be no argumente of antiquitee. For nature, whan she devided colde and heate into regyons, forthwith ingendred creatures apt to suffer the qualityes of the places, yea and trees, fruytes, and herbes accordyng to the disposicyon of the regyons. And howe muche more sharper the ayre is to the Scithians, than to the Aegypcians, so muche the harder be they of bodye and wyt. Moreover, if the worlde, whyche nowe is devyded into elementes, hath ben confused all in one, eyther the water in the begynnynge sourroundyng al thynges, or elles the fyre, whiche also ingendred the world, possessynge it, the Scithians in the originall of bothe begynnynges were the more anciente. For if the fyre fyrste possessed all thynges, whiche by lyttell and lytell quenched, gave place to the earth, there was no place so soone dissevered from the fyre, by the colde of wynter, as the northe, in so muche as nowe there is no lande so vehement colde. Aegypt, and al the east was very long, ere they were temperate, bycause that nowe they be even seared with the fervent heat of the sonne, Or yf all the erthe at the firste was covered wyth waters, certes the highest partes, the waters assuagynge, were fyrst discovered, and in the lowest groundes dyd longest abyde, and the sooner that everye parte of the earthe was dry, so muche the sooner began it to bryng foorth lyuynge creatures. But Sc [...]thia is soo hyghe over all other countreys, that all waters seeme there to sprynge and falle[Page] into the greate meere Meotis, from whence it runneth into the seas of Pontus and Aegypt. Which Aegypt (of long time hath ben defended with the cares and charges of so manye kynges, fortified with so greate bankes agaynst the violence of watres, trenched out with so many dyches, that where the water is kepte out in one place, it may be received in another, coulde not be inhabited, onlesse Nilus were helde out) can not seme to be of any antitiquitie, but rather appeareth to be a la [...]e countrey, either by the heapynges of kynges, or els by the castynge up of the mudde of Nilus.
By these argumentes the Aegyptians beynge overcome, the Scithya is alwaye have ben reputed the more ancient people amonge the Gentyles. But nowe I wyll leave to wryte of the vayne fantasye of the Ethnykes, whyche I have here sette foorth, to the intent, that the reders maye perceyve the blynde judgmente of theym, whyche wythout the knowledge of god and his scryptures, woulde define the origynall of man. And here consequentlye I wyll begynne my fyrst booke, with the creation of man, accordynge as it is sette foorth in the holy scryptures, the aucthoritee and certayntee whereof is moste sure: whiche I wyll continue untill the tyme of Abraham: durynge whiche tyme the worlde stode without prescript administracion or certayne lawe, but onely was ledde by the lawe of nature. For in thys hystorye I shall use this order, and shall devide my booke into thre ages, of the whiche the fyrste shall conteyne those thinges that were done betweene the tyme of Adam and Abraham: the seconde frome Abraham unto the comynge of Christ, and the thirde frome the incarnacion of Christ unto this present tyme.
The fyrst parte of Lanquettes Chronicle.
THE holye scryptures dooe shewe, that whan the heaven, the earth, and all the furnytures therof were created, on the syxte daye Adam, the mooste excellente of all creatures, was by God almyghty made of the slyme of the earthe, who breathed into him the breathe of lyfe, and the soule, wherby he was made like unto the image of god.
Unto this moste perfecte man, god gave suche grace, that without any instructions, but onely with the indowmentes of his origynall ryghtuousnes, he was foorthewyth perfectly seene and learned in all the lyberall artes: He was inspired also wyth the knowledge of the natures of all herbes, trees, mettalles, stones, byrdes, beastes, fysshes, wormes, and all other creatures. Moreover, unto hym God gave power over all thynges, that were on the earthe, and in the sea, so that unto all beastes, fowles, fyshes, and wormes, Adam dyd geve a propre and a convenient name, accordyng to the natures of theym, even as they be called at this daye. Than was he broughte by the almyghty lorde into the pleasaunte place of Paradyse, replenyshed with all pleasure. The felicitye of whiche place S. Augustine dooeth in thys wyse descryve: Man lyved in Paradyse as he wolde, howe longe he willed that whiche God comanded, he lyved havyng the fruicyon of god by whyche goodnesse he was good: he lyved without any necessitie, beyng in his power so alwayes to have lyved.
Meate was ready, that he shulde not hunger: drynke, that he would not thyrst: the wood of lyfe, that age shulde not dyssolve hym. In hys flesshe was perfecte healthe, in hys mynde no lesse tranquillytie. As in Paradyse is neyther heate, ne colde, so in his inhabitantes is no offence of good will, nothyng at all sorowfull, nothyng vainely glad. The true joye was continued by God, towarde whome out of a pure herte issued charitye, concorde of mynde, watching of the bodye, and without anye laboure, the custody of the commaundement.
2. Prologue to the second part.
HItherto extendeth the firste age, wherin is comprehended all suche thinges as chaunced betwene the tymes of Adam and Abraham. For these be the fyrst two thousand yeares, during which time the world [Page 15]stoode without any prescript administracion, or certaine lawe, by the woorde of god. The second age beginneth here at the byrth of Abraham, and continueth to the coming of Christ, albeit as touching the just number of the yeres, this worlde is not complete: because, as we have warned afore, god hasteth to the consummacion thereof.
Yet this is the verie and propre age of the world, in which circuncision and the lawe were geven, with certaine policies, and the true veneracion of god also instituted.
Wherin also the mightye kyngdomes and Monarchies succeded one an other. For the worlde never declared at any tyme his myght and power, as he dyd in this age.
At this place Eusebius began his chronicles, who folowing the veritee of the hebrues, might greatlye have profited his posteritee, but because he ensued the greeke exemplars, he greatly erreth in computacion of yeares.
3. The second parte.
TO THE ende that ye shal know in what place the word and church of God was, we will shewe somewhat of the spiritual kingdome.
Abraham, the prince of fayth, was borne in Ur, a towne of Chaldey, the 292. yere after ye universal floud, the 44. yere of the reigne of Ninus, & the 1262. yere before ye building of Rome, whe the true honor & worde of god bega to ceasse in the royalme of Chaldea, Thare went fro thens to Mesopotamia, with his sonne Abraham, because he wold not be defiled with ye wicked supersticions and idolatrie of the Babylonias. The scripture calleth this idolatrie Ur chaldeorunt, that is, the fyre of Chaldeie. For when in the sacrifices of the godly the fyre falling from heaven; burned theyr sacrifyces, the ungodly folowinge the example of theym, kyndled theyr fire, and so instituted a new honouring of god, wythout the knowlage of the comming of Christ. This fire is called Ori masda, that is to say, the holy fier, whyche kynges[Page 16]commanded to be borne before them upon horses: For the first occasion of idolatry, by this fier began amonge men, before that images were in use. Therfore Abraham the mighty and renoumed father of the elect nation, lefte his countrey and kynsfolkes, by the commaundement of god, and takyng with hym Lot, wente to sojourne in the lande of Canaan. From whens shortely after, thorough greate famine, he was constreigned to go into Aegypte, where he, fearyng the foule lustes of the Aegypcians, woulde not be knowen of Sara to be his wyfe, for to aduoide the danger that myght chaunce through the beautee of hir.
He there (as Josephus writeth) declared god to be the creator of all thinges, teachyng them the sciences of Arithmetike and Astrologie. Finally he retourned into Cananee, where he devided the countreie, Lot choosyng Sodome, and Abraham Hebro. After this Lot was taken, whom Abraham delivered. and rescued the spoyles, which the princis of Assyria had taken, and received with blessynge of Melchisedech, kyng of Salem and high priest of almighty god (called also Sem the son of Noe) bread and wine: to whom Abraham gave the tenth of his praye. The apostle sayeth, that this Melchisedech was without genealogie, because his progenie is not rehersed in the scripture. Than Abraham begat on Agar his maid Ismael, of whom cam the Ismaelites, afterwardes called Sarracenes. Finally in the .99. yere of his age, beyng thryse blessed of God, and hys name increased, the promise of the everlastyng testamente, by the circunsion of the fleshe confirmed, he, accordyng to the commandement of god, begate on the olde and barayne Sara hys worthy wife, the gentil Isaac, beyng bothe promised and blessed of god: whom he circumcised, and woulde have offered in sacrifice, had not god, seyng his prompt obedience, letted hym. At the laste, whan this moste holye patriarche had geven Rebecca, the daughter of Nathor, to Isaac, to bee his wife, he died, beyng a .175. yeres of age, whose holy body his sonnes Isaac and Ismael buried in the tumbe, where his wife Sara laye. Hiberius the sonne of Juball, governed the Spaniardes, of whom thei were called Hiberi.
Therfore the great lord shal appeare in earth as a man, and shall take upon him a mortall bodye, and shall eate as a man. His sterre shal arise in heven, and he shall shyne in the earth as the sonne. The heavens shall open over him, and out of the temple no lyttel sanctificacion of glory shall come to him. He shall poure out the spirite of grace uppon us, and you shall be his chyldren in the truth. He shalbe from Levi a priest, and from Juda a kyng, he shalbe bothe god and man, medyator betwene god and man: and shal take awaye all darkenesse, whiche is under the heaven: and there shal be peace through the universall worlde. The voyce of the yll doers shall be agaynst him, not knowing his resurrection. But the bloud of his innocecie you shal receive on your hedes. And in his passion the stones shal cleave a sunder, the sonne shalbe darkened, and all other thinges shal be troubled, the invisible spirites shal tremble, and helle shal be spoyled, he shall open the gates of paradyse, and shal make the thretnynge swoorde agaynst Adam to stande, and shal geve unto his saynctes to eate of the wood of lyfe. Belial shall be bound by him. Then shal ye se Enoch, Noe, Sem, Abraham, Isaac, and me your father, rising in joye from the ryght hande of god, and shal geve power to his chyldren to overcome pernycious spirites: and as many as beleve in him on the erth, shal also rejoyce. Then shal all men rise agayne, the godly to glory and joye: the ungodly to shame and perpetuall damnacion: and most specyally he shal judge Israel, whiche would not beleve in him. &c.
Tagus surnamed Orma, reigned over the Spaniardes,
by whom the countrey was called Taga.
At the same time beganne Marsus his reigne over the Germaynes.
Abraham the most holy patriarch, in this tyme finished his last daye.
After whose decesse there arose a great famine in the land of Canaan for whyche Isaac wente to sojourne with Abimelech king of Palestine.
Apis was the fyrst that was supposed to bee a god in Aegypt,
whom some cal Serapin.[Page 20]Armatrites, the ninth emperour of Assyria, reygned .38. yeares, who beynge wholly given to voluptee and delycacies, dyd bothe invent and amplifie those thinges, whiche apperteined to pleasures.
Sicanus the sonne of Malot Tages,
bega to reigne over the Italians, of whom the coutrey Vetulonia was named Sicania. In this time Longho reigned amonge the Gaules.
Betus began his reigne over the Spaniardes, of whom the realme was called Betica. Leucippus, the eyghte kynge of Peloponessus,
reigned. 53. yeares.
In this season arose the ragious flod of Achaia,
wherby the hole province was almost destroyed.
Osyris, in Tracia distroied the giant Licurgus.
Phoroneus, the son of Inachus, the second kinge of Argives, reigned .60. yeres.
He fyrste gave lawes and judgementes unto the Grecians.Not longe after the begynninge of his reigne Telchises and Carpathius kepte grevous warre againste him with doubtfull hope of victorie. But they beinge vanquisshed by him in battayle, were driven out of their countrey, and ignoraunt of al thinges, supposynge them selves to have ben utterly excluded from all mes company, toke for a sure possession the yle of Rhodes, before that tyme called Ophiussa.
Thessalus, the sonne of Grecus,
fyrste reigned in Thessalia, whiche before was called (as Plinye testifyeth) Emonia. Deabus amonge the Spanyardes usurped tirannously the kyngedome, he was so called for the golde mynes and ryches, which he invented & got, oppressyng his subjectes. Bardus the yonger reigned amonge the Gaules.
Belochus, the tenthe Emperoure of Assyria,
reigned .35. yeres. He had that name, bycause that with the rule of his Empire he exercised the offyce of the highe prieste of Jupiter Belus, and alwayes was occupied aboute divinacions and prophesyes.
Gambrivius, a valiant man in armes, reigned over the Germans, and as their histories witnesse, was the fyrste that woore a crowne. He invented the makinge of beere,
In Aemathia, nowe called Macedonia, Macedon the son of Osyris began to reigne, of whome the province received that name.
And aboute this time Osyris suppressed giantes, whiche began to use tyrannie.
Jacob fled from his brother Esau, and wente to his uncle Laban, where after seven yeares, he maryed Lya and Rachell, and by theim and theyr handemaydes, had the .12. Patriarches.
Messapius,the .ix. kynge of Peloponessus, reigned .47. yeares.
Joseph, the sonne of Jacob and Rachaell, a man mooste chaste and vertuous, was in this time borne: He in his youthe, by his excellente favoure, vertue, and wysedome, excelled all his brethren, and was of his father above all the other beloved: for whiche cause and for his dreames: he was of his brethren had in great despite, and by theym sold into Aegipt, where after long imprysonement, in the 30. yeare of his age, he expounded the dreames of Pharao, by whome he was made presidente of Aegypte, and called the savyour of the worlde. For God woulde, that by thys mervellous occasyon, he shoulde come into Aegipte, that his power might be there knowen, and that helpe myght be ministred to Jacob and his familye in the tyme of famine. This Joseph taught the Aegyptians bothe relygyon, and civill policies, whiche is moste worthye to bee, observed, that a man inspired with the holy ghoste, shuld institute so harde and severe maner of administracion, and to drawe togither the hole royalme of Aegypte, a countrey so large and wyde, as it were the membres of one body. Wherby we may learne, that severite is moste meete to keepe people in obedyence, and that it is of god approved. For gentilnes corrupteth the common people. But to returne to our purpose. After Joseph had governed the royalme of Aegypte by the space of .80. yeares, he there deceassed, beinge .110. yeares of age, whose bones the Hebrues caried with theym into the lande of Behest, as Joseph bound theym to doo, in his death bead. The resydue of his historye who so is desyrous to reade, maye resorte unto the holye byble, where in the ende of Genesis[Page 21]it is at large set furth.
The Italyans beyng oppressed of the tyrannos gyantes in the tribe Palen [...]an, called unto theim Osyris.
Lucus began to reigne among the Gaules,
who gave hym selfe to huntyng.
Osyris, subduyng all Italy,
and vanquishyng those giantes, kept the possession therof ten yeres, and than lefte Lestrigon his nephue, the son of Neptune, to be kyng over the Janigenes.
Baleus the second of that name,
the .11. emperoure of Assyria, moste famously and triumphantly reigned .52. yeres: to whome willingly the Indians submitted them selves.Joseph in this tyme was solde by his bretherne to the Ismaelites.
Apis, the thirde kyng of Argives,
reigned .35. yeares.
He left his brother Aegialeus kyng in Achaia, and went him selfe into Aegypt, where he was had in great honor.
Suevus began to reigne over the Germanes,
a ma veraie frequent & prosperous in warres, of whom the Suisses, a people in Germanie, veraye fiers and warlike, toke their name. He builded also a noble citee called Tigur.
At the same time reigned in Fraunce Celta, of whome the people were called Celtes.Lestrigo the nevew of Osyris began to reigne over the Italians.
Osyris returned into Aegypte, and in a piller,whyche shulde remaine for a perpetuall monument,
he graved al his expedicion of the worlde. Who after five yeres was slain of his brother Typhon with the consente of all the gyantes.
Busites in Phenicia, the other Typho in Phrigia,[The yere of the worlde 2225] [The yere before Christe 1738] Anteus in Libia, the Lomnines in Spayn, the Lestrigos in Italye, and M [...]linus in Candye beganne to tyrannise the worlde.
Isaac, beyng .180. yeres of age,
blessynge all his chyldren, dyed, and was buried in Hebron. Joseph, by divine inspiracion,
expounded the dreames of Pharao, declarynge the seven plentyfull yeares that were to come, and the seven barrain and hard yeres, whiche
Of this Joseph Trogus Pompeius, and also his abbreviatour Justine, writeth in this maner. Joseph was the yongest amongest the bretherne, whose excellet witte they fearyng, solde hym unto straunge marchauntes, by whom he was brought into Aegypt. Whan he there with diligent study had lerned magicall sciences, in short time he grew in great favour with the king. For he was both experte in prodigies, and also fyrst founde oute the under standyng of dreames. Yea there was nothyng neyther of goddis lawe or mans, that seemed to hym unknowen: in so muche, that he foreseyng the bareynnesse of the fieldes to come, gathered the cornes. And so great were his experiences, that all his answeres semed not to come of man but from god, Moyses was the sonne of Joseph, whose excellent favour, besydes the inheritaunce of his fathers knowlage, dyd comend hym. But the Aegypcians, whan thei were plagued with the scabbes and filthynesse of body, were admonished, that thei shoulde expell hym with all the sycke people out of Aegypte, leste that pestilence should infect more. These be the wordes of Justine. Thei that desyre the truthe of this historie, leat theim read the ende of Genesis.
The fertile or plentyfull yeres began no we.
Herculus Lybius, the sonne of Osyris, and moste valiant capitain of his warres,
for to be revenged of his fathers deth,
[The yere of the worlde 2232] toke his armour, & slue bothe the Typhons, one in Aegipt, the other i Phrigia, and also distroied Busyris in Phenicia, Antheus in Lybia, Milinus in Candie, Lestrigones in Italye, the Geryones in Spayne.
After whiche victories he substituted Hispalus kynge of Spayne. And in Fraunce, upon Galathea the doughter of Celta, he begat Galathes, whiche was kynge after his grandfather, and builded there the towne of Alexia. In Italy he appoynted Thuscus kyng, of whome they were alled Thuscas. Finally, after many notable actes by him [Page 22]done, he deceased veraie aged amonge the Spaniardes, nigh to the Gades, where he was buried in a temple dedicated to him with divine honoures.
The great famin or derthe beginneth.
In the seconde yere therof Jacob with his sonnes, and nephues descended into Aegipte.
Lacedemomia, the noble citie of Grece,
was in this time builded by Sparus the son of Phoroneus, in the region of Peloponessus, of whome it was called Sparta. This afterwardes was the moste myghtie and flourishing citye of all the province of Grece. Whyche kepte great and long warres with the Athenians, to the utter destruction of them bothe. Unto these Lacedemonians Lycurgus gave lawes, and instructed them in those thinges, that pertaineth to humanitie.
Amosis reygned in Aegipt .xxv. yeres.
In which time the Dinastyes of Aegipt began to be called Pharaons. Heratus, the .x. king of Peloponessus reigned .46. yeres. [The yere of the worlde 2251]
Hercules Lybius in ten yeres subdued the Lestrigones, and expelled theim out of Italy. After whyche conquest he reigned peacebly .xx. yeres. Argus the fourth king of Argives, [The yere of the worlde 2253] [The yere before Christe 1707] succeded his father Apis, and reigned .70. yeares, of whom his people were called Argives. In his reigne Grece began to have the use of cornes. Jacob, being in yeares .147. deceassed in Aegipte, and was by his children sumptuously buried in Hebron.
Altadas, the .xii. emperoure of Assyria, \
reigned .xxxii. yeres, he consumed his time in delicacies, esteminge it a vayne thing to wast his life continually in labours and miseries, which should not be for the benefite and utilytee of mankind, but to the destruction and servitude ther of. Therefore his purpose was that as longe as he lived, he would his life to take fruition of rychesse and glorye.
Vandalus after the death of his father, governed the germaynes prosperously.
Gallathes, Hercules sonne, reygned over the Galles. Prometheus, after the opinion of dyvers authours in this time lived: who as they dooe write, made menne of clay. Where in veray dede, beinge a wyse man, he reduced
Hela succeded his father over the Israelites. In the second yere of his reigne he was slaine by Sari his servat. Samri destroied al the lignage of Baasa,
[Before Britayne knowen 898]
and reigned but seven dayes.
Amri the sixt king of the Israelites reigned .12. yeares, syxe in Thersa, and sixe in Samaria, whiche he buylded, and ordeined the see of his kingdome.
[Before Britayne knowen 886]
the .vii. kinge of the Israelites reigned .22. yeres,
he passed all his auncestours in wyckednesse, and toke to wife Jezabel.
In his tyme the prophete Helias flourished.
Nepher Cheres in Egipt reigned foure yeres.
Capetus Syluius, the brother of Capis,
[Before Britayne knowen 885]
was king over the Latines .13. yeres. A famin in this time began, which endured .iii. yeares.
the .vii. king of the Jewes, reygned .25. yeares,
[Before Britayne knowen 882]
a prince both just and vertuous, he ordeyned judges in every citee of Juda, and commaunded the Levites to read the law unto the people, that they might therby learne to feare god.
Ammenophis, king of Egipt, reigned . [...]. yeres.
Ophraganeus, the .xxxvi. emperour of Assyria,
[Before Britayne knowen ]
reygned 50. yeres.
BRute surnamed Greneshield,
[Before Britayne knowen 879]
as the vulgar historye calleth him,
By the commaundement of Helias the prophete, all the priestes and prophetes of Baal were slayne.
Amnus in Corinth ruled .25. yeres. [The yere of the worlde 3038] [The yere before Christe 925] Joahas was high priest of the Jewes. [Before Britayne knowen 857]
Jehu, Obadia, Micha, Jehiel, and Eleazar prophetes, flourished. [The yere of the worlde 3040] [The yere before Christe 923]
Osochor, in Egipt reigned .6. yeres. [The yere of the worlde 3041] [The yere before Christe 922] Tiberinus Syluius, the .x. king of the Latines, [Before Britayne knowen 873] reigned .9. yeres. Of him the river of Taber was named, [Before Britayne knowen 872] whiche before was called Albula, because he was drowned therin. [The yere before Christe 921]
Agelas in Corinth reigned .30. yeres. [The yere of the worlde 3042] Mecades governed the Atheniens .30. yeres. [Before Britayne knowen 871]
Achab overcame Benadab, king of Syria twise, In [The yere of the worlde 3043] [The yere before Christe 920] the second conflicte he slue of the Syriens. 100000.[Before Britayne knowen 870]
LEyl, the sonne of Brute succeded his father in this royalme of Britaine. He builded the citee of Caerleil, and reigned .25. yeres.
Spinaces, kyng of Aegypt, reigned .9. yeres.
Achab, in the last bataile against Benedab, was slayn. After whom succeded his sonne Ochozias, [Before Britayne knowen 865] an ydolater, [The yere of the worlde 3048] [The yere before Christe 915] who reigned two yeres.
Joram, the .ix. kynge of the Israelites, brother to Ochozias, [Before Britayne knowen 863] reigned .xii. yeres. [The yere of the worlde 3050] [The yere before Christe 913] He was slayne by hys servant, that succeded hym.
Agrippa Syluius, the .xi. kynge of the Latines, reigned .40. yeres. In this tyme the prophete Heliseus, and Homere the poete flourished. [Before Britayne knowen 862]
Archelaus. the .vii. kyng of Lacedemonia, [The yere of the worlde 3051] [The yere before Christe 912] ruled theim 60. yeres continually. The mightie armie of Moab and Ammon, which rose agaynst Josaphat, god brought to nought.
Helias, the mighty prophete, after many miracles by hym dooen, at length in a fyrie chariot, was rapt into Paradise. [Before Britayne knowen 860]
Jehoram by his father Josaphat, was assygned to bee kyng over Juda. he reigned .8. yeres, [The yere of the worlde 3053] [The yere before Christe 910] and after he was stablished in his kyngdome, slew all his bretherne, and made the people to synne. [Before Britayne knowen 853] Persusennes, kyng of Aegypt, reigned .35. yeres. [Before Britayne knowen 853]
Ochozias, called also Ahazias, [The yere of the worlde 3055] [The yere before Christe 908] the ninth king of Juda reigned one yere: who also for his ydolatry was slayne. [The yere of the worlde 3060] [The yere before Christe ] Joiada was high priest amonge the Jewes, who lyved 130. yeres. [Before Britayne knowen 852]
Jehu, the .x. kynge of Israelites, reigned .28 yeres, he beyng of Heliseus anoynted kynge, [The yere of the worlde 3061] [The yere before Christe ] destroyed cleane the house of Achab, slew Joram, brake the necke of jezabel, kylled the priest of Baall, and bourned the temple of ydolles.
Achalia, widow of Jehoram, after the deathe of his sonne Ochozias, clene extermined all the lignage of Salomon, savyng Joas, a yonge babe, who by Joiada, the hygh priest, was saved, and whan she had tirannously reigned .7. yeares, was by the commaundemente of the
two false priestes was accused of adultery, but by the policy of yong Daniel she was purged and the prestes committed to the fier. Nechac called also Nechepsos, kinge of Egipte, [Before Britayne knowen 571] reygned .vi. yeres. [The yere of the worlde 3342] [The yere before Christe 621]
Abacuk and Ezechiel beganne to prophecy among the Hebrues.
Draco, the lawe gever of the Atheniens, wrote his lawes with bloude.
Sedechias brake his amitee with the kinge of Babylon, [The yere of the worlde 3344] [The yere before Christe 619] and entered in league with the Egipcians. [Before Britayne knowen 569] For whiche cause Nabuchodonoser retourned and besieged Hierusalem, whiche he continued one yere, six monethes and five dayes. [Before Britayne knowen 566] After which the holy citye with the most sacred temple, misarably with pestilence famine, sword, and fyre was destroyed. [The yere of the worlde 3347] [The yere before Christe 616] The king him selfe, with all his nobilitee taken, his chyldren slayne before his face, hys eyes pulled out, and sent in captivitie to Babylon. Thus was the whole nacion of Jewes without respecte of age or kind eyther slayne or brought into Babilons bondage for theyr obstinacye against god & his prophetes and for the sinne and prevaricacion of theyr kinges, priestes, and all the people, the yeare after the universall floude .169 [...]. after the arrivall of Brute .492. after the beginninge of the kingedome of the Jewes .458. after the buyldyng of the temple .414. and after the buyldinge of Rome .137. Tarquinius Priscus, the .v. kinge of Romans, [Before Britayne knowen 565] reigned 37 yeres, [The yere of the worlde 3348] [The yere before Christe ] he doubled the numbre of Senatoures, buylded the circuite, wherin the playes and pastimes were kepte overcame the Sabines, encreased the bades of horsmen, subdued the olde Latines, fyrste entred Rome wyth tryumph, made the walles, and synkes to conveye the fylthe of the city, and began the capitoll. Finally he was slayne by the sonnes of Ancus Mattius, whome he succeded. Panetius first tyrannised Sixilye.
K Inimacus succeded Iago in this royalme of Brytayne, [The yere of the worlde ] [The yere before Christe 612] wherin he reigned .54. yeres. [Before Britayne knowen 562]
Eniochida a capitaine of the Atheniens. Stesichorus an exceltent poet, in this time flourished. [Page 44]Aliactes reigned in Lydia .49. yeres. Arion, the excellent harper, by a Dolphin (as it is writen) was borne through the sea. [Before Britayne knowen 560]
Daniel, the most notable prophet, florished in Babilo. [The yere of the worlde 3353] [The yere before Christe 610] he in his youthe by his wysedome delivered the innocent Susanna from death, expounded the dreames of Nabuchodonoser, and fynally cast into a denne among hungry lyons, was by the power of God preserved from harme. Afterwarde he prophecied bothe of the comyng of Christ and also of the empires of Babylon, Media, Persia, Grecia, and the Romanes.
Nabuchodonoser erected a golden stature or ydoll, whiche he commaunded to be adored, by whiche occasion the holye men Ananias, azarias, and Misael tryumphed in the fyer. After this he sawe the vision of the fallynge tree, wherby he was warned of his falle. For shortlye after he was tourned into a beastly fury, living in the woodes as a beast seven yeres. Finally he was restored agayn to his helth and kingdome. Europs king of Macedon, reigned .xxvi. yeres. [Before Britayne knowen 557] Pittacus Miteleneus, [The yere of the worlde 3356] [The yere before Christe ] one of the seven wyse menne of Grece, in this time excelled bothe in learninge and marcial feates.
Vaphres, was king of Egipt .xxx. yeres. [Before Britayne knowen 553] Cyaraxes overcam the Scithians, [The yere of the worlde 3360] [The yere before Christe 603] and recovered Asia [Before Britayne knowen 552]
Sappho a poetesse and prophetesse, [The yere of the worlde 3361] [The yere before Christe ] in this season was greatly renoumed.
Adrican, kinge of Penians, yelded him selfe and his to Aprius, [Before Britayne knowen 549] who brought his army into Cireneica, [The yere of the worlde 3364] [The yere before Christe 599] where by them, at Isara his armye was overthrowen, put to flight, and slayne, excepte a fewe, who by slyght saved theim selves. [Before Britayne knowen ]
Astyages the .viii. and last kynge of Medes, reigned 38. yeres. [The yere of the worlde 3365] [The yere before Christe 598] He gave his onely daughter Mandanes in maryage to Cambises, a persia, of whom Cyrus was born, whiche Cambyses, at length was taken by his nephieu Cyrus, and deposed from his empire. Marsiles, a citee and fayre haven of Fraunce, in this tyme was builded upon the Lumbarde sea. [The yere of the worlde 3369] [The yere before Christe 594] [Before Britayne knowen 544] Solon, (who for his wisedom is called one of the seven
Acestorides, capitaine of the Ateniens.
The Romanes and Sabines fought together, in which battail the Romanes were victours, there were slaine of the Sabines .13000. and were taken .4200.
Alexander, the .x. kinge of Macedon, reigned .43. yeres.
He was surnamed Bubaris.
P. Valerius Plublicola, the contemner of rychesse, after he had been fower times consul, died so poore, that he was buried by the common expenses of the citee.
The same yere a conflict was fought betwene the Romanes and Aruncians, wherin the Romans as victours triumphed. The Jones and Atheniens tooke Serdis and burnt it.
In the ninthe yere after the expulsion of the kynges, a newe dignitee was created i Rome,
called the Dictatorshyp, whiche was of more power than eyther the consulshyp or maister of the horsemen, for they all were obedyent to the Dictatour, and he was not chosen but in daungerous warres, ne contynued longer in that offyce than sixe monethes.
The Persians overcame the Jones, and toke Miletu. Mardonius, [The yere of the worlde 3464] [The yere before Christe 499] receivyng of Darius a mighty navy, [Before Britayne knowen 449] subdued the Thasios, and brought the Macedons in subjection. Nere unto Athenes, by tempest of the sea, he suffred a great wrecke, wherin there perisshed .20000. men. He brought, to his no lyttell damage and hurte, Brygis under his power.
A conspiracie in Rome to bryng in Tarquine, but by ye industrie of the consul Servius, they were apprehended and put to deathe. A. Post humius the Dictator fought with the Latines, where he overcame and triumphed.
FErrex, with his brother Porrex, [Before Britayne knowen 446] ruled this lande of Britayn .v. yeres, [The yere of the worlde 3467] [The yere before Christe 496] but it was not long ere they fell at civile discorde for the soveraigne dominion, in whiche Ferrex was slayne. And Porrex afterwardes, by his mother was killed in his bedde.
to greece, to write out the lawes of Solon, and to learne the customes also of other great cities, usynge moreover the counsel of the wyse philosophers. The ten tables wer drawen out, whiche were hanged openly in the courte of Rome. This is the originall of the Romain lawes, whiche they borowed of the Grecians. Famaine & pestilence invaded the cytee, the Consule Nuintilius dyed, [The yere of the worlde 3511] [The yere before Christe 452] [Before Britayne knowen ]in whose place was substituted Sp. Furius.
The ambassadours retourned from Greece with Solons lawes.[The yere of the worlde 3512] [The yere before Christe 451] [Before Britayne knowen 401]
The people of Rome altered the state of their commo weale, [The yere of the worlde ] [The yere before Christe 450] for in place of their Consules, [Before Britayne knowen 400] they created te men who had power geven them to stablyshe lawes. The lawe of the ten tables was confirmed in Rome.
Anaxagoras, a notable philosopher, mayster of Pericles, in this time lived.
Sophocles, a poete of Athenes, and a wryter of tragedies, flourished.
Pericles, the valiant capitain of the Atheniens, in this tyme was renoumed for his wisdom and prowes. In all his tyme he nothing encreased his revenues, but alwais enriched the commune weale. Finally beyng sycke unto death, the noble men of the citee coming to comfort him, talked among them selves, how by his marciall prowes, he was victour in nyne great batailes. Whiche wordes Pericles hearing, saide unto them. That he muche marvailed that they extolled so much that thing, whereof the more part was in fortune, and had happened to other as well as to him: and that whiche was most to be praised, they spake nothing of it. For never man (saied he) in this cytee, by myne occasion, had cause to mourne.
Appius Claudius, with his felowes, [Before Britayne knowen 398] by force obteyned the soverain dominion.[The yere of the worlde 3515][The yere before Christe 448]To the first .x. tables, two more were added.
The .x. men were deposed for their tyranny and lasciviousnes, specially for the death of Sicius, and ravyshment of the daughter of Virginius, whom hir father, to kepe hir undefiled, with his owne handes slue.
The Consules wer created again, and Appius cast in[Page 52]prison and after exiled.
Pericles capitaine of the Atheniens made truse with the Lacedemones for .xxx. yeres. [Before Britayne knowen 349]Hitherto writeth Dionisyus Halicarnasseus. [The yere of the worlde 3517] [The yere before Christe 444] [Before Britayne knowen 391]
MUlmutius Dunwallo the sonne of Clote, [The yere of the worlde 3522] [The yere before Christe 441] duke of Cornwall, reduced his royalme into one monarchy, beinge before, by civyl warres and dissention lacerated and broughte into dyvers dominions. He was the firste that was crowned kinge and constituted good lawes, which long after were called Mulmutius lawes, he gave privileges unto temples and ploughes, and began to make the .iiii. notable wayes in Britayn. In london called then Trenovant, he buylded a great temple whiche some suppose to be S. Paules, some Blackewell haul. Finally when he had brought this royalm to welth and quyetnes, reigninge herein .40 yeres, he dyed honorably, leavinge after him two valyaunte and noble sonnes, Belinus and Brennus.
The office of Censores instituted in Rome.[Before Britayne knowen 388]
A famin in Rome, [The yere of the worlde 3525][The yere before Christe 438] by which many for lacke were forced to throwe them selfe into Tiber. An earthquake chaced also.
The Fidenates rebelled agaynst the Romains. [Before Britayne knowen 386]
Tolumnius, kinge of Veientes, [The yere of the worlde 3527] [The yere before Christe 436] commaunded the Romaine ambassadours to be slayne.
[Before Britayne knowen 385]The Romanes in revenging the deth of theyr ambassadours warred against the Fidenates, and Vetentes, [The yere of the worlde 3528] [The yere before Christe 435] Tolumnius was slayne, and the Romaines triumphed
[Before Britayne knowen 383] Judas the sonne of Eliasib. was constituted high priest of the Jewes.[The yere of the worlde 3530][The yere before Christe 433]
About this time the Atheniens confederated them selfes with the Corcirens. The Corinthians kept grevous sea warre with the Corcirens, in whiche, bothe partyes gloried to be victours.
Lysander, overthrewe Antiochus, the Athenien, & toke Delphinion and Eiona.
The Carthaginensis, with their capitayn Annibal, invaded Sicilie by sea. [The yere of the worlde 3554] [The yere before Christe 409][Before Britayne knowen 359]
A famine and pestilence in Rome.
After the Atheniens had expulsed their capitayne Alcibiades, the seconde time, [Before Britayne knowen 358]thei were overthrowen & slaine by Lysander the Lacedemonian capitayne, nere to the citee Aegus, whiche by force of armes toke also Cerdrias and Lampsacus, and after gyrt the citee ofAthenes with a stronge siege: at whyche tyme manye of them perished with huger and famyne, and yet were they so stubburne in their sentence, that thei not only refused all condicios of peace, but also publysshed, that who so ever exhorted theim to take peace, should be slayne. But in fine, after .v monethes, they were constraigned with hunger to yelde them selfe: at whiche tyme the Corinthes and Thebans woulde have had their citie utterly destroied, but the Lacedemons would not use suche extreme cruelte towarde that citee. whiche was alwaye counted one of the eies of Grece, & by whome thei had received so great beneiftes in expulsing the Medes and Perses. Therfore it was decreed, that onely their walles and towers should be caste to the erth, and to them prescribed a certayn forme of governance: accordyng to the which thei should lyve.[The yere of the worlde 3556] [The yere before Christe 407]
Nepherites, kyng of Aegypt, reigned .vi. yeares.
Orestes in Macedon reigned .3. yeres.[Before Britayne knowen 357] [The yere of the worlde 3557] [The yere before Christe 406]
Thyrtie men were elected of the Atheniens to governe their common weale. [Before Britayne knowen 356]
Lysander by dedicion toke Samos. Dionyse the elder by tyra~ny possessed Sicilie. The Carthaginenses vanquished Gella and Camerina. In Rome the Questores were elected of the como people
Artaxerxes the .xi. emperour of Persia,[Before Britayne knowen 355]surnamed Menon, [The yere of the worlde 3558] [The yere before Christe 405]reigned .xl. yeres, unto Cyrus his brother by inheritaunce fell Ionia and Lydia, over whiche Tissaphernes was president. For whiche cause, and beyng desirous of dominion, privily he wrought treason agaynst the kyng his brother: which being knowe unto Artaxerxes, caused hym to be taken, whom he cast in prison with golde fetters. [Page 55]But at lengthe by the prayers of his mother beyng delyvered, he made open warre, gettyng on his part the Lacedemones, and so fightynge in a bataile, Artaxerxes was wounded, but Cyrus was there slayne.
The .xxx. men began to tyrrannyse Athenez: by Thrasybulus, they were vainquished in Pyreo, where he was slayne.
The popular governace of Athenes was again restored.
Archelaus, king of Macedon, reigned .4. yeares.[Before Britayne knowen 354]
Thimbron the Lacedemon received certaine citees of Asia under his rule and governaunce.[The yere of the worlde 3559][The yere before Christe 404] About this time Dercillidas succeded Thimbron. He toke Larissa, [Before Britayne knowen 353] Amaxion, and Colonas,[The yere of the worlde 3560] [The yere before Christe ] received the Kebrinos by submission, restored the Sceoseos to libertee, subdued Gergitha, possessed Acarges, and walled the .xi. cytees of Isthmus.
Wages was first graunted to the Romaine souldiors of the common cost.[Before Britayne knowen 352]
Agis with fier and sworde wasted the provynce of Elia, and restored the Greeke cities unto their liberte.[The yere of the worlde 3561] [The yere before Christe 402] After his deathe, Agesilaus was constituted kynge of Lacedemonia. [Before Britayne knowen 351]
This Agesilaus was of excellente vertue even frome his childehode, as in trouthe, Justice, temperance, [The yere of the worlde 3562] [The yere before Christe 401] noble courage, liberalite and continence. Wherfore he was so muche honoured, and prospered so well, that he subdued to the Lacedemones innumerable cities and countreys in asia and Grece, whan one demanded a thyng of him, whiche was unjuste, sayinge that he had promysed it: He aunswered: If it were juste, I promysed it, but if it were unjuste, I spake, but I promysed it not: he never spake with any woman, saving his wyfe, but either in the temple, or afore all men, thinking those two places to be void of suspicion. Whan he was demaunded, why he laye no more richely than a private person, he aunswered: That a prince ought to excel other men, not in delicacie, but in temperance and moderate lyving. Truly the lyfe of this man was wonderful, and worthy to be an example to other princes, as it appereth in Plutarke, which wryteth at large.
Psammites, kyng Egipt, reigned one yere,[Before Britayne knowen 339] after who reigned Nepherites .4. monethes.[The yere of the worlde 3574] [The yere before Christe 389]
The Atheniens besyeged Eginetas by lande and sea, and obteyned the soveraintee of the sea.
Nectanebus reigned in Egipt .18. yeres.[The yere of the worlde 3575] [The yere before Christe 388]
Achaia by an horrible earthquake was so shaken,[Before Britayne knowen 338] that ii. citees, Hebra and Helice, sanke and were cleane devoured of the earthe.
Teleucias in the have of Athenes, toke many of their shyppes and men.
M. Furius Camilius, after many benefites by him done to the citee, was by them most unkyndly exiled.
BRennus, the moste valiant capitayn of the Galles, sonne of Mulinutius, [The yere of the worlde 3576] [The yere before Christe 387] and brother to Beline, [Before Britayne knowen 337]in this yere, with the Frenche men invaded Rome, he first buylded and repayred beyonde the mountains, Millane, Pavy, Bergomuni, Comum, Brixia, Verona, Tridentum, Vincetia, with dyvers other citees, vanquished the Clusines, overthrue the great army of the Romans, toke and burned Rome, slue ye Senatours in their seates, besieged the capitoll, and had taken it, had it not beere valyauntly defended by Manlius, who was wakened, with his companye, by the noyse of geese, and yet by famyne were sore constreig ed, wheefore they used this polycie: thei cast out pieces of bread in stede of stones, at their ennemies: by which meanes the french men, supposyng the to be well vitayled, and consyderyng the munition of the place, received of the Romans .1000. li. weyght of gold, & brake up their siege. But Furius Camillus revoked fro his exile, and made Dictator: proclaimed, that not wyth gold, but with yron he would delyver hys countrey, and with the bloud of the Galles, quenche the fyre of the cytee, and therfore had them prepare to battaile, in whiche the Frenchemen, minding more the gold than the fight: were by Camillls soone vanquished, and the citie again repayred in lesse than a yere. But of the deathe of Brennus,[Page 57]there is no certayntee, whether he was there slaine or retourned home, for some of our chroniclers write, ye Beline was in that viage, but be that as it was, I wyll leave it to the judgemet of the reders, he toke Rome the 721. yere after the arrival of Brute in Britaine.
Artaxerxes made peace in Grece, commaunded them to leave the warres, who so woulde do otherwise, to take him for his enmy, and restored ye citees to their libertees.
The warres in Olynthius began, in which Teleutias was slayne,[Before Britayne knowen 336] the Olynthians triumphed.[The yere of the worlde 3577] [The yere before Christe 386]
The Thebanes warred with the Lacedemones, with sudry fortune. In Leucris the Lacedemones, were vain quished, and Cleombrotus theyr capitaine slayne. The Thebanes erected Tropheum, that is a token of victory The gaules desired amitee with Dionisius. Rome was edified.
The townes of the Hetruscians distroyed, [The yere of the worlde 3578] [The yere before Christe 385] the capitole buylded with square stones,[Before Britayne knowen 335]a sedicion for the landes of the Tometians.
The Carthaginenses, with theyr capitaine Hanno, invaded Sicily.[Before Britayne knowen 334]Thebanes with fier and sworde invaded the landes of Epidaures.[The yere of the worlde 3579][The yere before Christe 384]
Dionysius sent succours to the Lacedemones, who over came the Sicionians, and toke Geras: whiche done, they returned home.
Archidamus, a Lacedemon, overcame the Arcadians and Argives, and toke Cronum. [Before Britayne knowen 333]
Camillus toke Satricum, and vanquished the Hetruscians & Volscians, and rescued again Iutriu & Nepete.[The yere of the worlde 3580] [The yere before Christe 383]The Atheniens made a league with the Arcadians. The Aelians overcame the Arcadians, and gotte theyr mountaine citees.
Dionisyus, the elder, by the deceites of his subjectes was slayne.[Before Britayne knowen 332]
Mantius moved sedicion in Rome againste Cemyllus and other nobles, for whiche cause he was condemned,[The yere of the worlde 3581][The yere before Christe 382]and caste headlong from the rocke Tarpeius. Dionisius the yonger tiran of Sicily, began to reygne.[Before Britayne knowen 330] To this place Xenophon writethe of the actes of the[The yere of the worlde 3583] [The yere before Christe 380]
Demetrius Phalereus obteyned of Ptholome, yt the Atheniens might be restored to their popular governace Antigonus,[The yere of the worlde 3656] [The yere before Christe 307] and all the other princis, [Before Britayne knowen 257] [Before Britayne knowen 256] named theym selves kinges.[The yere of the worlde 3657] [The yere before Christe 306]
Demetrius, the sonne of Antigonus delyvered Grece from tyrany, and overcame and put to flight Ptholome in a battayle on the sea.
Fabius made proconsul, overcame & brought in subjection the Samnites, and sold .4000. of theyr complices [The yere of the worlde 3658] [The yere before Christe 305]
The Romaines triumphed againe over the Sanites, they renued their league with the Carthaginenses. [Before Britayne knowen 255] [The yere of the worlde 3659] [The yere before Christe 304] Seleucus buylded divers cities in Syria. [The yere of the worlde 3660] [The yere before Christe 303]
GOrbomannus, eldest sonne of Morindus,[Before Britayne knowen 254]reigned xi. yeres. A prince juste & religious,[Before Britayne knowen 253] he renued the temples of his goddes, and governed his people in peace and wealthe.
Symon sonne of Onias, surnamed the just, was hygh priest of the Jewes.
The auncient league was geven to the Samnites: the xxxi. townes of the Equians were taken, the Marrucines, with other, confederated them with the Romayns.
In a certayne cave in Umbria .2000. armed me were destroyed with smoke and fyre.[The yere of the worlde 3661] [The yere before Christe 302] [Before Britayne knowen 252]
Seleucus obteyned Babilon, and buylded Antioche, Ptholome, [The yere of the worlde 3662][The yere before Christe 301] Cassander, Lysimachus,[Before Britayne knowen 251] and Seleucus over came and slue in battaile Antigonus king of Asia. Cleominus a Lacedemon, with a navy of Grekes arrived on the costes of Italy, Demetrius, sonne of Antigonus,[Before Britayne knowen 250]succeded in the kingdome of Asia,[The yere of the worlde 3663][The yere before Christe 300] and reigned xvii. yeres.
About this time the Romans began to use barbours: for before they never shaved theyr beardes.
The lawes Valeria and Portia were made, and the bishops and divinours were consecrated.[The yere of the worlde 3665] [The yere before Christe 298]
A great famine in Athenes.
[Before Britayne knowen 248] [The yere of the worlde 3666][The yere before Christe 297]Antipater and Alexander, sonnes of Cassander,[Before Britayne knowen 247]reygned in Macedone .iiii. yeres. But Justine writet h, that Philip succeded Alexander.
The Samnites, being driven backe by Decius, entred into Hetruria, where they toke Ferentinum, and other townes, but by the consuls they were slayne and taken. [Before Britayne knowen 246]
Fabyus Rutilanus triumphed upon the Hetruscians and Gaules.[The yere of the worlde 3667][The yere before Christe 296] [Before Britayne knowen 245] [The yere of the worlde 3668] [The yere before Christe 295] P. Decius avowed him selfe to die for the Romains. There were slaine of the Hetruscians & Gaules. 24000, and of the Samnites by Volumnius .16300. [Before Britayne knowen 244]
Attilius Regulus subdued the Sabines,[The yere of the worlde 3669] [The yere before Christe 294] Posthumius the Hetruscians: peace was given to the Volscians and other for .xl. yeres.
Demetrius, king of Asia,[The yere of the worlde 3670] [The yere before Christe 293] obteined the roialme of Macedon, [Before Britayne knowen 243] whiche .6. yeres he kept. Antipater, sonne of Cassander, slue his mother. Demetri{us} by fraud put to deth Alexander and Philip: wherby he possessed the royalme of Macedon. The Samnites and Hetruscians, wer vanquished by the Romaines.
ARchigallo, brother to Gorbaman{us},[The yere of the worlde 3671] [The yere before Christe 292] was crouned king of Britain, [Before Britayne knowen 242] he was in codicios unlike to his brother, for he deposed the noble me, & exalted the unnoble: he extorted frome men, their goodes to enrich his treasury, for whiche cause, by the astates of the royalme he was deprived of his roial dignite, whan he had reigned .v. yeres.
Nagid, called also Nage, succeded his father in the principalitee of the Jewes .x. yeres.
The Boeotians forsoke Demetrius, who he subdued and toke Thebes.
A pestilence, for which cause the ymage Aesculapius was brought from Epidaurus to Rome.
Fabius overcome of the Samnites, was rescued by his father, he triumphed over them, and put their capitain Pontius to death. Pyrrhus vainquished Pantauchus.[The yere of the worlde 3673] [The yere before Christe 290] [Before Britayne knowen 240]
This Pyrrhus kyng of Epyre was a valiat and fierse warriour, sterne of countinauce and terrible to behold, and semed to be framed of nature to martiall prowesse.
Aemelius toke Dimalis, a city of Illyria: the residue submitted them to the Romains: Demetrius fledde into Macedonie.
Philip overcame the Illyrians, and drove theym out of Macedonie.
The Rhodians moved warre against Bizantians.
Theodotus by treason delyvered Ptolemai [...]a and Tyrus to Antigonus.[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere before Christe 217] The warres of Syria, [Before Britayne knowen 167]betwene Antiochus and Ptolomeus, in whiche Antiochus was vainquished.
Annibal subdued the Galles as far as Pyreus, he overcame theym at the river Rhodanus: at Ticinus he overthrue the Romaines: and at Trebeia vanquished Sempronius with his army, he firste perced the mountaynes, making his waye with fire & vineger, where he brought over his armye into Italye, beinge of .80000. footemen 10000. horsemen, and .xx. Elephantes.
[The yere before Christe 216] The warre in Candy betwene the Gnosians & Litias. Corn. Scipio subdued a great part of Spayn.[The yere of the worlde 3747] [Before Britayne knowen 166]A battayle at the lake Trasymenus, where Flamminius the consul was slayne, and the Romaines put to flight.
[The yere of the worlde 3748][The yere before Christe 215]
Aniball obteined the noble victorye of Cannas, where Aemyltus the consul was slayne,[Before Britayne knowen 165] with two Questors .21. Tribunes .90. senators .300. of the nobilitye .4000. footemen, and .2700. horsemen, and came within three myles of Rome.
Mithridates warred upon the Sinopenses.[The yere of the worlde 3749] [The yere before Christe 214]
Antiochus indicted warre to Acheus.[Before Britayne knowen 164] Philip kinge of Macedonye tooke Thebes and entered in league with Anniball.
Posthumius by the deceit of the frenchemen was slayn. Marcellus overcame Annibal, and the Scipions[Page 70]vanquished Asdrubal in Spayne.
Fabius Maximus was created Dictator of Rome.
This man in his youth exercised bothe eloquence and prowesse, and therfore after became as well in armes as counsaile a captaine most excellent, and subduyng many countreis to the Romains, triumphed five times. At this time beyng made Dictatour against Anniball, he so tempered prudence with manhode, that by detracting of batail, and training Annibal from place to place. and at sundrye advantages skyrmisshynge with him: he minished his puisance, and preserved the publike weale of his coutrey. In so muche that Annibal (whan he had o [...] erthrowe Minutius the Cosull, and was constreigned by Fabius, whiche came to the rescue to retyre with losse of his men) said: Dyd not I tell you, that this clowde wold at the last bryng us a storme? Calling Fabius a clowde, because he hovered upon the hylles. [Before Britayne knowen 163]
Nathak, brother of Doruidilla,[The yere of the worlde 3750] [The yere before Christe ] was made kynge of Scottes, who for his tyranny, in the seconde yere of his reigne, was slaine by his owne lordes. The poenians were overthrowen by Fabius at Benenentum.[Before Britayne knowen 162]
Pleuratus kynge of Thracia, [The yere of the worlde 3751] [The yere before Christe 212] Scerdiletus kinge of Illyria. Hitherto writeth Polibius. Syphax kinge of Numidia, entred in amitee with the Romaines.[Before Britayne knowen 161]
Re [...]thar, son of Doruidilla, a yong childe,[The yere of the worlde 3752] [The yere before Christe 211] contrary to the lawes of Scotland was made kynge: for which cause Scotlande was vexed with civill warres, in maner to the desolacion thereof, and the Britons entred and subdued it, whiche they kepte (as the Scottes write) .xii. yeres under their subjection, their kinge Reuthar beyng expelled out of his royalme, and lyving in Irelande: but afterward by entreatee, upon certain conditions, he was againe restored to his kingdome, and reigned in all .26. yeres.
Anniball tooke Tarentum, and the Scipiones were slayne in Spaine.[Before Britayne knowen 160]
After whyche beynge buried, he loused hell, and the thirde daye folowinge, lyke a conquerour of sinne death, and hell, he rose againe, from whiche time beinge .xl. daies conversaunt with his, in the xxxiii. yere of his lyfe, with glorious triumphe he ascended to the heavens unto his father, from whense he cam. Where beinge the onely mediatour, intercessour, and advocate of his, sittinge on the righte hande of god, his father, shall in the ende of the worlde, be judge over all the living and the deade, rendringe to every man, according to his deservinge, to the faythefull certainlye life, but to the unfaythful everlasting death. Than good and evyll segregated, with the whole worlde purged and pacifyed, our lorde Jesu Christe, the onely and veray almighty emperour of the worlde, as he hath from the beginninge, soo dothe he now, and for ever shall reygne: to whom everye knee of celestiall, terrestrial, and infernall creatures shal bow, and every tongue shall confesse, that Jesus Chryste is the lorde, to the glorye of God the father: to whome bee all glory worlde without ende. Amen.[The yere of Christ 2]
Eusebius Cesarensis began his ecclesiasticall historye at this place.[The yere of the worlde 399][Anni regum britannie 20] Christ in the eight day of his nativitee was circumsised, on the .xiii. worshipped of the wise men. The seconde of February he was presented in the temple, and the night folowing, Joseph being warned by an angell, fledde with Jesu and his mother into Egipte, frome the dangier of Herode: who coveting to destroy Christ, commanded al the children within Bethlem and the borders, beinge under the age of two yeres, to be slayne, whyche slaughter done, he woulde have killed him selfe, but beyng let by his servaunnt, he died within five dayes, when he had[Page 90]reigned .37. yeres.
Archelaus the .13. kynge of Jewes, reigned .ix. yeres, and finally was banished into Fraunce. In the first yere of his reigne a sedicion was moved againste him,[Anni regum britannie 21] [The yere of the worlde 3964] [The yere of Christ 3] in whiche .3000. were put to death.[Anni regum britannie 23]
An other sedicio began, firste by Judas Galileus, and after by Simon the servant of Herode,[The yere of the worlde 3966] [The yere of Christ 5] who taking upon him a crowne, was vainquisshed and slaine by Gratus. The last was raysed by Athonges a shepeherd: For whyche there were hanged by Varus .2000. men.[Anni regum britannie 26]A greate famine invaded Rome,[The yere of the worlde 3969] so that Augustus expelled all straungers out of the citee,[The yere of Christ ]and a great number of servauntes.
The cause Orosus doeth ascribe, that Cesar praised his nephieu Caius, in dispisinge to woorshyp the god of heaven, whan he was thereto warned by the priestes at Hierusale, at what time he passed into Syria.[Anni regum britannie 27] Tiberius in .3. yere subdued al Illyria, [The yere of the worlde 3970] which lieth with in Italy, Noricum, Thrace, Macedony, [The yere of Christ 9] the river of Donow, and the Adriaticall sea. This warre next unto the warres of Carthage, was most grevous.[Anni regum britannie ] Quintilianus Varus, with thre legions,[The yere of the worlde 3972] [The yere of Christ 11] was slain by the Germains, whose overthrow was as grevous to the Romans, as was the viage of the Cimbrians into Italy.
Archelaus toke the wyfe Glafira, his brother Alexanders wydowe, contrary to the lawe. And after throughe his insolency, he was by Augustus vanisshed to Vienna in Fraunce. [Anni regum britannie 30]
Here ended the kyngdome of the Jewes,[The yere of the worlde 3973] [The yere of Christ 12] and Jurye after thys tyme was redacted into the forme of a province, and joyned to Syria. Judas Gaulonites, associatynge to him Sadducus a Pharisei, and the chiefe of the sect of the Esseans, moved a sedicion for paiyng of tribute: wherupon ensued much thefte. slaughter, and burninge of the temple. Tiberius, with an army passed the Ryne, to warre uppon the Germaynes. [Anni regum britannie 31]
ARuiragus the yongest sonne of Cymbeline, and brother of Guyderius, was ordeined king of Britain. Claudius the emperor after divers happes of battail,[The yere of the worlde 4006] [The yere of Christ 45] toke kinge Aruiragus to his grace: [Anni regum britannie 1] and for so much as he perceived him to be a valiant prince, in toke of frendshippe (as the englishe croniclers testify) gave to him his daughter in mariage named Genissa.
Claudius retourninge frome Britaine subdued to the empire the Ilandes called Orcades.
Marsus succeded Petronius in the province of Surry who for enuy of Agrippa, deposed Mathias, and made Eleon [...]us high priest in his roome. [The yere of the worlde 4007] [The yere of Christ 46]
Agrippa, who was also called Herode,[Anni regum britannie 2] as he was celebrating a solemne feast in honour of Cesar, for the plesantnesse of his speche, was named of the comon people a god. And for so muche as he did not refuse the name of god, and divine honours geven to him, he was immediately striken with the wormy sickenesse, wherof he died miserably within the space of .v. dayes, paying woorthy punishment for depriving god of his honour, and persecuting christ in his apostles.
A great dearth and famine in Judea, which was greatlye holpen by the liberalitee of the queene of the Adhiabens. Sainct Paule also gathered amonge the gentiles whiche were converted to the faith, for the reliefe of the christians being in Hierusalem.
The Britons (because theyr kinge Aruiragus) as sayeth the Scottishe historie) had repudiated his wife Vaoda, to marie the Romaine lady Genissa, having ayde of hir brother Caratake kinge of Scottes, rebelled as well against him as against the Romaines, and were brought in subjection by Vespatian the Romaine capitaine.
Herode, brother to the forenamed Agrippa, kinge of Chalcis,[The yere of the worlde 4080][The yere of Christ 47] [Anni regum britannie 5] obteyned of Claudius the ordinance of the temple and hie priestes of Hierusalem.
Joseph son of Canus was made hie priest by Herode[The yere of Christ 48] Warre began in Parthia,[Anni regum britannie 4] betwene Artabanus theyr king and Gotarzis his brother,[The yere of the worlde 4009] during which warre Artabanus was chased out of his kingdom, and restored againe by Izaites king of Adhiabens.[Page 98]Mithridates king of Armenie.
Certaine frenchemen, named Hedui, were admitted to beare office and dignitee in the citee of Rome.[Anni regum britannie 5]
Messalina the wife of Claudius the emperour,[The yere of the worlde 4010] [The yere of Christ 49] a woman of so notable incontinence, that she would contend with the comon harlotes in f [...]lthi pleasure, was enamoured upon a fayre yonge gentleman in Rome, called Silius and for to obtene more comodiusly her unlawful lust she caused his wife Sillana to be devorced, and shortely after notwithstandinge she was wife to the emperoure Claudius than living, she was openli maried to the said gentleman Silius, and used him as hir husbande for whiche cause, after great complainte made to the emperoure by the nobles she was putte to deathe. At whyche time, excepte the officers had hastened hir execution, the emperour Claudius throughe his forgetfulnesse would have graunted hir pardon.[Page]
Caius Cassius president of Surrei.
Mehardates kinge of the Assiriens. Abarus kynge of the Arrabies.[Anni regum britannie 6]About this time Theodas and Judas of Gallilei were famous, whiche seduced the people, saying,[The yere of the worlde 4011] [The yere of Christ 50]that thei wer great prophetes sent of god.
In like maner Simon Magus was of so gret estimacion in Rome; that Images were erected to him as to a god, But he was confounded by certaine of the apostles, whiche at that time by the providence of god were presente in Some. Herode king of Chaleis ended his life: whose kingdome Claudius gave to the yonger Agrippa, son of Herode agrippa, whom we spake of a litell before. The Parthians, being wery of the cruel dominion of Gota [...]ts, which had by force & tyranny advaunced him selfe to that kingdome desired of the Romaines to have Mahardates the son of Vonones to be theyr kinge, who not long after was overcome in battaile of the said Gotarzis, & with great reproch driven out of his kingdome Vologeses, emperour of the Parthes.
The great and wise philosophier Seneca flourished.[Anni regum britannie ] Cuman{us} was made provost of Judea.[The yere of Christ 51] In his time was a sedicion betwene the Jewes and the Romaines in Hierusalem, so that .20. thousand Jues were murdered onely by prease and thrustig at gates and narow streightes as they fled from the Romane souldiours.
The people of Britaine, called Sylures, which under the leadinge of the kinge Caratacus, hadde made sharpe warre upon the Romaines the space of .ix. yeres wer vanquished by P. Ostorius, and Caraticus with his wife & children set to Rome, as prisoners: where for his manly courage and noblenesse, he was gentily intertained of the emperour.
Claudius toke by adoption Domitius Nero the sonne of Agrippina to be his heire. The people called Catti, invading and spoilinge the upper Germany, wer driven backe by L. Pomponius.
Claudius expelled the Jewes out of Rome.[The yere of the worlde 4013] [The yere of Christ 52]
T. Vinidius Quadratus, president of Surie. Rhadamistus, son of Pharasmanis, [Anni regum britannie 7] king of Hiberias invaded Armenie, and expelled his uncle Mithridates frome his kingdome. Whom Artabanus at that time king of Parthians, by force of armes chased out of the countrey of Armenie, and advanced his brother Tyridates to that kingedome.
After the decease of Caratake, his yonger brother Corbreid was ordeined king of Scottes and reigned .18. yeres. He was of fierce and valiant courage, and being cofederate with the Pictes, made often times war against the Romaines in Britaine.
About this time the power of the Romaynes beganne to decaie in Britaine, for theyr capitaine Trebellius lost all the countreis that Agricola had conquered, and by Galdus kinge of Scottes, with the ayde of the Pictes (as theyr chroniclers write) was chased out of the boundes of Scotlande, and glad to desire peace of kinge Galdus.
Policarpe ruled the churche at Smirna, and Papias at Hieropolis.
Domician the emperour, outraging in pride,[Anni regum britannie 20] gave commaundement,[The yere of the worlde 4053] [The yere of Christ 92] that he would be called lorde and god.
Domician triumphed for his victory over the Danes and Germains.[The yere of the worlde 4054] [The yere of Christ 93] [Anni regum britannie 21] Clement succeded Anacletus in the bishoprike of Rome and lived .ix. yeres. Abia king of Arabia, Helge of Norwaye, Ingellus of the Danes.
[The yere of the worlde 4055] [The yere of Christ 94] Themperour perceiving to be plenty of wine,[Anni regum britannie 22] and veray great scarscitee and dearth of corne and other graine thought, that by overmuche diligence given to the vineyardes, men didde neglecte the tyllage of the earthe: and therfore commaunded, that in Italy, no man should sette newe vines, and in other provinces, that the one halfe of theyr vines shulde be cut downe to the ground.
Domician, folowinge the example of Nero, as well in crueltee as other vices, [The yere of the worlde 4057] [The yere of Christ 96] [Anni regum britannie 24] reised the seconde persecution againste the Christianes: at whiche time S. John the Apostle was banished into Pathmos, he put to deathe also the nephues of Juda, called frater domini, as well for that they were of the linage of Christ, as because they discended from the house of king David. [The yere of the worlde 4058] [The yere of Christ 97]
Simeon bishoppe of Hierusalem,[Anni regum britannie 25] after dyverse other tourmentes, was crucified to deathe, whome one named Justus did succede in that bishoprike.
Domician expelled out of Italy philosophiers, and men havinge knowledge of the mathematicall sciences. Domician, for his crueltee beinge odible to all men, was by a conspiracy murdered in his chambre, his owne wife consenting therto. Hitherto Suetonius continued his history.[The yere of the worlde 4059] [The yere of Christ ] Nerva, [Anni regum britannie 26] an aged and wise Senatour folowed Domici[Page 101]an in the empyre, and reigned one yere .ii. monethes and viii. dayes.
He caused by decree of the Senate, that what soever was enacted by Domician, shuld be of none efect: and gave a generall commaundement, that al exiled persons shoulde returne home. wherefore S. John returned from Pathnios, to the Ephesians: where he wrate hys gospel.
Nerva commaunded, that all chyldren, whose parentes were nedye, shuld be founde of the common cost.
Traiane, a Spaniarde borne,[The yere of the worlde 4060] after Nerva was admitted to the imperyall auctoritee,[Anni regum britannie 27] and reigned .19. yeres.[The yere of Christ 99]
This man, if you consider in hym, the profyte of the Romayne empyre, whiche he greately enlarged, or polytike and civile governance, undoubtedly he was a right good and commendable prynce, but towarde Christian religio impious and cruell. For he caused the thyrd persecution of the churche. Whan he was by certayne of his counsail reprehended for over much familiaritee with infericurs, he aunswered, that a ruler ought to be of such behavoure towarde his subjectes, as he wold have the prynce to him if he were private: when he ordeinev any pretour, giving to him the sword, he wold say in this wyse: use the sword against my ennemies in juste causes, and if I my selfe do otherwyse than Justice, use thy power upon me also.
Gerdon was ordeined the thirde bishop of Alexandria.[The yere of the worlde 4062] [The yere of Christ 101] [Anni regum britannie 29]Zacharias the fourth bishop of Hierusalem.
From the deathe of Simeon, to the reigne of Adrian, we reade of no sure succession of the bisshops of Hierusalem, for by the crueltee of the Emperours and their subjectes, they were put to deathe well nere as faste as they were ordeyned.[Anni regum britannie 30] Euaristus the fourth byshop of Rome .viii. yeres. Traiane overcame the Danes,[The yere of the worlde 4063] [The yere of Christ 102] and made leage with their kyng Decebalus, he triumphed for his victory over the Danes and Scithians.[Anni regum britannie 31]
COilus the sonne of Marius, was ordeyned kynge of the Britaines, he was brought up even fro his yong age in Italy among the Romains,[The yere of the worlde 4087] [The yere of Christ 126] [Anni regum britannie 1] and therfore favoured them greatly, and payed the tribute truly Some write that he buylded the towne of Colchester. Joseph the .xiiii. bishop of Hierusalem[The yere of the worlde 4090] [The yere of Christ 129] Judas the .xv. bishop of Hierusalem: [Anni regum britannie 4] to his time al the bishoppes of that citie descended of some familie of the Jewes and were circumcised.[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 131] [Anni regum britannie 6] Minutius Fund [...]nus proconsull of Asia.
Barchochabas, beinge of great power and estimacion amonge the Jewes, vexed with most cruel tourmentes, as many of the christians as would not deny Christ and his religion.
Antinous, a childe of wonderful b [...]au [...]ye and favoure dyed in Aegipte, while Adrian was there in progresse, whom he loved so excedingly, that he erected [...] & ymages in his name, and buylded a towne in those partes called Antinous, he affyrmed also, that he sawe a sterre in the firmament, whiche should be called Antinous sterre, according to the name of the childe.
Telespho [...]us the .vi [...] bishop of Rome .vii. yeres. Eumanes,[The yere of the worlde 4094] [The yere of Christ 133] the .vi. bishop of Alexandria.[Anni regum britannie 8] [The yere of the worlde 4095] [The yere of Christ 134]
Satan, the infest enmy of al trouth, [Anni regum britannie 9] which leaveth nothing undon, wherby he may hinder the religio of christ which at this time was greatly augmented and spread largelye in the worlde, sowed by his ministers certayne heresies in the church, and first stirred up Saturninus, which in all poyntes taughte as Menander dydde, that Christ had not a true body, but a phantastical. He denyed the resurrection, and affirmed, that .vii. angels made the worlde, contrary to the conscience of god the father.
The Jewes rebelled agayne, and spoyled the countrey of Palestine: Agaynst whom the emperour sent Julius Severus, who overthrewe in Judeo .50. castels & burnt and destroyed . 980 vyllages and townes, and slewe of the jewes .50. thousande, so that with famine, sickenes, sword and fire, Judea was almost desolate.
Adrian erected a sumptuous library in Athenes.[The yere of the worlde 4096] [The yere of Christ 135]
Marcus the first bishoppe of Hierusalem that was a[Anni regum britannie ][Page 104] gentile.
Adrian repaired the citee of Hierusalem, and named it Aelia Capitolina. He graunted inhabitance therin onely to Christian men,[Anni regum britannie 11] [The yere of the worlde 4097] [The yere of Christ 136] and defended the Jewes to enter into the citee.
Ceionius Commodus was adopted to the empire by Adrian,[Anni regum britannie 12] he was a veraie delicate and nice person,[The yere of the worlde 4098] [The yere of Christ 137] greatelye deliting in strange pleasures, for he made hym a bedde of rose leaves, and a coverlede of the floures of lyllyes: hys fotemen he caused to weare whinges like to Cupido, and gave them the names of the foure wyndes, he died before he toke fruicion of the empire. The notable heritike Basilides was famous: who amonge other thynges taught, [Anni regum britannie 13] [The yere of the worlde 4099] [The yere of Christ 138] that Christ was not crucifyed, but Simon Tireneus, whiche was constreigned to beare the crosse, when Christe waxed fainte. he affirmed also, that it was noo offence to forsake Christe in tyme of persecucion: he denied the resurrection. Against whose he resies a learned man, named Agrippa Castor, wrote certaine bokes, whiche were after in great price amonge the Christians.
Adrian the emperour died with bledyng at the nose.[Anni regum britannie 14] Antonius Boionius,[The yere of the worlde 4100] [The yere of Christ 139] who for hys clemencie and gentle behavoure,[Anni regum britannie 15] was surnamed Pius, succeded Adrian,[The yere of the worlde 4101] [The yere of Christ 140] and reigned .22. yeres. This man was of pleasat nature, gentle in maners, honourable in continance, quicke of witte, of excellent eloquence, famous in lerning, sobre, diligent, paciente, curteyse, liberall, muche geven to housbandrye and tyllage of the earthe: and all these thynges in measure, withoute bostynge and vainglorie. he used often this princely sentence of Affricane: I had liesfer save one citizen, than destroye .1000. adversaryes. he used hys frendes beyng emperour, as he dyd when he was a private perso. Higinus the .viii. byshoppe of Rome. [Anni regum britannie 16] Earpocrates, the famous heretike, was in these dayes: whiche denied, that Christe was God: and saied,[The yere of the worlde 4102] [The yere of Christ 141] that he was not borne of the virginne Mary: but onely gotten of the sede of Joseph, and that he suffered amonge the Jewes, and hys soule onelye ascended into heaven.
He rejected the olde testament, and denied the general resurrection.
Valentinian and Cerdon, notable heretikes, came to Rome, Valentinian denied that Christ had a natural body, but rather a phantastical.
Cerdon taughte,[Anni regum britannie 17] that Christ was never borne of a woman:[The yere of the worlde 4103] [The yere of Christ 142] and that he had no fleshe, nor suffered any passyon, but feined onely to suffer: He affirmed, that god, whyche is declared in the lawes and prophets to be god, was not the father of our saviour Christe: for so muche as he was knowen, the other unknowen, the one was just, the other was good. It was his doctrine also, that some creatures were of them selves yll, and that they were not made of that god, that was the chiefe goodnesse, but of an other god of al naughtynes, whom he called the chiefe or pryncipall myschiefe. He sayed also, that the olde testamente was naught.
Justine the philosopher wrate a boke to the emperoure and Senate, in defence of Christian religion.
Cassianus the .ii. Bishop of Hierusalem of the Gentils.
About this time was a great famine in Rome .300. houses also were destroyed with fire.[The yere of the worlde 4105] [The yere of Christ 144] Tyber overflowed the citee.[Anni regum britannie 19] In Asia dyvers townes were overthrowen wyth earthquakes. A chylde was borne with two heades. A woman at one byrthe was delyvered of .v. chyldren. In Mesia .iiii. meke lions offered them selfes to every man to be taken: at this tyme what soever misfortune happened in any parte of the worlde, it was holly imputed to Christian religion.
Conarus, whiche was the chiefe causer of hys fathers deathe was made kynge of Scottes, who dyssimuled the vices, wherto he was naturally inclined: but as soone as he was established in the kyngdome, he wasted al the rentes perteininge to ye crowne in hys leude lustes, and gave landes and riches to most vile and naughtie persones, because they favoured his corrupt lyving. He inueted new actions upon hys people: and therefore was of hys nobles cast in pryson, and his wycked counsailours haged. In his place Argadus guyded ye realme about .14. yeres.Herus the .v. byshoppe of Antioche.
Crescens a philosopher caused Justine a greate learned man and defendour of Christian religion, to be persecuted, because he rebuked the philosophers. In whiche persecucion Justine with his death glorified Christ and cofirmed his religion.[Anni regum britannie 27] [The yere of the worlde 4113] [The yere of Christ 152] [Anni regum britannie 34]
Policarpe bishop of Smirna came to Rome.[The yere of the worlde 4120] [The yere of Christ 159] Anicletus the .x. pope .xi. yeres. [Anni regum britannie 35] Atidius Cornelianus ruler of Siria[The yere of the worlde 4121] [The yere of Christ 160] Julianus the .vii. bishop of Hierusalem. [Anni regum britannie 36] Antonius Pius the emperour, gave place to nature. [The yere of the worlde 4122] [The yere of Christ 161] [Anni regum britannie 37]
Marcus Aurelius Antonius succeded Pius,[The yere of the worlde 4123] [The yere of Christ 162] and reigned .xix. yeres He made Lucius Verus his kinsma of equall power with him in the empire. This Lucius was muche geven to wanton and dissolute livinge, and was of nature fierce and cruel: but Marcus was of excellent vertue, wisedome and learning, and seemed to be provyded of god against the troubles and miseries which happened to the common weale in his time. For undoubtedly the state of ye empire had bene greatly appared, ne had bene the great wisedome of this emperour: which by his foresight and counsaile governed the same and kepte it fro much daunger: he made many goodly lawes which at this day remayne in the pandectes.
Vologesus,[The yere of the worlde 4124] [The yere of Christ 163] king of the Parthians sente his defiaunce to the emperour,[Anni regum britannie 38] made warre upo the Romains and dyscofited Acidius Cornelius president of Surie, agaynste whom Lucius Verus was sent with an army: who wha he came to Antioche and Daphnis in Surye, gave hym selfe to pleasure and bankettinge, and made warres by his capitaines.
Statius Priscus fought prosperously in Armenie and toke their chiefe towne A [...]taxa [...]ae. Au [...]dius Cassius and Narsius the Romain capitains perced the countrey with their host eve~ unto Babilon, & Media, subduing alwaies their adversaries before them for which prosperous successe Lucius Verus, though he were not present, was named Parthicus Armenicus, & Medicus.
In this time flourished the famous astronomer Ptolomei, by whose benefite remaine at this day in the world[Page]the noble sciences called Mathematicall: the knowlage wherof the Egipcians had kept amonge them eu [...]from the time of Joseph, to this Ptolomei, whiche is aboute 20000. yeres. For first the great Alexander, & afterwarde the Romains for that cause had Aegipt alwayes in high estimacio: and lest that goodly knowlages should decay with great costes mainteined the Aegipcias schole: whiche than at last perished, whan that countrey became subject to Macomet and the Sarasens, wherein that cursed people moste of all other thinges declared their rude Bar [...]ar [...]knesse, suffering that noble schole: which hadde continued above thousandes of yeres, & ben preserved bi so many great princes, in the which flourished al kindes of honest disciplines, through their vile ignoraunce and crueltee to perishe.[The yere of the worlde 4126] [The yere of Christ 165]
Seleutia, a noble citee of Assyria was taken,[Anni regum britannie ] and .500. thousand men therin.
A great dearth and pestilence in Rome, so that they caried out men that were dead in cartes and wagons.
Marcus the emperour published very straighte lawes concerninge of dead men.
Ethodius, nephewe to Mogallus, was ordeyned king of Scottes, and reigned . [...]3. yeres. This man was greatly delyting in huntinge, and made manye lawes therof he rewarded Argadus for his good administracion of justice, he quieted the yles, and beynge accompanied with Pictes, vaquished Victorine the Romain capitayn, and brake downe the wall of Adrian.[The yere of the worlde 4127] The emperour loked for warre of the Britons:[Anni regum britannie 41] agaynst whom he sent Calphur [...]ius Agricola..The yere of Christ 166]
Ausidius Tictorinus went with an army againste the Catteans, whiche had broken into Germanye and Rhetia and spoyled those partes.[The yere of the worlde 4128] [The yere of Christ 167] The two emperours, Marcus and Lucius, [Anni regum britannie 42]triumphed for the victories in Parthia.[The yere of the worlde 4129] [The yere of Christ 168]The emperours of Rome made preparacion for a jeoperdous warre against the people of Germani named Marcomanni.[Anni regum britannie 43] [The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 169]
A grevous persecution of the Christian people in Asia and in Fraunce: where a great numbre of them,[Anni regum britannie 44] whiche[Page 110]truly professed Christe, suffered most cruell tourmentes and peines. At Lyons in France were many christians martired, among the which was Ph [...]tinus their bishop who Ireneus succeded: whose workes remaine at these daies, to the great profit of christian religion.
So [...]er the .xi. pope .8. yeres.
The holy man Policarpus bishop of Smirna, was burnte,[Anni regum britannie 45] Asianus,[The yere of Christ 170] bishop of Sardis wrote a boke to Antonius the emperour in defence of christian religion.
[The yere of the worlde 4131] Theophilus the .6. bishop of Antioch.
Valens the .9. bishop of Hierusalem.
[Anni regum britannie 46] Whan bothe the emperours came with their puissance to the citee Aquileia,[The yere of the worlde 4132] [The yere of Christ 171]the Germains which were causers of the foresaide commocion, repented theym and desired peace: whiche being to them graunted the emper [...]uis returned i [...]. to Italy. by the waye it fortuned Lucius to dy After that Marcus was returned into Italye, [The yere of Christ 173] not onelye Marcomanni,[Anni regum britannie 48] [The yere of the worlde 4134] but also divers other people of Germanye rebelled: against who the emperour sped him in all hast which warre he finished and subdued his enemyes with as great wisedome, fortune, and successe as ever did any prince that man can remembre.
Whan that the emperours souldiours were inclosed by his enemies,[Anni regum britannie 49] and in great distres of water:[The yere of the worlde 4135] [The yere of Christ 174] by the praier of certaine, christians, whiche were as than in the hoste it rained so plentiousely that not onely they were relived with aboundaunce of water, but also a great numbre of their adversaries slaine and destroyed with the tempest of raine and lightning. Dolicianus the .x. bishoppe of Hierusalem that was a gentle.[Anni regum britannie 50]Au [...]dius Cassius who was sent to quiete the east partes traiterously named him selfe emperour:[The yere of the worlde 4136] [The yere of Christ 175] but not long after he was slaine of his owne souldiours, and his heade brought to the emperour.
[Anni regum britannie 9]
The capital & a liberarie were burned with lightninge.[The yere of the worlde 4151] [The yere of Christ 190] Maternus, a souldiour, conspired to slea Commodus but he was disclosed bi one of the same conjuracion,[Anni regum britannie 11] and so prevented.
Cleander whom the emperour had advaunced from a servaunt to high dignitye in Rome, used greate crueltee and exaction towarde the people, for whiche cause they reised a great commocion. The emperour to satisfie the people, commanded Cleander to be put to death, and his head to be caried about the citee. Victor the .13. pope .x. yeres. A great dearth and scarcitee in Rome.
Commodus published, that he would be called Hercules, and the sonne of Jupiter, The Scottes and Pictes not longe from this time overthrewe Trebellius the Romaine capitain in Britaine.
The Britons, through the covetousnes of Trebellius rebelled, and were vanquished, shortli after Pertiner was sent by Commodus into Britain, and warred against ye Scottes, and with gentlenes and wyse counsaile quited the B [...]ons.
Commodus in shoting or casting the darte, had so stedie a hande,[The yere of the worlde 4152] [The yere of Christ 191] [Anni regum britannie ] that he would hit what so ever he appoynted Wherfore to shewe his cunninge in these feates, in the open sightes he killed a great multitude of wilde beastes In this time were in the churche many bishoppes of excellent learning and Sanctimonie, as Serapion of Antioch, Demetrius of Alexandria, Theophilus at Cesaria Bacchilus of Corinth, and Policrates amonge the Ephesians.
LUcius king of Britaine, decessed after whose death for so muche as of him remained no heire,[Anni regum britannie 1] the Britones betwene them selves fel in great distance and warre,[The yere of the worlde 4153] [The yere of Christ 192] which continued to the greate disturbance of the realme about .xv. yeres.
The temple of peace, with manye other gorgyous[Page 112]places in Rome, were desta [...]yed with fire.
Sterres appered in the daye time: of the whiche some being drawen in engthe, semed to hange in the ayer.[Anni regum britannie 2]
Commodus the emperour was strangled to death by Laetus Electus, and his owne concubine Martia.[The yere of the worlde 4454] [The yere of Christ 193] [Anni regum britannie 3]
Partinax was constreigned by the Senate to take on him the governance of the empire,[The yere of the worlde 4155] [The yere of Christ 194] who endevouringe to reduce the commoweale to a good ordre, was cruelly slaine of the souldiours, whan he had reigned onely two monthes and .xxv. dayes.
Whan Partinax was slaine, the souldiours published that they would advance him to the imperiall auctoritee whiche would most liberally rewarde them. Of whome Julian a lawier, bought the empire, promisinge theym great giftes: for which dede he was abhorred of the hole citee, and not longe after hated also of the souldiours: be cause he was stacke in fulfilling his promises.
This disfavour of the people towarde Julian, was occasion that Pescennins Niger was named emperour of the souldiours in Surie. But he lingered at Antioche, & made not towarde Rome against Julian. Wherfore in the mean time Severus was pronounced emperour of his souldiours in Illiria. This man with all spede possible,[The yere of the worlde 4156] [The yere of Christ 195] went with an army into Italy & caused Julian to be slayne.[Anni regum britannie 4]
Whan he came to Rome, and had the imperiall auctoritee stablished by the senate, incontinent he augmented his army, & went against Niger: but fearinge that Albius, beinge as then of great power in Britaine, wold in his absence conspire againste him under faire pretence caused him to be proclaymed partaker of the empire.
[The yere of the worlde 4295][The yere of Christ 334]S [...]or kinge of the Persians,[Anni regum britannie 6] persecuted the professours of Christes religion: at whiche time were .16000. Christians martyred.
Constantine wrate to the kinge of Persee, willinge him no more to persecute the christan people.
Antonius the heremite was famous.[The yere of the worlde 4296] [The yere of Christ 335] The temples of the gentils were destroyed by the commaundement of the emperour Constantine.[Anni regum britannie 7][The yere of the worlde 4297] [The yere of Christ 336]
The Romains overcame the Gothes in Sarmatia.[Anni regum britannie 8] A wonderful pestilence and famine, wherwith an innumerable multititude miserably perished in Surie, Cilicia, & other places, which was justly sent of god, for the extreme crueltee that was (not longe afore) exercysed agaynste the Christians among all nacions.[The yere of the worlde ][The yere of Christ 339] Constantine was baptized of Eusebius byshope of Nicomedia:[Anni regum britannie 11] and shortly after ended his life in the same cytee, and was buried at Constant [...]nenople. [...]fter his death the empyre was dyuided agayne into iii. partes, betwene his .iii. sonnes.[The yere of Christ 340]
Constantius reigned, with his brethren,[Anni regum britannie 12] & after their deceasse .24. yeres.[The yere of the worlde ] In maners he was indifferent, of nature un [...]p [...]e to generacion, verie temperate in living. He made a lawe, that pheasauntes, and other lyke delycate meates, shoulde not be used in feastes, it is sayde, he dyd never spette. In judgementes he was juste and rightuous: but he savoured the secte of Arrians, and therfore was alway cruell towarde the catholike bishops.[The yere of the worlde 4302] [The yere of Christ 341] Athanasius, whiche before was banished:[Anni regum britannie 13] by the helpe of the yonger Constantine, that ruled in fraunce, was restored againe to his bishoprike. But he taryed not longe therin quiet.
For the Arrians had infected Constantius, emperour of the east, and caused him to expel Athanasius agayne from Alexandria. The churche at this time was in miserable state[Page 118]and condicion, for in everye citee were men of divers sectes, opinions, and doctrines, whyche most infestly dyd persecute eche other: and speciallye the Arrians so furiously raged, that manye commocions and frayes were made by them even in the churches and houses of prayer, and not a fewe men slayne. Which rufflynge and businesse alyenated manye of the Gentyles from the fayth, and caused them to retourne to their idolatrie. Sapor, kinge of Persee, wasted and spoyled Mesopotamia.[Anni regum britannie 14]Manye cities in Asia, and the east partes, were overthrowen with earthquakes.[The yere of the worlde 4303][The yere of Christ 342] [Anni regum britannie ]
Constans fought against the Danes and Samaritia~s, and overcame theim.[The yere of the worlde 4304] [The yere of Christ 343]
Constantine, whiche ruled in France and Spayne, being not contented with his porcion of the empire, but desyring to be lorde over all, made warre against hys brother Constans in Italye, and was slayne of the souldyours, that his brother sent to appeace his malice, nere to the citee Aquileta, whereby Constans alone obteyned the dominion of the weast. Arrius (whose mischivous heresie had caused muche ruffling in the churche) aboute this time finished his lyfe miserably, avoyding his guttes at his fundament; as he was doinge the nedes of nature, a litle before he shoulde have disputed openlye with the devoute and great clerke Alexandre bishop of Constantinople.
Macedonius, a priest of Constantinople, taught that the holy ghost was a creature and no god.[Anni regum britannie 16] [The yere of the worlde 4305] [The yere of Christ 344]Betwene this man and one Paulus was great strife,[Anni regum britannie 18] [The yere of the worlde 4307] [The yere of Christ 346] whether of theim shoulde succede Alexander in the bishoprike of Constantinople: so that Hermogines mayster of the chyualrye. was slayne of the people, when he came with the emperours auctority to stablishe Macedone, whom the Arryans favoured. Sapor, king of Pe [...]see, vexed the Christian people. with a grevous persecution. Eusebius, beinge ordeyned byshop of Constantinople by Constancius the emperour, favoured the Arrians excedingly: and caused a counsaile to be holden at Antioch,
Theudis kinge of the wisigothes in Spaine .17. yeres. Theodotus without cause banished Amalasiuntha into Tusci [...], and there commauded her to be beheaded, nothing mindful of the benefite whiche he hadde of hir receyved.[The yere of the worlde 4497][The yere of Christ 535][Anni regum britannie 20]
Shortlye after he sent Agapitus Pope of Rome, in ambasade to Justinian, to excuse his wicked de [...]de. For he emperour threatned, that he would revenge the death of that noble woman.
Silverius for money was made Pope, by Theodotus. Justinian dismissed from warrefare all Paganes and heretikes.
Bellizarius vanquished the Vandales in Afrike, and toke their kinge Gilamir in plaine fielde whom he set to the emperour. He recovered agayne Carthage with all Afrike to the Romaine empyre .69. yeares after it was fyrst wonne and withholden by the Vandales.
The same Bellizarius,[Anni regum britannie 21] being sent of the emperour to deliver Italye from the Gothes,[The yere of the worlde 4498][The yere of Christ 537]sped him first into Sycilie where he remayned a certaine time, pretendinge no cause of enmitee with the Gothes: but sedeynly set upon the citee Chrina, whiche he toke with other moe, and by the last daye of his consulship, subdued all Sicilia, that was wholy before under the power of the Gothes.[The yere of the worlde 4499] [The yere of Christ 538] Vigilius the .57. Pope .18. yeres[Anni regum britannie 22]
Bellizarius passed from Sicilia to Afrike, to wythstand the tyrannye of Stoza, who hadde beset Carthage with a strong siege. And when he had subdued his enemies and quieted that province, he hetourned into Italy In this pastime the Gothes invaded Delmatia against whom went Mauritius a yong man of lusty courage, the sonne of a noble manne called Mundus who in the fight was of theim taken and slayne: whereof whan his father Mundus had wittinge as a man in rage or furie, made towarde the Gothes, and at the first encounter vanquished theim, and pursued so egrely, that unwares he fell into the handes of his ennemies, and of them was slayne.
G [...]ipa a capitaine of the Gothes, toke the citee Solone and[Page 147]expelled the Romaines out of Delmatia.
Bellizarius cominge to Italy, toke Naples and divers other citees.[Anni regum britannie 23]Theodotus, for his cowardise,[The yere of the worlde 4500] [The yere of Christ 539] was deposed of the Gothes: and a valiant warriour, named Vitigis, chosen king in his place: whiche reigned .v. yeres. By the commaundement of this Vitigis Theodotus was slaine of Optaris. Bellizarius was receyved into Rome, and the Gothes expelled Constantianus, one of the capitaines under Bellizarius recovered from the Gothes Delmatia and L [...]burnia Childebert Clodomir and Lothayr, kinges of france made sharpe warre uppon Sigismunde, kinge of Burgoyne in the whiche Clodomir was slayne.
But the other bretherne mainteined the warre in such wise, that the toke Sigismunde, with his wife and chyldren, and obteined the portion of Burgoyne, which by enheritace was dewe to theyr mother Clotilde.[Anni regum britannie 24] Vitigis kinge of the Gothes, compassed the citee of Rome with a herde and dangerous siege:[The yere of the worlde 4501] [The yere of Christ 540] by mean wherof was great famine and scarcite in Rome.
Arthur, the Britaine, when after many and divers battailes, he had set his land in some quietnesse, he betooke the rule therof to his nephew Mordrod, and with a chose armie (as sayeth Galfride and other) sailed into Frace: where he did mervailous thinges, and vanquished Lusius Hybertus, the Romaine capitaine, which thinge semeth not to agree with other histories.
Childebert, kinge of midle fraunce, hearing that Almaricus king of the wisigothes in Spaine misse intreated his sister, made warre upon him, toke the citee Talet and lastly him subdued, and sette his sister in hir former astate. Vitigis sent ambasade to Cosroes, king of Persians,[The yere of the worlde 4502] [The yere of Christ 541]willing him to make warre upon the Romaine empire. [Anni regum britannie 25] The kinges of Fraunce warred against the wisigothes in Spaine, and constreigned them by force to forsweare the heresie of Arrius, & embrace the true faith of Christ.
He toke by strength his uncle which was right heyre to the crowne: and died when he had reigned .iii. yeres.
Totilas, a puissant and valiant warriour, was chosen king of the Gothes in Italy, and reigned .ii. yeres. He was not onely mightie in armes, but also benigne, getil and shewed great favour to theim, that were on him overcome: whereby he subdued more than by dinte of sworde. By knightly force and policie he vanquished the Romaynes, and toke in battaile all the imperiall insygnes.[The yere of the worlde 4850] [The yere of Christ 547] The kingedome of northumberlande beganne first in Britaine under a Saxon named Ida.[Anni regum britannie 2] This lordeshippe was first devided into .ii. kingdomes, the one was called Deyra, whiche conteyned the lande frome Humbre to Tyne, the other brenitia, whyche included the countrey from Tyne to the Scottishe sea.
After this daye the Brytains discreased dayly in lordeshippe and rule, and drew theim towarde Wales, so that the countrey about Chester was the chiefe of their lordshippe. Totilas the Gothe subdued Brutia, Calabria, Apulia and Lucania, he vanquyshed and tooke Demetrius the Romaine capitaine, and recovered agayne the citee of Naples.
VOrtiporius, the sonne of Conanus, was ordeined king of Britaine:[The yere of the worlde 4509][The yere of Christ 548] of whom is little memory left,[Anni regum britannie 1]saving that Guydo testifieth him to be a victorious prince, and that he in divers battailes discomfyted the Saxones.
Justinian the emperour made peace with Cosroes king of Persians for .vii. yeres. The Herules, about the river Dunaude overcame the S [...]la [...]nes.Art [...]banes a Romain delivered Afrike and Carthage from the crueltee of atyranne named Gontharis. Justinian was constreigned of necessitee, to sende Bell [...]zarius againe into Italy, to withstand the furie of the Gothes. John provost of[Page 149]Afrike:[Anni regum britannie 2] subdued the people of Mauritania,[The yere of the worlde 4510][The yere of Christ 549]rebelling against the empire, and chased theim to the uttermost partes of Afrike.
A generall synode holden at Costantinople against the errour of Theodorus, where it was concluded, that our ladie was the mother of god, and not of man onely.[The yere of the worlde 4510] [The yere of Christ 550] Totilas, [Anni regum britannie 3] by force of armes, dearth, and famine, subdued well nere all Italie: and after longe siege, toke the citee of Rome, and spoyled it with sworde and fyre, overthrowynge the walles and toures even to the grounde. He expelled all the citisyns out, and left the citee almost desert, that it shuld not after ayde or succour his enemies. A great earthquake was almoste in all partes of the worlde.[Anni regum britannie 4] [The yere of the worlde 4512] [The yere of Christ 551]
In Misia a quave of the earthe swalowed the mydle part of the citee, with many of the inhabitaunce, where the voice of them, that were swalowed, was herd, criyng for healpe and succour. The Sclavines invaded Illiria, by whom that countrey was after called Sclavonie.
Bellizarius recovered the citee of Rome, being almost desolate. And within the space of .24. dayes, repayred the citee, and builded the walles in suche wyse, that he withstode many great & dangerous assautes of Totilas Theudis, kyng of Spayne, was murdered of the gothes, for that he in his arraye resembled rather a diserde or stage plaier, than a prince and governour.
MAlgo, a Duke of britaine,[The yere of Christ 552]begane his reigne over the Britaines,[Anni regum britannie 1] and governed theim .35. yeares:[The yere of the worlde 4513] as writers accord, this Malgo was the comeliest and most personable man of all the Britaines than livyng, and therwith endewed with knyghtly manhode: but he delited in the foule synne of Sodomie: and therfore was greatly persecuted of his enemies the Saxones.
The Barbarous people obteyned the dominion of all the weast partes of the empyre. Tendesilius, kyng of the wisigothes in Spaine, whan he had reigned not ful one yere, was deposed and put to death by his people, because he ravisshed certaine noble matrones at Hyspali. After hym was ordeyned Agila, whiche reigned .v. yeres.[Anni regum britannie 2]
The Saxones, hearyng of the discencion betwene Caretius and his Britains, accompaniyng them with Gurmundus, kynge of Irelande, made warre upon hym: in suche wyse, that it was fayne to take the towne of Sycester: where they assauted hym so sore, that he with hys men fled from thens into Wales: by whiche meanes he lost a great part of his dominion: and shortly after ended his lyfe.
THe Britayns, whiche were chased of their enemies into Wales (as I before sayed) helde theim in that partes, [The yere of the worlde 4550] [The yere of Christ 589] [Anni regum britannie 1] and assauted the Saxones somwhyle in one coste, and somewhyle in an other, under sundry Dukes, and so continued the space of .24. yeres.
Gregory was sent to the emperour, to excuse Pelagius for that he was chosen and admytted byshoppe of Rome without his consent.
A noble man of Constantinople, named Smaragdus.[Anni regum britannie 2] was ordeyned lieuetenant of Italy,[The yere of the worlde 4551][The yere of Christ 590] and sent of the emperour with an armie, to deliver Italy from the Lumbardes. Who at his comminge toke the towne called Classense, discomfited the Lumbardes, and slewe theyr capytaine Feroaldus, with many of his souldiours.
The Lumbardes, whiche had been the s [...]are of .x. yeres without a kyng,[The yere of the worlde 4552][The yere of Christ 591] under the governaunce of Dukes, [Anni regum britannie 3] ordeyned to theyr kynge a valiant younge man, called Antharis, the sonne of Clephis. Leon [...]gil [...]us, kynge of Spayne, slewe his owne sonne Hermengilde, because he woulde not consent to the heresie of Arrius.
In Britaine Ethelfr [...]dus governed the north Saxones, who made suche continual warre upo the Britains,[The yere of the worlde 4553] [The yere of Christ ] [Anni regum britannie 4] and chased them so sore, that it is thought he slew mo of them than all the other Saxon kynges. By hys crueltie the faieth of Christ was almost utterly extinguisshed among the Britaines, which had continued sens the time of Lu [...]ie, about .400. yeres: and manye of the Britaynes were chased of the lande. An [...]haris, kyng of Lumbardes, invaded [...]ystria, and spoyled the countrey with sworde and fyre.[The yere of the worlde ][The yere of Christ 593] [Anni regum britannie 5]
He dyscomfyted Fransilyo the president of Gallia Cisalpina, and[Page 134]toke the citee Cumus. By overmuche raine hapned a great floude in al the countrey of Italie: so that the rivers overflowed manye citees and townes, to the great damage of the inhabytauntes, by whych unseasonable weather rose also great dearth, pestilence, and famine: by occasion wherof Gregorie ordayned first the latinie to be songe in 7. partes.
Richaredus was ordeined king of Spaine. This man calling a counsayle at Tolet, condened the heresy of Arrius, and caused the catholike fayth to be received of his people.[Anni regum britannie 6] Childebert, one of the kinges of Fraunce, gave his sister in mariage to Richaredus of Spayne,[The yere of the worlde 4555] [The yere of Christ 594] rejecting the affinitee of Anthar [...]s the Lumbarde: who also desyred his sister to wife.
Antharis maried Teudelina, the doughter of the king of Bavarie. Chidebert, king of Fraunce, making warre upon the Bavarians, chased theyr kinge Gariabalde out of this countrey and possessed his lordship of Bavarie. Teudelina, with her brother Gondoald, fled into Italie to Anthaxis.
Childebert besieged the citee of Trent in Italye, and spoyled the countrey there about, wyth muche crueltee wherby he put the Lumbardes in great dread, & caused theim to feare muche his power. Luiba, the sonne of Richaredus, was king of Spaine ii. yeres v. monethes. He was slayne by the treason of Victec [...]s. Agi [...]u [...]phus succeded Antharis in the kyngdome of Lumbardie:[Anni regum britannie 7] [The yere of the worlde 4556] [The yere of Christ 595]who foorthwith made peace with the frenche men. Gunthranus king of Orliaunce, made Childebert his heyre. Aldaine, king of Scottes,being confederate with the Britaines, about this time, warred fiercely agaynst Ethelfride king of Northumberlande and the Picces, and overthrew them in .ii. great battailes. Gregory the first (surnamed the great was ordeyned bishop of Rome.
He commaunded all juglars minstrelles, scoffarres, and such ydle persons either to avoyde his lande, or to fynde some honest craft to live by Agilulphus, the Lumbarde, spoyled Cremona, & tooke Mantua. Sisseb [...]t [...],king of Spayne reygned ix. yeres .vii. mo. nethes. He receyved the true fayth of Christ, and greatly favoured and augmented the same. He arrivinge in Afrike, with a navie of shippes, subdued to his lordshippe many provinces of that countrey.
Sabinianus was made bishop of Rome. He so muche envied the name of his predecessour Gregory,[The yere of the worlde 4569] [The yere of Christ 608] [Anni regum britannie 20] that uneth he would suffer his bookes to be published. In his time was a great dearth and famine. About this time were seene many strange & uncouth syghtes, among others the monsters of the sea shewed theim to the people the space of halfe a daye.
Lemigius a Thracian was made the .vi. lieuetenant in Italie.
Boniface the, iiii. was bishop of Rome .vi. yeres .viii. monethes.
After the Barbarous people had disturbed the whole world with deadly & cruell warres, and infected all the weast partes (speciallye Italye) wyth moste habominable vices and all kinde of naughty living, true learning religion and godlinesse greatly decayed among Christian men, and covetousnesse, arrogancie, a desire of worldly pompe reigned not onely in the hertes of princes and the common people, but also especiallie of bishoppes and prelates of the churche: so that a little before this tyme John the patriarke of Constantinople, of an intollerable pride, made suite to Mauritius the emperour to be called thechiefe bishop, whom Gregorie than bishop of Rome vehemently withstode, and wrate agaynst him very extremely in divers epistles: saying, that he firste broughte in the example of Antichrist into the churche, for that he claimed to him the name of an universall bishop, to the derogacion of al other, with divers like wordes of great[Page 156] reproche.
Uppon that occasion geven by John byshop of Constantinople, Boniface beyng now at this time made bishop of Rome, obteyned of Phocas the emperour, to be called the universall and chiefe bishop, nothing regarding eyther the commaundement & instruction of Christ, sayyng to his disciples, that they whiche woulde be highest among them, should be lowest: eyther els the example of godly men before time, and decrees of ancient counsailes whiche did alwaye abhorre that suche titles and names of extreme pride, should be used in the churche. For saint Cyprian writing often to Cornelius bishop of Rome, never calleth him otherwise than brother, or felowe bishop. the like is founde in the woorkes of Tertullian, Hierome Chrisostome, Augustine, and other auncient writers. yea and the cousayle of Carthage hold in the yere of our lord 419. (where, 217. bishops were presente) because the auctoritee of the bishop of Rome was sumwhat than in controversie decreed, that none should be called the chiefe bishop but only in this wyse the bishop of the chiefe see, whiche honour they gave than to Rome, because it was and had been the seate royall of the empyre: not to establyshe any auctoritee over other churches: these thinges I saye nothing regarded. Boniface beganne fyrst to usurpe that primacie, that the Romain bishops have ever sence, falsly alleged to be given them by the scripture above other bishops. Wherfore, seeing that Gregory estemed John of Constantinople to brynge into the church the example of Antichrist, because he sued for the name of universall bishoppe: every man maye easelye judge, what is to bee thoughte of all the successoures of Gregorye in the sea of Rome, which have not onely take upon them that name to the derogacion of all other bishops, as Gregory complaineth, but also to bee called the heade of the universall church, christes vicar in earth, with other names and cities of blaspgemy, to the great dishonour of god:
Penda kinge of Mertia, warred upon Oswald the good and holy king of Northumberland, and slew him in battaile with many of his knightes.[The yere of the worlde 4605] [The yere of Christ 644]
Mertina, the emperours mother,[Anni regum britannie 10] for the murder that she had before committed, by the judgement of the senat had her tongue cut out, and was also banished with her sonne the emperour, whiche had his nose cut of, in token of reproche. For that he was consentinge to that cruell deede.
Constans was made emperour. This man favoured the heresie of the Monotholites, and was therewithall verie covetous.For whiche causes he became odious to his subjectes, and was slayne when he had reigned .27. yeres.[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 645]
Clodonei the yonger sonne of Dagobert,[Anni regum britannie 11] beganne his reigne over the middle part of France, and his elder brother Sigibert was made kinge of Austratie or Loraine This Clodovei was also called Lowes. [The yere of the worlde 4607] [The yere of Christ 646]
Oswie, the brother of Oswalde,[Anni regum britannie 12] obteined the kingdome of Northuberland in Britaine. Who slewe Oswine his brothers sonne: and made Odilwaldus partaker of hys kingdome.
Ferquharde the son of the late kinge Ferquharde: was made king of Scottes and reigned .xviii. yeeres. Thys man in his private life was liberal above his power but when he was auctorised kinge, he became a cruell, covetous and gloutenous tyranne: wherfore he was striken of god with a vile and peinfull sickenesse wherof he died[The yere of the worlde 4608] [The yere of Christ 647] Kenwalcus, kinge of weast Saxones, [Anni regum britannie 13] was restored to his kingdome by the helpe of Anna king of Eastangles Martine was ordeined the .71. pope.[The yere of Christ 649]
In Fraunce was suche dearth and scarcitee,[Anni regum britannie 15] that a quarter of wheate was solde for .v. nobles.[The yere of the worlde 4610] Wherfore kinge Clodovei, to succour the poore people caused the church of S. Menies, that his father had covered wyth sylver, plates, to be rased up, and covered againe with lead and that silver to be distributed amonge the nedy folkes.[The yere of Christ 650] Martine pope assembled a counsaile of .105. bishops In the whyche Corus byshoppe of Alexandria,[The yere of the worlde 4611] [Anni regum britannie 16] and Servius, Pyrrhus and Paulus, whyche successively hadde[Page 161]bene bishoppes of Constantinople, were condemned for heresie.
Recisuindus was ordeined kinge of the wisigothes in Spaine, and reigned .18. yeres .11. monethes.
By the exhortacion of Martine pope, Theodorus the lieuetenant of Italy,[Anni regum britannie 17] [The yere of the worlde 4612] [The yere of Christ ] gave battaile to Rocharis the Lumbarde nere to the river Scultenna, wher he was vanquished and beaten, with the losse of .vii. thousande souldiours Wherof Rotharis beinge very proude, annexed to his kingdome all the countrey of Ligurie.
Kenwalcus builded the bishops sea of Winchester in Britaine.[Anni regum britannie 20][The yere of the worlde 4615] [The yere of Christ 654] [Anni regum britannie 22] Penda king of middle Englande, made warre upon Anna kinge of Eastangles,[The yere of the worlde 4617] [The yere of Christ 656] and slew him in open fielde With whiche victory Penda being elated in pride, sent his defiance to Oswie of Northubarland, who hearing of the comminge of that tyran, proferred to him greate giftes and fayre condicions of peace. But Penda obstinately refused all entreatie of concorde: And therefore shortly after he was slayne in battaile, with .xxx. of his. most noble capitaines, although he had thrise the noumbre of people that Oswie had. And thus this heaten and blouddye Pagane ended his crueltee, whiche with dyvers warres a longe season had tourmented the land of Britaine.
Martine pope was banished by Constantine the emperour. After whiche time the sea of Rome was voide .xiii monethes. A great famine and dearth, through which manye died for lacke of sustinance. Bennet the monke, and maister of the reverent Beda was famous in Britaine. This Bennet broughte firste the crafte of glasinge into this lande.[Anni regum britannie 23] The Sarasens whiche with great crueltie and contynuall warres hadde spoyled Asia and Afrike,[The yere of the worlde 4618] [The yere of Christ 657] perced Europe. They subdued the Rhoodes, wasted and pilled Sicilie, and with unspeakable tyranny, afflicted the ylandes called Ciclades. Eugenius the .73. pope .iii. yeres.[Anni regum britannie 24] Olympius, lieuetenant of Italy,[The yere of the worlde 4619] [The yere of Christ 658] with muche laboure
The Moores within the space of .20. yeres, had amonge them no lesse than .xv. kinges. For when that one governour could not please all the people, eyther by some treason he was of them murdered, or els for feare he left his regalitee, and became private. Whiche stubbourne frowardenes of the people when Acabath, a noble man perceived he toke on him the governance of the realme, and forthwith put to death the noumbre of .300. of the chyefe capitaines, of that sedicious people, and after reigned a good season in quietnesse.
After the death of Dagobert one Daniell, a priest for his wisedome and experience in civile policie, was by cosent of the nobles made kinge of Fraunce.
Charles,[Anni regum saxo 34]desirous to revenge the injury done to him by his stepmother Plectrude,[The yere of the worlde 4680] [The yere of Christ 719] and her alies, gathered a great company of souldiours, and nere to Mense fought a stronge battaile with Rangafrede maister of the palaice: in the whiche he was put to the worse. But shortely he recovered his hooste, whiche was disperkeled and fought eftsones at a place called Albane, where he obteined the victorie. Then thirdely those two hostes encountred in a fielde called winefielde, where was present Daniell the king, and Eudon duke of Gascoyne: at whyche time was foughten a sore battaile, where Charles was victour, and chased the kinge and his other enemies to Gascoyne. For whiche victorie he triumphed, and advaced one Clothaire to the kingdome, who shortelye after died.
In this pastime Leo deposed Theodosius the emperour when he had not reigned fully one yere.[The yere of the worlde 4681] [The yere of Christ 720]
Zulemon capitaine of the Sarasens in Asia,[Anni regum saxo 35] invaded Thracia with a great power, of the whiche parte besyeged Constantinople, part spoiled the countrey of Bulgarie, with whom the Bulgarians met, and slew of them xxii. thousande.
Charles was made friende with Daniell, and restored him to the kingedome of France,[The yere of the worlde 4683] [The yere of Christ 722] [Anni regum saxo 37] and pardoned also Eudon duke of Gascoyne. The Sarasens the seconde yere that they besieged [Page 167]Constantinople, being constreigned bothe with famine and pestilence, gave up the siege and departed thens to Asia Charles of Fraunce vanquished the Saxones. Whan Jewe had governed the weast Saxones in Britaine the space of .37. yeeres,[Anni regum saxo 38][The yere of the worlde 4684] [The yere of Christ 723] by the assiduate laboure of his wife, gave up his regall power, and became a poore man, and went to Rome in pilgremage.[Anni regum saxo 39]
After him Ethelardewas kinge of west Saxones:[The yere of the worlde 4685] [The yere of Christ 724] in whose time the reverent Beda was famous, and wrate his booke called Anglica historia, to Offrike king of Northumberland.
About this time was a clipse of the moone, whiche from the first rising to midnight appered redde as bloud. In like maner appered two blasing sterres, of the whyche one prevented the sonne rising the other folowed his going downe Leuthbrande, the Lumbarde, toke Clusium: and besieged Ravenna, whiche he toke and was after restored by ayde of the Venetians.[Anni regum saxo 40]
Charlesof Fraunce subdued the Bavarians. Leo the emperour commaunded Paulus his deputie to levie a new taxe in Italy:[The yere of the worlde 4686] [The yere of Christ 725] but he was prohibited by Gregorie pope, who having ayd of the Lumbardes, by force of armes withstode the emperours deputie.
Leo gave commaundement,[The yere of the worlde 4687] [The yere of Christ 726] that al that were under the empire,[Anni regum saxo 41] shoulde take awaye the ymages and pictures of saintes, out of churches, for avoyding of Idolatry. But the pope, did resist the emperour, and wrate into al partes of the world, that neither for feare nor intreatie they shoulde obey the emperours commaundemente in this be halfe, and with so vehement perswasions withdrewe the people of Italye from the obedience of theyr emperour.
Leo, that they would have chosen them a new emperour. The citees of Italy refusing the office of the lieuetenant shippe, chose to theim [...]che citee his propre governour, whom they called dukes. Pelagius, kinge of Castile, by the helpe of god reduced his borderers to the faith of Christ.
The Sarasens of Mauritania, vanquished the Grecians and people of Venece in a great battaile on the sea, and after invaded Delmatia, and the with their power entred Italye, where they toke and most cruelly spoyled and cast to ground the citee Ancona. At the citee Ostia, in Italy,[Anni regum saxo 17] the Romans foughte prosperously,[The yere of the worlde 4810] [The yere of Christ 849]and vanquished the Sarasens.
The Normains or Danes, perced the realme of France by the river Leyr, and overrode the countrey of Guyan and toke and spoiled many famous citees, as Burdeaux Sanctone, Engolisne, Turone, Poicters, Paris, and other: at whiche time Charles warred in Britaine. Lothayre made Lewis his sonne felowe in the empyre[The yere of the worlde 4811][The yere of Christ 850]
Ethelwolphus, kinge of Englande,[Anni regum saxo 18] first founded the universitee of Oxenforde: whiche summe writers attribute to Offa king of Mertia, that was in ye time of Charles the great .60. yeres before this time.[Anni regum saxo 19] [The yere of the worlde 4812] [The yere of Christ 851]
A great famine and death in Germanie.[Anni regum saxo 22] [The yere of the worlde 4815] [The yere of Christ 854 John the .vii. pope. This was an Englishe woman, whiche in her youthe, being arayed in a mans apparell, companied a learned man (whiche kept her) to the citee of Athenes, where by her witte, diligence, and daylye hearinge of learned men, she became excellent in the knowlage of good letters.
Wherfore she dissimulinge still her propre kinde, came after to Rome: and, for the opinion of hir great learninge was chosen pope. But by her lightnesse she declared her selfe to be a woman. For not long after she travayled with childe in the middes of the strete in procession time.
EThelwaldus after the death of his father,[Anni regum saxo 1] beganne his reigne in Englande.[The yere of the worlde 4816] [The yere of Christ 755] He maried a woman, whiche his father had kept before as his concubine: and dyed, whan he had reigned not fully one yere.
Donalde the .v. of that name a vicious and wicked prince (reigned in Scotlande .vi. yeres. In his time Osbert and Ella capitaines of the Englishemen and Brytaines, made warre upon the Scottes, toke their kinge, and subdued al the countrey from Strivelinge to the[Page 178]Irishe seas, and frome the water of Forth and Clide to Cumber.
Lothayre forsoke the dignitee of the empyre, and became a monke. He divided his landes betwene his .iii. sonnes, to Lothayre, the part of France called Lorayne: to Charles, the countrey of Narbone: to Lewys the governaunce of the empyre, whiche he guyded .xxi. yeeres.
EThelbert, the brother of Ethelwalde, was ordeyned king over the more part of Englande.[Anni regum Angli 1] [The yere of the worlde 4817] [The yere of Christ 856] In the beginninge of his reigne, the Danes ent [...]red the weaste parte of the realme, and spoyled the countrey afore them till they came to Winchester: and by strengthe toke the citee. But by the king and his Dukes, they were forced to leave Winchester, and in fleynge towarde their ships loste a great noumbre of theyr men.
Charles, when he hadde vanquished Homevoi [...]s and Crispoius, capitains of the Britains, and brought them in dew subjection, was proclaimed king of that countrei and retourned into Fraunce.[Anni regum Angli 2]
Theodora, which governed the east empyre,[The yere of the worlde 4818] [The yere of Christ 857]because she contemned images, was of hir owne sonne Michaell inclosed in a monasterie, and kept as prisoner.After whyche time Michaell reigned alone .xiii. yeres.[Anni regum Angli 5]
Lewys, kinge of Germanie in dyvers battayles vanquished the Sclavines,[The yere of the worlde 4821] [The yere of Christ ] which refused his dominion and toke their prince Rastiz, whom: because he hadde broken his league he bereft of his sight. Tyber overflowed Rome in suche wise, that they used botes. At Brixium a cite of Italye .iii. dayes together it rayned bloudde.
Constantine the seconde, a good and vertuous prince reigned in Scotland .xiii. yeres.
ETheldrede the .iii. sonne of Ethelwalphus, tooke on him the governaunce of weast Saxones,[Anni regum Angli 1] [The yere of the worlde 4824] [The yere of Christ 863]and other provinces, of Englande. He was a man, framed of nature as wel to peace as warre. Amonge his subjectes he was milde, gentell, loving and pleasaunt: against his adversaries, severe, fierce, valiant and hardy.He lyved in continuall warre with the Danes: which all the time[Page]of his reigne, vexed the land with moste deadly warres A company of Danes landed in Northumberland: and after many skyrmishes and battailes to them geven, by strength they possessed and held that countrey the space of .60. yeres, and toke also the citee of Yorke.
An other company entred in the province of Mertia and tooke the towne of Notingham: from whens thei were shortly expelled by Etheldrede and his knightes.
Nicolas the first pope, decreed, that nosecular prince or emperour shoulde be at the counsayle of the clergye[The yere of the worlde 4826] [The yere of Christ 865] [Anni regum Angli 3] [The yere of the worlde 4828] The Sarasens, breakinge into Italy, destroyed the citee called Benevente.[The yere of Christ 867] [Anni regum Angli 5]Against whom the emperour Lewys fought prosperouslye, wyth the ayde of his brother Lothayre.
The Normans invaded divers provinces of Fraunce whom Charles was fayne for that time to please wyth riche giftes and treasure.
The Bulgares which to this daye dissented from the churche of Rome,[The yere of the worlde 4829] [The yere of Christ 868] agreed with them in all thynges.[Anni regum Angli 6] At whiche tyme theyr kinge, forsaking his regally, became a monke. Sveropilus, kinge of Dalmacie, with his people the Sclavines, receyved firste the religion of Christe. The kingedome of Dalmacie was divided into .iiii. partes: the names wherof remaine at this daye.
A counsaile was holde at Constantinople:[Anni regum Angli 7] where after many wordes had for the unitee and concorde of the Latines and Gretians: [The yere of the worlde 4830] [The yere of Christ 869] it chaunced that the olde variaunce toke place, and was againe renewed.
A company of ye Danes entred the countrey of Northff. where they slew the holy kinge Edmunde, which governed the province of Northfolke: because he would not for sake the faith of Christ.[The yere of the worlde 4831] [The yere of Christ 870]Basilius by treason murdered Michaell, [Anni regum Angli 8] and possessed the empyre of the east .xvii. yeres.
Lothayre king of Loraine ended his life at Placence of whose landes Charles king of Fraunce, by strengthe toke possession. For whiche cause was great debate betwene him and his elder brother Lewys of Germanye[Page 179]The coutrey of Lorayn was devided betwene Charles and Lewys: wherewith Lewys the emperour was sore greeved, and sent a sharpe message to them, that neither the tone, [Anni regum Angli 9] nor the tother,[The yere of the worlde 4832] [The yere of Christ 871] shoulde intermitte with the landes of Lothayre, to the which he had most rightful titel.
The Danes, which afore hadde perced the countrei of Northff. landed againe in Southerie, and continued till they came to Reading, and toke the towne and castel: at whiche time, while Ethelrede was busied against them he had woorde of the landinge of Ofrike, kinge of Denmarke (as saye the english croniclers) with an other company: to whom the kinge gave many stronge battayles but in the ende he was put to the Corse, and receyved a wounde, wherof he died.
ALurede the .iii. sonne of Ethelwolphus,[The yere of Christ 872] beganne his reigne over the more part of Englande.[Anni regum Angli 1] [The yere of the worlde 4833] This man was of faire stature & comely personage, no lesse renoumed in marciall pollicie, than in civile governance of his commen weale. He was wise discrete and learned, and favoured good letters excellently well. In youth somwhat he was disposed to the vyce of the fleshe and therfore besought god to chastice him by some continuall sickenesse, whereby he myght serve god the better and yet not be made unapt to worldly busynesse. Wherfore by the ordinaunce of godde, he was taken with the evyl, called Ficus. and was therof sick a longe space. Alvrede, in the first yere of his reigne, in sundrye places fought .vi. times with the Danes: bi meanes wherof his people were so weakened, that he was gladde to make peace with his enemies.[Anni regum Angli 3]
A wonderful multitude of the flyes called Locustes,[The yere of the worlde 4835] [The yere of Christ 874] vexed wel nere all the countreys of France. This flye burneth the corne with touching, and devoureth the residue.
Ethylstane, or Athelstane, kynge of Englande, after the death of Sytheryus, kinge of the Danes in Northumberlande, ceased that provynce into hys owne handes, and put out of possessyon his sonne, whyche fledde to Constantyne kynge of Scottes.[The yere of Christ 929]
Lewys. the sonne of Charles the simple,[Anni regum Angli 5] after the deathe of Raulffe,[The yere of the worlde 4890] was desyred of the nobles, to retourne out of Englande with his mother Elgina, and toke possession of the kingedome of Fraunce, wherin he reygned .27. yeares Ethylstane of Englande gave hys daughter Edyth to Otho, soonne of Henrye, whyche Otho was afterwarde emperour.
Leo, the .vi. byshoppe of Rome .vii. monethes. And after hym Stephene the seconde .ii yeres.[The yere of Christ 931] The people, called Redarii, rebelled, and refused the dominion of Henrye the emperour,[The yere of the worlde 4892] whom Bernarde,[Anni regum Angli 7] and Thiatmarus his capitaines, subdued, and slewe, and toke prisoners to the numbre of .220. thousande.
In Fraunce fell so great a dearth and scarcitye, that a quarter of wheate was woorthe .xx. poundes of that money, which is in value after sterlyng money .50. shillinges.[The yere of Christ 932] Arnolde, Duke of Bavayer, ledde an armye into Italye against Hugh the kyng,[The yere of the worlde 4893] [Anni regum Angli 8] where he was receyved of the cytye Verona, and joygnynge in battayle with Hughe, was chased, and with great losse of his men retourned into his countrey. At the citye of Gean flowed a well of bloudde. John the . [...]i. was byshop of Rome .v. yeres.
Wyllyam, the .ii. Duke of Normandye, sonne of Rollo, was slaine by treason of Arnolde Erle of Flaunders. He lefte after hym a soonne, that was to younge to rule that Duchie: whiche thynge caused great troubled betwene the Normains and Lewys kyng of France, who endevoyred to bringe that countrey againe to his dominion, and toke of him the tuicion of the younge Duke, named Rycharde.
R [...]imirus the .iii. beyng but a childe obteyned the kyngdome of Spaine, and reigned .25. yeres.[The yere of the worlde 4895] [The yere of Christ 934] The Hungares exacted trybute of the Saxones,[Anni regum Angli 10] and with a[Page 185]puissant army invaded the Turinges, whom Henry the emperour overthrewe. The Sarasens landed on the sea coste of Galyce, and were dryven backe by the Erle of Gundesalue, at Santium.[Anni regum Angli 11]
The Sarasens of Afrike,[The yere of the worlde 4896] [The yere of Christ 935] with a mighty company entred Italye, and spoylinge the sea costes of Hetrucia, toke G [...]ane: and most cruelly intreated man, woma, & chylde, sparing no kinde, condycion, or age. An other company perced the countrey of Germany, even to Aquisgrane: where encountringe with the inhabytantes, Sagitus theyr capitayne was slayne.
Henrye, emperour of Almayne, overcame the Danes, that warred on the Fresones, and made them tributarye. He caused also Nuba their king to receive baptisme. Inger, king of the Northmains, whiche be called Russi,[Anni regum Angli 12] came to Constantinople with a navye of .1000. shippes:[The yere of the worlde 4897] [The yere of Christ 936] where Romanus the emperour mette with them, with a smalle numbre of gallies, and casting fyre into theyr shippes destroyed theyr navye, and toke of theym many prisoners.
Leo the .vii. was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres. The sonne of Sithericus the Dane, that fledde into Scotland, beinge alyed, with Constantine the kinge, and by him ayded, retourned into Englande, and warred uppon Ethilstane: of whom they were vanquished & slayne, with many of their souldiours. Ethylstane subdued also the Britaynes, that dwelled at Herforde, and made them tributary.[Anni regum Angli 14] The Hungares wasted wyth fire,[The yere of the worlde 4899] the countreys of Germanie, Fraunce, and Italy. [The yere of Christ 938] Otho the sonne of Henry was ordeyned emperoure after his fathers discease, and reygned nobly .36. yeres. This man was excellent, as well in the gyftes of nature as of wytte and fortune: whose fierce and valiant courage was so tempered with gentylnesse, that he is worthilye noumbred among the most noble prynces.
Wherfore by the consente and ayde of hys wife and sonne,[The yere of the worlde 4933][The yere of Christ 972]he was murdered in the night season,[Anni regum Angli 14] and John his sonne chosen in his place to be emperour, which reigned .vi. yeres. A signe appeared in the element lyke fyre.
John emperour of Constantinople, gave his syster in mariageto the younger brother Otho. Cu [...]ine a vicious and wicked tyran reigned among the Scottes. He defloured his owne systers and ravished other mens wifes and doughters, wherfore he was slayne the .v. yere of his reygne.
Bennet, the .v [...]. bishop of Rome, was caste in prison by Cynthius a citisin,[The yere of the worlde 4934] [The yere of Christ 973] that was at that time of great power in Rome.[Anni regum Angli 15] Edgare king of England, tamed the Welshemen, whiche re [...]elled and spoyled the countrey of Glamorgan. Otho the emperour gave place to nature, after whom succeded his son named also Otho, who reigned .x. yeres.[The yere of the worlde 4936]
EDwarde, the sonne of Edgare by his firste wife,[Anni regum Angli 1]beganne his reigne over this realme of England,[The yere of Christ 975]contrary the minde and pleasure of Elfride his stepmother and other of her aliance. In all kindes of honest vertue this man mighte be well compared to his father, and began his soveraigntee, with such modestie & myldenesse, that he was worthilye favoured of all men, excepte onely Elfride, which ever maligned agaynst hym, for so much as the desire [...]to have the governance of the realme for her owne son Egelrede
All the time of this Edwarde was great discorde betwene the priestes and monkes of Englande. Because Edgare in his time, had expelled certayne seculer priestes out of their colleges, and geven the possession thereof to monkes. In which controversie (throughe certaine counterfayte [...] miracles)the monkes had the upper hande.[The yere of the worlde 4937] Otho the emperour subdued Henry duke of Bavarye.[The yere of Christ 976] John emperour of Constantinople,[Anni regum Angli 2] after he had expelled the Ro [...]olanes out of Bulgarye, and annexed that province to his owne signorye, and for his victorye trium[Page 189]phed was by treason of certain of his sabjectes poysoned·
B [...]silius and Constantine the .ii. sonnes of Romanus were made emperoures of the easte, [Anni regum Angli 3] whiche invaded and spoyled the countrey of Surie,[The yere of the worlde 4938] [The yere of Christ 977] and expellinge the Sarasens recovered the yle of Crete. Kenneth reigned in Scotlande .xxv, yeares. In his tyme he D [...]nes [...] in [...]ngus with a great company, and wasted the countrey veraye sore, with whom the Scottes mette, and after sore fighte and great slaughter (by the manhode of one Hay. an uplandishe man, and his .ii. sonnes) obteyned the victorye. Thys Kenneth was slayne by meane of a lady called Fenella, because she had poysoned Malcolme, prynce of Cumber.
The emperour of Germany vanquished the Bohemes and wasted their countrey. Edwarde kinge of Englande, while he was hunting in new forest (by chaunce) loste his company, and rode alone to refreshe him at the castell of his stepmother Alphrede: where he was by her counsayle trayterouslye murdered, as he satte on his horse. After his death god shewed for hi divers myracles. Wherfore he is noumbred amonge the saynctes and martyres. Before the death of this Edward appeared in this lande a blasinge sterre of a marveylous greatnesse.
EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of kynge Edgare and Alfrede,[Anni regum Angli 1]was ordeyned kinge of Englande.[The yere of the worlde 4939] [The yere of Christ 978] He was goodly of shape and visage, but wholy geven to idlenesse and abhorred all princelye exercises: a lover of riote, lecherie, and dronkennesse. and used extreme crueltee towarde his subjectes, havinge his eares open to all unjust complaintes. In feates of armes, of all men moste ignoraunt. His crueltie made him odious to his subjectes, and his cowardise encouraged straunge enemyes, to invade his kingdome. By meanes whereof, this lande was sore afflicted with warre, famine and pestilence. In his time decayed the noble king [...]dome of Englande, and became tributary to the Danes. Lothayre kinge of France invaded Lorayne, and spoyled the countrey nere to Aquisgrane.
Crescentius, foreseing trouble and warre to be at hand, repa [...]red and fortified the walles and gates of the cytee.[The yere of Christ 996]The emperour re [...]urned againe into Italie, and besieged the citee of Rome.[The yere of the worlde 4957]
Crescentius, and the newe byshop,[Anni regum Angli ] fled for theyr savegarde into the mounte Adrian. From whens they were by strenght taken, and Crescentius put to death, and John the bishop bereft of his sight.
Gregorye was agayne aucthorysed byshop: who by the consente and counsayle of Otho, ordeyned the princes of Germayne, electours of the emperour: whiche order and maner is kept to this day.
Richarde, the second of that name, was ordeined Duke of Normandie: who for his manlinesse & policie in warre, was greatly praysed. [...]eldrede, kynge of Englande, toke to wyfe Emma, she syster of Rycharde Duke of Normandye:[The yere of the worlde 4959] [The yere of Christ 998] [Anni regum Angli 21] whiche for hir beautie was called the flower of Normandie.
Roberte, the sonne of Hugh Capet,[Anni regum Angli 22] begane hys reigne over the land of France. This was a vertuous man and cunning in many sciences,[The yere of the worlde 4960] [The yere of Christ 999] muche geven to study, and favoured well good letters. He made dyvers [...]y [...]nes sequences and respondes, and builded many churches and castels. In the beginnynge of hys reigne, by the ayde of Rycharde Duke of Normandye, he r [...]ored Erle Bowcharde to his castel of M [...]ion.[The yere of Christ 1000]
Stephene was made the fyrste kynge of Hungary, [Anni regum Angli ] and reigned . [...]9. yeres. [The yere of the worlde 4961] Alphons, kyng of Spaine, besiegeyng the citee Uese [...]m, was wounded with an arrowe, and thereof dyed: after whom was chosen U [...]remunde, that reigned .x. yeres Egelrede. kyng of Englande, being greatly enhaunced in his owne minde, for the mariage of the Dukes sister of Normandye, sente sorthe into all partes of his realme secrete and streicte commissions, chargyng the rulers, that upon a certaine daye and ho [...]re assigned, the Danes (whiche proudlye used great crueltee in the land) should be sodeinely slaine. And so was it dooen. Whiche thinge was after, cause of great misery.
Constantine reigned amonge the Scottes .iii. yeres, by meane[Page 190]of hym and Malcolme the s [...]onne of Kenneth, the realme of Scotlande was miserably tourmented with ci [...]ste warre.
Henry,Duke of Burgoyne, ended hys lyfe:[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ ] who for so muche as he died without issue,[Anni regum Angli 25] by hys will ordeined Robert, kyng of Fraunce, to be hys heyre. But the Burgoynes refusing to be under his dominion, rebelled, and were by hym vanquisshed and brought in due obeysaunce.
Sueno, or Suayne, kyng of Denmarke, hearing of the murder of the Danes in England, and beyng sore moved therwith, landed with a strong armie in dyvers partes of this realme, & so cruelly, withoute mercy and pitee, spoyled the countrey and slewe the people that the Englysshemen were brought to most extreme and unspeakeable miserye: but yet after a certaine space, a peace was entreated: for whiche the Englisshmen payed .30000. poundes: howbeit, divers princes of the Danes stil continued, wastyng the land in dyvers places.
Grime reigned in Scotlande .ix. yeres, agaynste hym Malcolme made fierce warre for the crowne, whiche was appeased by the counsaile of a byshop called Fothadus.
Henrye, Duke of Bavary,[The yere of the worlde ] by the consent of the princes electours of Germanye,[Anni regum Angli 26] was ordeyned emperour: [The yere of the worlde 4964] who was famous, as well for hys godly wisedome, as for his marcyall prowes and manye notable victoryes, that he knyghtlye atchived of his enemyes. At his fyrste entre he subdued certayne rebelles, as the Bohemes, the Vandales, and quieted Loraine and Flaunders. [Anni regum Angli 28] Godfrey succeded Otho in the Dukedome of Lorayne. [The yere of the worlde 4966] [The yere of Christ 1005] [Anni regum Angli 29] A great famine and pestilence afflicted almost the whole worlde.[The yere of the worlde 4967] [The yere of Christ 1006] The Sarasens,[The yere of the worlde 4968] devidynge theyr hostes in two sundrye partes,[Anni regum Angli ] landed in Italye, toke Capua,[The yere of Christ 1007] and besyeged Barum. Againste whome Urceolus, Duke of Venice, and Gregory, a capitaine of Constantinople, joygninge together theyr puisaunce, went in all haste, and obteyned of theim a noble victorye. The Turkes toke the citee of Hierusalem.
Theodora governed the empyre of Constantinople .ii. yeares. Henrie, emperour of Germanie, departyng out of this life, committed his yonge son to the tuicion of Baldwine, Erle of Flaunders. Sewarde, Erle of Northumberlande, dyed: of whom it is redde,[The yere of the worlde 5018] [The yere of Christ 1057] that whan he sawe well he shoulde dye,[Anni regum Angli 15] he caused his armoure to be put on hym, and so armed at all places sittynge in a cheire, sayed: that so it became a noble man to dye, and not liyng as another meane person.
Henrye, the .iiii. beyng yet a chylde, was ordeyned emperour of Germanie, and reigned .50. yeres. In his tyme, by meane of trouble, sedicion, and warre, the Romayne empyre so greatly was appayred, that never after it could be restored to the prystinate majestye, nor recover againe the former might and puisaunce. The causers whereof were the byshoppes of Rome, whiche vexed well nere the whole worlde with moste cruell and deadly warres, and specially Hildebrande, called Gregory the .vii. The Saxones, under the leadyng of Duke Otho, rebelled,[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1058] and by Ecbert, the emperours capitayne,[Anni regum Angli 16] were vanquisshed and brought in subjection.
Michaell, surnamed the elder, emperoure of Constantinople one yere. Great businesse and rufflynge in Rome for the election and deposicion of certayne byshops, as Stephene the .ix. Bennet the .x. Nicolas the .iii.
Andrew, king of Hungary, was vanquished of one Bela, and deprived of his kingdome. The emperours armie, whiche came to rescue, was overthrowen, kyng Andrewe slayne, and the Marques of Thurynge constreigned with hunger and famine, to yelde hym selfe to hys enemyes.
Bela by force toke on hym the crowne, and reigned .iii. yeares.
Isacius Murdered Michaell emperoure of Constantinople,[The yere of the worlde 5020] [The yere of Christ 1059] and reigned in his place .iiii. yeres.[Anni regum Angli 17]
Algarus, Erle of Mertia, whiche was before Erle of Oxenforde, beyng maliciously accused, was exiled oute of[Page 195]this lande by king Edwarde, the seconde time: and fledde againe to Griffine Duke of Wales. Wherwith Edward was grevouslye displeased, and sente Harolde the eldest sonne of Godwine, which was than of great power, to warre uppon the saide Griffine: who spoyled the countrey of Wales, expelled Griffyne out of his lordship, and by his policie reconsiled erle Algarus to kynge Edwardes grace and favour.[Anni regum Angli ]
Philip, the first of that name,[The yere of the worlde 5021] [The yere of Christ ]was ordeined kynge of Fraunce. He maried Bertha the wife of Baldwine erle of Holande, and had by her certayne children: whom after he had repudiate, and coupled to him [...]ertr [...]dam, the wife of Fulco whome he affectioned, that all thinges were done at her becke and commaundement and would not forsake her until he was constreigned by Urbane the bishop of Rome, to take to him his firste wife.
Baldwine erle of Flaunders, assembled an army and made towarde Spayne against the Sarasens, and subdued Gascoyne to him and to the yonge emperour.
Godfrey, erle of Puell in Italye, in his deathe bedde, neglecting his owne bretherne, made Bagelarde his heir and successour, which was immediately driven out of his lordshippe by Robert Guiscarde, Godfreis brother: who after made him selfe erle of Calabre and Puell, Otho duke of Bavarie.
In this yeare of our lorde after the computacion of the Scottes Malcolme or Malcolme recovered the crowne of Scotlande and reigned .35. yeres.[The yere of the worlde 5022] [The yere of Christ ] [Anni regum Angli 20]
Alexander the .ii. was ordeyned bishoppe of Rome at which time the bishoppes of Lumbardie woulde have advanced to that sea one Cabolus:[The yere of the worlde 5023] [The yere of Christ ]by meanes wherof civile warre was arered, and great armies gathered on bothe partes. In fine, after sore fighte and great murder, the fautours of Cabolus were chased, and he him selfe hardly escaped. This ruffling continued a long space. Otho bishop of Coleine, by privy meanes conveighed Henry the emperour from the ordring & guydinge of his mother, and set him in full power to rule after his owne mynde.
Gelasins, the .ii. bishop of Rome one yere. At whyche time in Fraunce a sowe farowed a pygge, which had a face like to a man, a cocke was hatched, that hadde .iiii. feete, the winter was marvellous harde and unseasonable, wherof ensued a great dearth & moreyne of cattaile. Innumerable byrdes were sene fightinge in the ayre, of which many fell dead to the grounde. An horrible earthquake .40. dayes together in Italy.[The yere of the worlde 5080] [The yere of Christ 1119]
Calistus, the .ii. being ordeined bishop of Rome,[Anni regum Angli 19] made peace and attonement with the emperour. Baldwine of Burgoyne, was made the .iii. kynge of Jerusalem.
Willyam duke of Normandie, and Richarde the sonnes of kinge Henrye of Englande,[The yere of the worlde 5081] [The yere of Christ 1120] [Anni regum Angli 20] and Mary his doughter Richarde erle of Chester, with his wife the kynges nice, and other to the noumber of .16 [...]. persons, passinge from Normandie into England, by oversight of the ship maister were drowned, saving one butcher, which escaped the daunger.
Roger Duke of Sicilie (in the absence of Duke willyam) invaded the countrey of Calabre and Puel, and named him selfe king of Italye.
Baldwine king of Jerusalem, toke Gazim, kinge of the Turkes,[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1121] whiche inhabited the lesse Asia:[Anni regum Angli 21] and wyth like successe vanquished, and toke prisoner, the kinge of Damascus. John. a cardinall, was sent of Caliest into Englande for reformacion of divers matters perteining to the clergie. Who in open counsaile, with moste bitter wordes, envied and thundred againste such priestes as nourished concubines: but in the next evening, he was taken hym selfe wyth a strumped, to his open rebuke, and shortly after retourned to Rome with shame enough. Bernard the monke, Ruduerte, Hugo of Paryse, and Haliabas a phisicion flourished.
Dominicus Michael. duke of Venice, with a well furnished navie,[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1122] sailed into Asia:[Anni regum Angli 22] and at the citee Joppen vanquished the Sarasens, toke of them a great numbre and conquered the citee T [...]rus. In his retourne for dyspleasure kendled toward the emperour of [Page 205]Constantinonople, which caused him to be sente for home, he spoyled Rhodes and Chius: and subdued Sanius, Lesbus, Milene, and dyvers other places, whyche belonged to the empire of Constantinople.
Roberte, erle of Myllaine, invaded and spoyled the countrey of Normandye, and was vanquished & taken by the souldiours of king Henrie of Englande. Bishop Calixt by force of armes subdued Burdinus,[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1123] which by certaine noble men was proclaymed bishop of Rome agaynst him:[Anni regum Angli 23] And brought the sayd Burdine in a triumph to Rome upon an asse backe, in great despite setting his face to the tayle of the beast.
[Anni regum Angli 24] Charles erle of Flaunders,[The yere of the worlde 5085] [The yere of Christ 1124] by meane of the provost of Bruggis. was slayne in the churche, as he was hearing divine service. After whose deathe, Lewys kynge of Fraunce advaunced William the sonne of Robert Curthoyse to the sayd Erldome of Flaunders, on whom immediatly Theodorich, Erle of Alsacia, made mortall warre, and was of him vanquished and forced to flee to Alustum, where continuinge the siege, Willyam was wounded to death with a darte, that was caste from the walles. And after this decesse, Theodorich, his enemye, possessed the Erledome of Flaunders.[Anni regum Angli 25]
Balach king of the Parthes toke Baldwine king of erusalem, and slew many of the Christian capitaines,[The yere of the worlde 5086] [The yere of Christ 1125] and souldiours of Asia. Honorius the .ii. bishop of Rome .v. yeres. Davie succeded Alexander in the kingdome of Scotland. He buylded so many abbeis and gave muche landes to the churche that his successours were scantly able to maintein their estate. He diminished the revenues of the crowne .60. thousande pounde. He had no warres all the time of Henry Beuclerke.[Anni regum Angli 27]
Lothayre Duke of Saxonie, after the death of Henry by consent of the electours, was chosen emperour.[The yere of the worlde 5088] [The yere of Christ 1127]This man is not onely commended for his martial knighthod and noble prowes, but also for the worthi favour he bare towarde religion and honest lawes.
King Henrye of Englande sayled with an army into Britaine agaynst Lewis king of Fraunce,[The yere of the worlde 5191] [The yere of Christ 1230] [Anni regum Angli 13] where after spoyling of the countrey a peace was cocluded betwene the two yonge princes.[The yere of the worlde 5192] [The yere of Christ 1231] Notwithstanding the great vilanie that Gregory byshop of Rome had shewed to Friderich the emperour as well by invadinge his landes while he was absent, [Anni regum Angli 14] and spreading a false rumour of his death in Asia, as also in rejecting his loving letters, and publishinge him to be an enemy of Christian religion, an d no lesse to be hated than a Sarasen or Turke. Yet ceassed not thys gentyll prince at his returne to entreat meanes of concord, whiche he could not obteyne until he had payed to the bishop in the of penaunce .120000. ounces of golde, and than was he agayn proclaimed emperour of Almayn, & king of Sicilie. Blondus, Platine, Sabellicus and other Italian historiographers, cast al the faut upon the emperour, and make him worst of all men. But the abbot of Ursberge, whiche was in those dayes, sheweth the pride avarice, and stubbourne frowardnesse of the Romayne bishop.
Variaunce chanced betwene the studentes of Paris & the citisins, in so muche that the scholars were mynded to have departed from the citee. A great discencion and ruffling betwene the bishop of Rome and the citesins for their auncient liberties, customes and governance of their citee, wherof ye may read in Blondus, De inclinatione Romani imperii. the .vii. booke by what meanes the bishoppe extorted from theim their libertees. The Welshemen aboute this time rebelled. Great harme was done in the citee of London with fyre.[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1232] [Anni regum Angli 15]
Variance kendled betwene king Henry of Englande and his lordes,[The yere of the worlde 5194] [The yere of Christ 1233] [Anni regum Angli 16]because he put from his servyce English men, and trusted straungers as wel in his counsaile as other offices nere about him.[Page 220]The citie Verona came agayne to the obedyence of the emperour. Theobalde of Campaine was kinge of Naverre.
The emperour retourned the .iii. tyme into Germanie and warred in Austrich against the Hungares, wher he toke Macheria, Gaza, and Vienna, whiche he ordeyned to be the imperiall citie, and there made his sonne Chunrade Cesar.
Edwarde of Pountnay was ordeyned byshop of Canturbury.[Anni regum Angli 18] Kynge Henry beganne the foundacyon of. S. Johns hospytall in Oxenforde. [The yere of the worlde 5196] [The yere of Christ 1235] In this yeere fell verye unseasonable weather of thunder, lightning, and erthquakes, wherof ensued a famine and pestilence. Kyng Henry put from him the stragers, and received the Englysh men to their offices.
The Irishemen rebelled.
The Jewes dwelling in Norwych were accused for steling of a childe, whom they purposed to crucifie.
Friderich the emperoure maried Isabell the syster of kinge Henrie of Englande.
King Henry toke to wyfe Elenour the doughter of the Erle of Province.[Anni regum Angli 19] [The yere of the worlde 5197] [The yere of Christ 1236]
In Englande appeared as it were hostes of men fighting in the element. The statute of Merton was first inacted. or after some in the thyrteth yere of this kinge Henrie.[Anni regum Angli 20] [The yere of the worlde 5198] [The yere of Christ 1237] Theobalde king of Navarre, Almarith Erle of Moutfort, Henrie Erle of Campaine, with a great multitude of souldiours went into Asia, where at the beginnynge they wente forwarde prosperously, and gathered muche prayse: but in the end betwen Ptolomais and Gaza thei were vanquisshed of the Turkes, and a great noumbre slaine.
Myllaine and certaine other famous cities of Italy rebelled againste the emperoure, whiche he vanished and brought in due obeisauce. And therfore was againe cursed of Gregorye, and proclaimed an heretike. Whiche thyng caused great trouble in Italye. Deadly warre betwene the citie of Gean, and the Venecians, for the ile of Crete.
[The yere of the worlde 5221] [The yere of Christ ] The Florentines favouring the part of the Gnelphes went part of them to Luke, part to Bononi, [Anni regum Angli 43] and forsoke their owne citee: whiche shortlye after beinge inhabyted with a few indifferent persons, was brought in the subjection of Manfrede and the Gi [...]elines, and fortified with their fa [...]ours.
This facion of Guelphes and Gibelines continued in Italie almost to our time.
Michael Paleolo [...]us, a noble man of Grece, deprived William of his principate of Achaia, and by the helpe of the Genowais navie, toke Constantinople, slew Baldwine the emperour, put to deathe the son of Theodorus Vattaris, and usurped the imperiall auctoritee .xxxv. yeres. The Venecians overcame the Genowais at Ptolomais, and toke .xxiiii. of their ships and galleis
King Henrie of England, fearing some rebellion of his nobles, went into Fraunce, and there concluded a final peace on this condicion, that Normandye, Angeowe and Cenomanna, shuld ever after be in the possession of the frenchemen, and the king of England to have Guyan, and that Lewis should geve to king Henrie for hys expenses in warre .150000. crownes and for yearelye tribute a .100000. after which peace fynyshed: the kynge retourned into England De [...]dly warre betwene the bishop of Argentine and the citisyns, wherein the bishoppe him selfe fought manfully like a valiant champion.
All the countrey of Hetrucia was brought under the subjection of Manfrede, and the Guelphes expelled. [Anni regum Angli 44] [The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1261] About this time mortal warre was reared betwene Alphons king of Castile, and Richarde the kinges brother of Englande, because they bothe affected the empire of Germanie. Alphons suspectinge the treason of his two brethren, Henrie and Friderich expelled them out of his reelme: of the which the tone fled into Affrike, the tother into France, entending to excite the people of bothe those nacions to invade Castile.
Urbane the fourth was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres. He first ordeyned the feast of Corpus Christi, with great plotie of pardone. [Anni regum Angli 45] King Henrie of England pulished at Ponles crosse the bishop of Romes absolucion for him and all his that were sworne to mainteyn the articles made in the parliament holden at Oxenforde, [The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1262] for which cause the Barones of Englande beganne to utter their malice, whiche they had long before conceived agaynst the kinge, and caused an insurrection, that continued .iii. yeres.
The Barones of England armed them agaynst theyr kinge, [Anni regum Angli 46] [The yere of the worlde 5224] [The yere of Christ ] and al this yere hovered about London and other places, without any notable act of rebellion, saving that they robbed and spoyled alianes, and certaine other persones, whom they knewe to be agaynst theyr purpose. Urbane bishop of Rome obteined of the Frenche kynge that his brother Charles the earle of Angeowe and pr [...] [...]ince, might come into Italy with an army against Mafrede, where the saide Charles was proclaimed kinge of Sicilie and Naples: by whiche meanes that kyngedome came first to the Frenchmen.
This yere was an exceading dearth in Scotland, wherof A [...]ho kinge of Norway and Denmarke toke occasion to invade the landes of Scotlande, to the great terrour of the kinge and the whole realme: but not longe after at Largis he was discomfited in a great battayle, and loste xxv. thousande of his men, wyth all his shyppes, savinge foure. [Anni regum Angli 47] Five hundred Jewes were slayne by the citesins of London because one Jew would have forced a christian man to paye more then two pense for the usurie of .xx. s. for a weke. [The yere of the worlde 5225] [The yere of Christ 1264] After the death of Acho, Magnus reigned amonge the Danes. Hugh Le Spenser with the citisins of London, spo [...]led and burnt the manoures of Richarde the kinges brother, whiche hither to had ben a great staye of the warre betwene the king and his nobles.
This Edwarde toke to wyfe Isabell the doughter of Philip the fayre, king of France The Scottes did homage to kinge Edwarde at Dumfreis. Otho king of Hungarie was taken and cast into prison by a noble man called Ladislaus.
Alphons the .xi. kinge of Castile reigned .xl, yeres Robert was king of Naples John nephew to Albert the emperour, slewe his owne uncle betwene the two rivers of Helvecia, called Risa. and A [...]ula, nere to Rhine, the place to this daye is called kinges fielde, where the quene of Hungarye buylded an abbey. After the death of Albert was great unquietnesse in Italie, for everie citee desired a peculiar governoure And Philip of France was put in hope by the bishop of Rome, to obteine the empire, and therfore came into Italye wyth a great power, and toke manye townes, but failed of his purpose [The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1309]
Henrie the .vii. was ordeined emperour of Germanie and reigned .v, yeres .viii. monethes. [Anni regum Angli 2] He was a noble and victorious prince, & therewith gentill, liberall, and of great justice and honestye. He assembled .iii. mig [...]tye are [...] s, of the whiche one he sent agaynst the Duke of Wirtenburge, from whens he toke 72. cas [...]s. An other he sent with his sonne John into Beheme, to obtein that kingdome: the third him selfe led into Italie against the citees Bri [...]ium, Florence, Cremons, and other rebelles which favoured the Guelphes: to whom he brought suche terrour and feare of his name, as [...]ew [...]mpe ours b [...] do [...]e before ti [...]e. At Millaine he was crowned wyth a crowne of yron.
The crouch friers came first into Englande. [Anni regum Angli 3] [The yere of the worlde 5271] [The yere of Christ 1310]So great a dearth [...]Scotlande, that the common people did eate horse fleshe, and other unaccustomed meates to sust [...]ine their lives.
Charles, was chosen king of Hungarie, and reigned xxxiii. yeares. He hadde successively .iii. wifes, Marye the doughter of the king of Polonie: Beatrix the doughter[Page 175]of Henrye the emperour, and [...]elisabeth, the daughter of the Duke of Boheme, of the laste he receyved iii. sonnes, Ladislaus, Lewes, and Andrew. Robert Le Bruze began to be of power againe in Scotlande, & discomfited sir John Cummin Erle of Bucham and certaine other, whiche helde on the Englishe part. A counsaile holden at Vienna, [The yere of Christ 1311] where the name of the templares was abolished. [Anni regum Angli 4] [The yere of the worlde 5272]
Roberte Le Bruze expelled the Englyshmen out of a great part of Scotland, and invaded the borders of Englande. [Anni regum Angli 5] At Rome Henry the emperoure receyved the imperyall Diademe of the cardinals. [The yere of the worlde 5273] [The yere of Christ 2312] He assigned certaine lieuetenantes to the cities of Lumbardye.
The Flemminges rebelled against kinge Philyp of France The pride and tirannye of Piers of Gaveston caused grudge and malice betwene king Edwarde of England and his nobles, so that for this cause the saied Piers by suite of the nobles was twise or thrise banished ye realme and styll called againe by the kinge. Wherfore (in thys yere) the lordes beyng confederate, slew him beside war wike, to the great discontentyng of the kinges mynde.
John, the emperous sonne, was king of Boheme. Of Andronicus and his successours, emperours of Costantinople: I finde no certaintie, howe longe time they reigned: I wyll therfore name as many of theym as I know, gessing as nie the time as I can, Egnacius saieth that Michaell Paleologus reygned about .xl. yeares, next to hym he setteth Audronicus, which had longe contencion with the younger Andronicus. Blondus setteth betwene theim Carolo [...]oannes. [Anni regum Angli 6]
Henrye the emperour besieged the cytie Florence, [The yere of the worlde 5274] [The yere of Christ ] he made peace with Friderich king of Sicilie, and ledde an armye against his mortal enemy Roberte Duke of Naples. Not long after, he was poisoned by a monke, whyche in ministring the sacrament gave him poyson.
The ci [...]syns of Pise in Italy, chose for theyr Duke a noble man called N [...]uicio. Lewis the leveuth, sone of Phillip Le Beave was ordeined kyng of France, and reigned .ii. yeres. He led an armye against the Fleminges, but he atchived nothing worthy memory.
A vilayne, called Johan Tanner, in dyvers places of England named him selfe the sonne of Edward the first and saied,[The yere of the worlde 5276] [The yere of Christ 1315] [Anni regum Angli 8] that by a false nourse he was stolle out of his cradell, and Edwarde that was nowe kinge, put in hys place. But shortly after he was convict of his untrouth. and confessed, that he dyd it by the mocion of a familyar spirite. The Scottes invaded Irelande, and kept warre with the Irish men the space of .iiii. yeres.
Lewys was emperour of Almaine .33. yeres, betwene him and Friderich Duke of Austrich was longe warre For part of the electours chose Friderike, part Lewis of Bavarie. These two Cesars, with their armyes, mette first at Frankforde, but thei i [...]igned not in bataile, than Leopalde, a Duke of Austriche, comynge to healpe hys brother, profered battayle to Lewes, but he gave backe, and fled to Eslengham, wher was betwene theim a sore conflict so greatly to the losse of bothe partes, that neyther of them claimed victorye, The byshoprike of Rome, after the death of Clemente, was voyde .ii. yeres .iii. monethes.
The castell of Berwyke was yelden up to the Scottes, by the treason of Peter Spaldyng.[The yere of the worlde 5277] [The yere of Christ 1316] [Anni regum Angli ] A great moreine of beastes in Englande, and therwith pestilence, and other sickenesse.[Page 234]Philippe the .v. for his heyghte surnamed the Longe was made king of Fraunce, and reygned .vi. yeres. The Scottes entred the borders of Northumberland and most cruelly robbing and hariyng the countrey,[Anni regum Angli 10] [The yere of the worlde 5278] [The yere of Christ ] spared neyther man woman nor childe. To this mischye [...]was joygned so exceding dearth & scarcitee, that wheate was solde for .iiii. markes a quarter, the common people did eat horsefleshe and divers other vile beastes, and many dyed for hunger.
At the same time was a great dearth in Fraunce. Robert le Bruze, leaving James Douglas governour of Scotland, went into Irelande to ayde his brother Edwarde. King Edward assembled a newe hoste, and went into Scotland, where he layed siege to Berwike. But in the meane time the Scottes by an other way, invaded the borders of England, and wasted the countrey even to Yorke, wherby Edward was constr [...]yned to breke hys siege and retourne with great daunger.
At this time sir Hugh the Spensers, the father and the sonne, were of great power in Englande, and by the fevour of the king, practised suche cruelty, and bare them selfe so haughtly and so proude, that no lord of this land might gainesay the in any thing that they thought good whereby they were in greate hatred and indignacion amonge the nobles. John the .xxii. was bishoppe of Rome, xviii. yeres. He was a cruel and wicked tiranne, geven only to heaping up of riches, and vexed greatly the emperour, he proclaymed them heretikes, which taught that Christe and hys apostels had no possessions in this worlde. Albert and Lewis encountred the second time at Brusco, a river of Alsacia, where Lewes was f [...]ine to forsake the fielde.[Anni regum Angli 12]
Certaine of the electours of Germanye agreed not to the election of Charles, [The yere of the worlde 5310] [The yere of Christ 1349] [Anni regum Angli 23] and therfore profered the empire to king Edwarde of England, who refused it as a thing by reason of the bishop of Rome, full of troubled and unquietnesse, than thei chose Friderich Marques of Misna whiche in lyke maner refused it.
In this yere was so great death in the citie of London that over and besyde the bodyes buryed in churches and churche yardes, monasteries and other accustomed places of buriall, there were layed in the charterhouse yard 30000. persons and above, as writeth Fabians. At this time in many partes of Italy France and Germanie, wandred dyvers great companies of the phantasticall sette of theim, whiche used to scourge and whippe theim selfe, pretendyng therin great holinesse and religion, of the supersticion of these men ye maye reade in the cronycle of Albertus Crantz, Li. viii. ca. 28. and in the addycions juigned to the Abbote of Ursperges cronicle.
This was the yere of Jubilei or cleane remission of sinnes,[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1350] kept at Rome at every fifti winters end, [Anni regum Angli 24] as the yere of Grace was continued at canturburie. Phillyp kinge of Fraunce ended hys lyfe, whose body was buried at. S. Denis, his bowels at Jaco bins in Paris, and his herte at Bourefountaine in Valoys. Johan the eldest son of Philyp, and Duke of Normandy, was ordeined king of Fraunce. Johan deputie of Millaine, juigned to his lordshyp the citie of Bonone.
Clement bishop of Rome ordeined Lewis prince of Tarent king of Naples,[The yere of the worlde 5312] [The yere of Christ 1351] [Anni regum Angli ] and made peace betwene the kyng of Hungary and Johan Queene of Naples, whiche (as I sayed) murdered hir husbande. Of hir also the byshop bought the cytie of Avi [...]to. This yere was so gret dearth in France, that a ceptier of wheate was woorthe of Parys money, and a ceptier of otes .xl. s. Kyng Edward overcame Charles Constable of Fran in a battaile on the sea.
The emperour of Constantinople, and the kyng of Arragon were confederate with the Venecians. The Genowayes chased the emperour of Constantinople and overcame the Venecians and Catelanes.[Anni regum Angli 26] [The yere of the worlde 5312] [The yere of Christ 1352] Recupetus, Lapus, Bartholus, [...]awiers, Gentilis Fulginas, Dinus de Ga [...]o, Trustanus, phisions, and Damascenus a philosopher were famous.
Innocente the .vi. byshop of Rome .ix. yeares .viii. monethes and .vi. dayes. [Anni regum Angli 27] Charles kinge of Navarre caused Charles Constable of Fraunce to be murdered in his bed.[The yere of the worlde 1314] [The yere of Christ 1350] For which thing grew great displeasure betwene him & the French king The Genowayes beyng vanquished of the Venecians submitted them selfe and all theyrs to the archebishop of Myllaine, whiche was than chefe governour of the cytye. In this discomfiture the Genoways loste well nere xl. galeis.
The towne and castel of Guines was yelded to the Englyshemen. Carolus Johannes emperour of Constatinople,[The yere of the worlde 5315] after he had by force of armes expelled Catacusines whyche afficeted the empyre, [Anni regum Angli 28] [The yere of Christ 1354] by the ayd of Fances of Genoway, retourned into his coutrey, to whom in reward he gave the ile of Lesbus.
Charles emperour of Germaine was crowned at Myllaine with a crowne of yron.
Prince Edward of Wales with a strong company of souldyours passed into Gascoyne,[Anni regum Angli 29] [The yere of the worlde 5316] [The yere of Christ 1355] where he made sore war, and destroied castels and townes before him, wyth great successe, and toke the castell and towne of Rh [...]morentide, with other. Kynge Edwarde sayled to Cales, and began to make warre upon Fraunce, but shortly after he retourned, because the Scottes rose and invaded the English borders Charles received the imperiall Diademe at Rome, of [...]i. cardinalles, on this condicion, that he should not tary at Rome, nor in Italye. The citisyns of Pise rebelled agaynst the emperour.
Amurates kinge of Turkes invaded Servia and Bulgaria. Lazarus king of Servia was slayne in battaile, and Amurates not long after murdered of his owne servaunte.[The yere of the worlde 5333] [The yere of Christ 1342] [Anni regum Angli 46]
Bertram of Clesqu [...] Constable of Fraunce warred so fiercely upon John Erle of Mountforte, Duke of Brytayne, bycause he semed to favour the kyng of England that he was forced to forsake his landes and fly to kinge Edward, and that Duchy was well nere all seised to the use of the Frenche kynge.
John of Gaunte, Duke of Lancaster, entred by Cales into France, and passed throughout the reamle by Vermendois and Campaine just to Burdeaur in Aquitaine without batayle. Not withstandyng the great hurt and domage they dyd to the townes and countreys as they passed.[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1373] Pazaites the .iiii. kynge of Turkes.[Anni regum Angli 47]
The Genowayes for certaine disworship doen to them invaded and spoyled the contrey of Cypres, and conquered ye citie of Famaugusta. Thei constreigned also their king Petrine to pay unto theim a great tribute the space of certaine yeres. Divers entreties of peace were made betwene the king of Englande and Fraunce, by meane of the byshoppe of Rome, but none was concluded.[Anni regum Angli 48] [The yere of the worlde ] A great dearth ve [...]ed the countrey of Italye .ii. yeres.[The yere of Christ 1374] [The yere of the worlde ]
The people of Florence desirous of lybertie,[Anni regum Angli 49] gave occasion to many cyties of Italye to for sake the byshoppe of Romes domynion,[The yere of Christ 1375] wherby ensued great tumultye and warre in all the countrei. The people that fyrst rebelled were the Tybernates, the P [...]rusines, Tudertines, Spole [...]a~es, E [...]gubines, the citisyns of U [...]erbium, Forolivium, and Asculum.
Many wonderfull sickenesses fell amonge the people, as well in Italye as in Englande, wherof they died merva [...]lously. Warre and rufflyng betwene borderers of Englande and Scotlande. The Duke of Britaine, by the healpe of Englishemen recovered againe many castels and townes.
Gregory the .xi. contrarye to the minde of the Frenche kyng, departed out of Fraunce, and retourned to Rome 70. yeres after the byshops see was first transferred out of Iataly into Fraunce.[Anni regum Angli 50] [The yere of the worlde 5337] [The yere of Christ 1376] Byshop Gregory excommunicated the Floretines but they lytell regarded his course, and cos [...]eigned their prestes to minister divine service.
Prince Edwarde of Englande departed out of this life who was in his tyme the floure of chivalrye. Andronicus expelled his father from the imperiall dy [...]gnitie of Constantinople, whom the Venec [...]ans restored againe to the empyre, Whereby ensued great warre betwene Venice and Genoway, for the one toke part with the father, the other with the sonne.
Kinge Edwarde the .iii. ended his life in Richemonte the .xxii. daye of June.[The yere of the worlde 5338] [The yere of Christ 1377] The duke of Angeow, the constable of Frace, Owen, of Wales, with many other of the frenche parte, made sore warre in Gascoyne, Guyan, Poyters, and Britaine and conquered agayne divers castels, townes, & citees, subjecte before to the king of England.
Owen of Wales besieged Mortaine a yere & an halfe, & ther was slayne by the treaso of one of his servauntes.
RYcharde the .ii. the sonne of Prynce Edwarde of Wales, was ordeined king of England, being as yet but a seven yeres of age,[Anni regum Angli 1] in bounty and lyberalitie, he farre passed all his progenitours, but he was over muche geven to rest and quietnesse, and loved lyttel deedes of armes and marcyall prowes, and for that he was younge, he was most ruled by young consaile, and regarded nothynge the advertisementes of the sage and wyse men of his realme. For the chiefe about hym were of no wysedome nor estimacion, which thing turned his land to great trouble, and of him selfe in fine to extreme myserye.
Charles the .vi. beinge .xii. yeres of age, was ordeyned kinge of Fraunce, under the governaunce of his uncles, the Duke of Aniou, the Duke of Berr [...]y, the Duke of Burgoyne. &c. After longe and cruell warre bothe by sea and lande, [Anni regum Angli 5] peace was agreed betwene the genoways & Venecias. [The yere of the worlde 5342] [The yere of Christ 1381]
The erle of Cambridge sayled into Portugall, with a company of men to ayde the kinge agaynst the kinge of Castile.
By meanes of a payment that was set upo the people of England, the commons of the land, and especially of Kent and Essex, sodenlye rebelled, and assembled together upon blacke heathe to the nobre of .60000. and above, which had to their capitaynes Watte Tiler, Jack Straw, Jacke Sheaparde, Tomme Myllar, Hob Karter, and other suche noble personages. They caused muche trouble and businesse in the realme, and chiefely about the citee of London, where they practised much villanie in destroying many goodly places of the nobles as the Savoy and other, and being assembed in Smithfeld used them selfes very proudly and unreverently toward the kinge, but by the manhode and wisedome of Willyam Waulworth mayre of London, that rude companye was discevered, and fled as shepe to their owne houses. Some write that these rebelles pretended cause of lybertee, for that they were oppressed, and used as slaves by ye nobles of the realme.
Lewis duke of Angeow (to whom bishoppe Clement had geven the kingdome of Sicilie,[The yere of the worlde 5343] [The yere of Christ 5382] Naples Puell,[Anni regum Angli 6] and Calabre) went with an army of .30000. men, into Italy agaynst hys ennemy Charles de la Payes, nephewe to the king of Hungarye, who had cast the quene Johan in prison, and held by force muche of her landes, and tooke part wyth the Urbanistes.
The rebellious flemminges of Gaunt, after they had suffered great famine and poverte overcame their erle,[Page 247]& chased him so narowly, that he was fayne to hide hym in the couche of a pore widowe in the towne of Bruges
Charles the younge, kinge of Fraunce perced ye countrey of Flaunders with a puissant armie, where he [...]anquished the Gauntoys & other Flemminges in a strong battayle, and slewe of them wel nere .40000. A wonderful great earthquake in the realme of Englad, the like wherof was never sene before that day nor sens,
Bishop Urbane published in England and other coutreys,[Anni regum Angli 7] free remission A pena & culpa to as many as wold eyther geve any thing, [The yere of the worlde 5344] [The yere of Christ 1383] or the selfes take armes & warre agaynst the Clemetines, & in like maner had Clemente done before to his adherentes agaynste the Urbanistes, so that eyther of the partes reputed other as heretykes, and miscreantes.
Henry Spenser, bishop of Norwiche, at the commandement of Urbane, passed with great power of spirituall men and other into Fraunce, and so into Flanders and coquered the countrey before hym, but by the great puissance of the frenche king, they were constreigned to retourne without great worshyp, and loste as muche as they had wonne.
Marie the king of Hungaries doughter, guyded that kingdom after her father wel nere the space of .ii. yeres Lewys Duke of Angeow dyed in Italy, and the Frenchemen retourned into theyr countrey.
Charles de La Payx, conquered, to his seignory ye kingdome of naples About this time the Turkes wasted and burnt Bossina Croatia,[Anni regum Angli 8] and the farther partes of Illyria.[The yere of the worlde 5345] [The yere of Christ 1384]The erle of Northumberlad, with certayne other borderers, made a viage into Scotlande, and spoyled the countrey even to Edenbourgh. Kynge Richarde maryed a doughter of Vinceslaus, emperour of Almayne. After the death of Lewys, erle of Flaunders, the herytage thereof fel to the Duke of Burgoyne.[Anni regum Angli 9] [The yere of the worlde 5346] [The yere of Christ 1385] Warre in Portugall and Castile, in Flauders, in Province, in Fraunce, in England, in Scotlande and in Italy.
Zensa, king of Persie, he was a famous philosopher The counsa [...]le of Ferra [...]e by reason of a great pestylece was transferred to Florence,[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ 1439] [Anni regum Angli 17] where the christians at Armenie, and Indie consented to the Romaine church, and the Greekes agreed, that the holy ghost proceded fro the father and the sonne, that there was a purgatorye, that the sacrament ought to be celebrated onely with unleaven bread made of wheate, and that the bishop of Rome was Peters lawfull successour, and christes glorius vicar in earth, to whom all the world oughte to obey, whiche they never consented to before this time, neyther at this time did long continue in that belyefe.
So great a dearth in England and Fraunce that the poore people made theim bread of fetches, pesin, beanes and fearne rootes. Nicolaus Pice [...]nius, capitaine of the Myllanours, besieged Briria, and by treason toke the citee Verona, whiche Frauncisce Sfortia, leader of the Veneci [...]ns armie. within .iiii. dayes recovered and brought in subjection.
Friderike the .iii Duke of Austrich after the deathe of Alberte,[The yere of the worlde 5401] [The yere of Christ 1440] was ordeyned emperour of Rome, [Anni regum Angli 18] and reigned 15, yeres. The warre continued betwene Englad and Fraunce and divers townes and castels were wonne on both partes, which were eftsoones recovered, but the more losse tourned [...]ver to the englyshemen.
A priest was bourned in London, which of the common people was counted so holy a man, that they made theyr prayers to him, and had him in wonderfull great reverence, until a commaundement was geven by the king to the contrary.
Albert kinge of Hungarie, departing out of thys lyfe, lette his wife Elizabeth great with childe, whiche shortely after was delyvered of a son called Ladislaus, whom immediatly she and certayne other proclaymed king of Hungary and Boheme, and commited him to the tuicion of Friderich the emperour. But divers of the nobles[Page 260]chose for their kinges Uladislaus the kynges brother of Polonie, by whiche meanes was deadly warre betwene the queene Elysabeth and the Polonians, for the crown of Hungary, and the realme of Hugary divided among theim selfe.
The Bohemes also profered their kyngdome to Albert Duke of Bavarye, whiche refused it with great modesty
In England Dame Elenour Cobham, wife to the lord proctour,[Anni regum Angli 91] and certaine other persons, were accused,[The yere of the worlde 5402] [The yere of Christ 1441] that by sorcery and inchantmentes practised by an image of waxe, they endevoured to bring out of lyfe by littell and littell the kynges person.
In this yeere (after some) Amadeus Duke of Savoye was chosen b [...]shop of Rome for Eugenius.[Anni regum Angli 20]The towne of Depe was besieged by the lord Talbote,[The yere of the worlde 5403] [The yere of Christ 1442] and rescued againe by the Frenchemen. Peace was concluded betwene Myllayne and Venice after the warre had continued fiercely the space of .iii yeres, Sfortia the Venecians capitain toke to wife Blanch Duke Phillips daughter of Myllaine, and hadde for hir dower Cremona and Pontremulin.[Anni regum Angli 21]
The steple of S. Paules churche in London was sette on fyre with lightning, [The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ ] and lastly quenched by great diligence and labour of many men.
Alphons, king of Arragon, after longe warre, conquered the citie of Naples, and expellyng Rhenatus Duke of Angeow, obteined the kyngdome of Puell. Eugenius the byshop retourned from the counsalle of Florence of Rome.
The Swizers vanquished the Thuricenses in battaile and used towarde them so extreme rage and crueltie, that in the same place, wher they obteyned the vyctory, great bankettes and seastes were by theim made, in the which they used the dead corses of the adversarys in stede of stoles and tables, yea and more over opening their bodies dranke their bloud, & tore their hartes with their teeth.
Murthen he was agayne ou [...]rthrowen, and shortly therupon at Nans [...]s, by Renatus Duke of Loraine, coming with a copany of Argentines and Switzers agaynst him, was utterly vanquished and slaine, after whole death Lewis king of France, recovered [...]gain all that before time he had graunted to the sayde Duk [...]Charles by coposicion or otherwise, and endevoured also to bring to his lordship Burgoyne and Flanders but that labour of his engendred great warres. For ye Burgonions forsoke the doughter of Charles. Mathias of Hungary w [...]nne a strong forte from th [...]Turkes by the river Sane.
Johannes de Monte regio, the noble astromer was famous.[The yere of the worlde 5438] [The yere of Christ 1477] Maximilian Duke of Austria,[Anni regum Angli 17] and sonne to Friderich the emperoure, ledde a great army into Flaunders, and coupled to him in mariage
Mary the onlye doughter of Charles duke of Burgoyne lately deceased.
The bishop of Rome and king Ferdinande of Naples arrered warre agaynst the Florentines in Italy Cathub [...]ius, the great souldaine of Egipte and Arabi [...][The yere of the worlde 5439] [The yere of Christ 1478]George duke of Clarence,[Anni regum Angli 18]brother to kinge Edwarde of Englande, was secretly put to death wa [...]drowned in a barell of Malmesey within the tower of London. A death this yeare in the citre of London.
The Venecians made league with the Turke. Grevous warre betwene Maximilian and Lewys of France, for the possession of Burgoyne, at Doubl [...] [...]hey encountred in a strong battaile, where Maximilian obteyned to the victory, & Lewis was [...]anquished, and lo [...]a great noumbre of his men.
Asambecus called also Ussancas [...]n, king of Armense Mede, Parthia, and Mesopotamia, after many other victories overthrewe the Turkes with great slaughter of men.
Mahomet the turke besieged Rhodes,[Anni regum Angli ]which was so manfully defended that he lost all his labours with many of his men.[The yere of the worlde 5440] [The yere of Christ 5479] Maximilian made league for .vii. yeeres with Lewis[Page 267]the French king.
A wonderfull deluge of water, wherof ens [...]d a great famine well nere in all Europ [...], and after that a sore pestilence.[Anni regum Angli 20] [The yere of the worlde 5441] [The yere of Christ ] [Anni regum Angli 21]
The Turke Mahomet besieged Hydrunie in Calaper [...]nd with great power invaded Italye. [The yere of the worlde 5442] [The yere of Christ 1481] Shortly after he ended his life. The Scottes, this yere beganne to steere, agaynst who~ king Edward sent the duke of Gloucester and certayne other, which retourned without any notable battayle.
The Scothes with a great novmbre of Jewes in their company, invaded the North partes of Germany.[Anni regum Angli 22] The bishop of Rome and the Venecians made war against Hercules of Ferrare,[The yere of the worlde 5443] [The yere of Christ 1482] and Ferdinand of Naples to the great unquieting of Italy.
Pazaites kinge of Turkes .xxx. yeres, betwene hym [...]nd his brother Zizinus was fierce warre, in so much [...] that he chased him out of Turkie, and forced him to fle [...]to the Rhodes.
Marie the wife of Maximilian, being with child rode on hanting, and by great misfortune fel from her horse wherof she toke her deth, leving after her a sonne called Philip, and a doughter named Margaret.
Kinge Edwarde of England making [...] great provision for warre into France,[Anni regum Angli 23] ended his life,[The yere of the worlde 5444] [The yere of Christ 1483] leaving after him two sonnes, Edwarde the prince, and Richarde duke of Yorke, with .iii. daughters.
EDwarde the .v. of the age of a .xi. yeres, beganne his reigne over the realme of Englande the .xi. day of April. This Edward was never crowned but cruelly mu [...]dered by Richar [...] duke of Gloucester his unaturall uncle, who after usurped the crowne, and was called Ry [...]harde the .iii. At this time was famous Pi [...]us Mirandula, George Valla, Herm [...]la [...]s Barbarve, Politian, Gaza. Platine Sadellicus, Pomp. Letus, Aldus, Manuc [...]us, Marsylius, Ficinus, Johannes de Monte Regio.
Brixta ge [...]n up by composicion to the frenchmen.A peace concluded betwene the [...]mper [...]ur, the kinges of Fraunce and Spayne, and the Venecians wherby that cru [...]ll warre cease [...]. A solemne met [...]g at Vienna, of the emperour, the king of Polonie, and of Hungarye whiche by maryage we [...]e confederate Margaret the quene of Scottes, king Henries elder syster fled into England, & la [...]e at Hareb [...]ttell, where she was delivered of a childe called Margarete.
In Maye she came to London, where she taryed a hole yere before she departed into Scotland.[The yere of the worlde 5477] [The yere of Christ 1516] This yere was so great frost in England that men might esely passe with cartes over the river of Thames from Westminster to Lambeth.[Anni regum Angli 8] Mathewe bishop of S [...]donon and cardinall of Swyshes, came as Ambassadour from the emperour to king Henry. Charles Arch duke of Austrich, was ordeyned king of Spayne.
On May even in the citee of Londo,[Anni regum Angli 9] was an insurrection of prent [...]les and yong persons agaynste straungers,[The yere of the worlde 1478] [The yere of Christ 1517] of which divers were put to execu [...]ion, and the resydue came to Westminster with halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned. This is named ill May daye. Lady Marg [...]ret the kinges sister returned into Scotland.
Johannes Frauncis Picus of Mirandula, a knight of excellent [...]and learning was famous, and in the presence of Leo bishop of Rome, made a vehement oracyon, exhortinge him to refourme the vicious & noughtye li [...]e of the clergy.
Many dyed in England of the sweating sicknesse and especially about London.
Lewys about this time succeded his father in the kingdomes of Hungary and Boheme.
A great famine and pestilence in many places. The terme kept one daye at Oxenford, and adjourned agayne to Westminster. The cardinall Camp [...]ius, the bishops legate, came fro Rome in ambassade to king Henry, and was receyved with great pompe by meanes of the cardinal of Englad Thomas W [...]lsay, which was then of great auctoryty in this realme.
The admirall of Fraunce came into England as ambassadour, with a great copany of gentilmen. The citee of Turney was delivered agayn into the french kinges handes, for the which he should paye .60000 [...]. crownes, and for the castell that the kinge had buylded .40 [...]000. and .23000. poundes, Turneys, which the cite ought for their libertees and francheses. A peace concluded betwene the kinges of Englande Fraunce and Castile for terme of their lives. The Spaniardes vanquished, [The yere of the worlde 5479] [The yere of Christ 1518] chased and slewe Aenobarbus, with his brother in Afrike.[Anni regum Angli 10]
A sedicion in Pannonie, by meanes of the bishoppe of Vesbrune. The emperour held a counsayle at Auguste.
Selinus the great Turke, after he had with continual and blouddye warre conquered Egipt Syrie, Phenecia Palestine, Coele, and chased out of Arm [...]nie the king of Persie, as a sodayne tempeste or storme retourned into Europe, and besieged the citee Belgradum, or Taurodurum.
Martine Luther wrate first to Leo bishop of Rome cocerning the use of pardons, and in certayne private disputacions called in doubt divers thinges cocerning the bishops primacy, for whiche after he was troubled, and lastly proclaimed an heretike, under the defence & mayntenaunce of Friderike duke of Sa [...]onie, he preached & wrate agaynst his power. All Germanye soone after forsoke the byshoppe of Rome, and so was the hole state of religion by his meanes altered among them.
Open hostilitee & warre betwene the kinges of Englande and France, and the emperour. And the marchantes and ships of all partes were arested.[The yere of Christ 1528] Corne was very deare in England and had bene mu [...]che dearer,[The yere of the worlde 5489] [Anni regum Angli 20]had not bene the good provision of the marchantes of the Stilyarde, and an abstinance of warre betwene England and Flaunders.
Charl [...]s Duke of G [...]lders invaded Holland and was discomfited by the lord Isilsteine, whom Ladye Margaret [...]egent of the countre sent agaynst him.
The famous and excellent clerke Johannes Revcline ended his lyfe, by whose great learning and diligece the knowlage of the .iii. tonges, and especially Hebrew was agayne restored to the world, On S. Denis day a legate came from Rome to kynge Henry. The sweating sickenesse raged in divers partes of E [...]land. The emperour sente the Duke of Brunswike with a great puisance into Italye.
The Millanours were styll miserablie oppressed by the emperours soul [...]iours. The Duke of Brunswike tooke the citee of Pavie, whyche shortly after was taken agayne by the frenchemen & the walles beaten downe. E [...]treme warre, pestilence, and famine in all Italy. Above .2400 [...]. of the Frenche armye, that besyeged Naples, dyed of the pes [...]ilence, beside the most parte of all theyr horses and beastes, so that there was not lest passing .v. thousand men in all.
In this yere in the moneth of June the legates satte at the blacke friers in London concerning the kinges mariage & divorsemet from the princesse Dowagier which had bene his bro [...]hers wife.[The yere of the worlde ] [The yere of Christ ] [Anni regum Angli 21]
In October the cardinall was deposed from the chancellourship of England. Ferdinande of Hungary recovered many places whiche before were taken from him by the Turke, & expuls [...]d out of the realme his enemy John Vuavoyda, which making claime to the crowne of Hungary, fl [...]d for ayde[Page 280]to the Turkes.
The Frechemen and Venecians wente with an army of .40000. men t [...] [...]ubdue Naples, upon whom the emperous souldiours came sodeinly in the night and slewe of theim a great noumber, and afte [...]warde in plaine battaile discomfited th [...]ir wh [...]le power, wherwith the frenche kyng beyng greatly move [...]sent a navy into Spaine whiche spoyled the countrey, but in the ende they were all well nere taken and slaine.
The Turke (in the quarell of Vuavoyda) pe [...]ced Hungary with a terible puisace, having in his army .250000 fighting men, and exercised towarde the inhabytauntes most extreme cruelty, for some thei berefte of their [...]ight some thei rent and mangled in divers pieces, cutting of their noses, eares, handes, armes, privye membres and other partes of theyr bodies, Virgines in most dishon [...]st wyse they ravyshed, of other women the pulled of the pappes, and openyng their wombes, whiche were great with chylde, burned the yonge babes. Afterwarde he besieged Vienna, a citie of Austrich, and assayled the same very cruellye, twenty tymes he came to the walles, and styll by the Christians was expel [...]ed, and driven back.
In fine aboute the Idus of October, by the manhode, wyse [...]dome and pollicy of Philip Erle Palatine of Rhine, and the Duke of Bavary, whiche were there as soveraygne capitain [...]s, the Turkes were faine to retourn into their countrey, with the losse. of .60. thousande souldiours.
A synode holden at Marsburge, where communicacion was had betwene Luther, Melancton, O [...]olampadius, Zuinglius, for an agreement concerning the sacramentes, whiche controversye had caused great varyaunce amonge the preachers of Germanye, at whiche tyme the mattier was not concluded, because the sweatyng sickenesse that raged sore in that citie, dissolved the counsaile.
A great famine and derth in Venice and the countrey ther about, wherof a gret noumbre dyed for lacke of sustinaunce. Geane in the tyme of a great pestilence was recovered from the Frenchemen, by the emperours souldiours. Wylliam Tindale fyrst translated the new Testament[Page] into Englyshe, The sweatyng sickenesse vexed Brabante, and a great part of Germiane, wherof very many dyed and especially in Antwarpe, wher in thre dayes space it consumed .v hundred persons.
A peace was agreed upon betwene king Henry of England, the emperour, the Frenche kinge, the king of Boheme and Hungary, and Clement the byshop of Rome, for the conclusion wherof and the deliverance of his children, the Frenche kinge was bounde to pay to Charles the emperour .20. hundred thousande crownes, besyde dyvers other condicions.
Fraunces Sfortia was restored to his Duchye of Millaine & paied therfore to the emperour .900000. crownes The cardynal was cast in a premunire, & forfayted all his landes and goodes to the kyng [...].A parliament begon at Westmynster, wherin a reformacion was taken for dyvers enormitees used of the spiritualtie, as probates of testametes, mortuaries, pluralitie of benefices, none residence, bying, sellyng, and taking of benefices by spyrituall persones. &c. also the loan of money borowed in the .xv. yeere of the kinge was releases.
The emperoure Charles, with great solemnitye,[Anni regum Angli 22] was crowned with the imp [...]riall Diademe by Clement the .7 byshop of Rome,[The yere of the worlde 5461] [The yere of Christ ] at Bonony, after whiche time he went to Augusta in Germanie, wher was holden a counsaile for preparacion of Warre against the Turke, and for agrement of mattiers in Almaine. Justus Jonas, Breucins, Urbanus Rhegyus, Mart, Bucere, and dyvers other, with their [...]rechyng and writyng sowed the sedes of heresy in Germany.
Ripa, Shlamonius, Stella, famous lawyers, Falco, Jonius, Ruellius, Cornarius, Fuchsius, phisicios, Sarzorus. Zieglerus. Oroutius, Apianus, Munsterus, exc [...]l [...]ent in the quadrivialles, Urbanus Hessus, Vidas, Ursinus, Glarean, Sapidus, poetes, Pa [...]lus Riccius, Rhenanus, Sadoletus, Gryneus, Vines, Aurogallus, Doletus & other innumerable learned men, and most experte and cunnyng in all sciences, lyved in these dayes, whose [Page] woorkes declare them to the whole worlde.
Commaundment was geven by kyng Henrie to the [...]ishops, that Tindalles translation of the new Testament should be called in, and tha [...] they shulde see an other sette foorth to the profite of the people.
A great deluge in Brabant, Holland, Selande, and the sea coastes of Flanders, where the waters o [...]the sea and other overflowed all the countreies. Muche harme was doon also about Rome by the greate risynge of the ryver Tyber, and unseasonable tempestes of wyndes. The wylde Irishemen perceivyng the [...]rle of [...]ildare to be in Englande, invaded his landes and dyvers other countreis. Whe [...]fore kyng Henry sent thyther the Erle of Klidare and sir Willyam Skevington, which shortly brought them to good order. The byshop of [...]ondon caused a great noumbre of the new Testamentes of Tyndals translation to be burned.
At Augusta the emperour helde a counsaile of the princis of Germany, where it was consulted howe to mayntain warre against the Tu [...]ke, & to have an unitie in matters of religion. Whereupon the churches of Germanye offred their confession to themperour, but nothynge was doone therin, savyng that certayne malicious friers toke uppon them to confute those confessions withoute scripture or reason. The Cardinall was arested, and on S. Andrewes day dyed at Leycester as he should have been broughte to the Tower of London. One boyled in Smithfielde at London for poysonyng. The Emperour Charles made Ferdinand his brother kyng of Rome.[The yere of the worlde 5492] [The yere of Christ 1531] [Anni regum Angli 23]
A great earthquake wel nere in al Portugall the space of eyght dayes. In the citie of Vlisbone or Luxborne, a thousande foure hundred housen were overthrowen, and above .600. so shaken, that they were redy to falle. All the churches were caste to the grounde as it were heapes of stones. This earthquake cam (as it were) by fittes seven or eight tymes in a day, the people forsooke the citie, and went into the fieldes.
And c [...]rten of th [...]m were appr [...]hended, and executed: As Udall, Frogmorton, Peecham, Staunton and other. And dyvers other fledde the Realme for the same.
The firste of August there was burned at Exceter an olde woman. The .xxiiii. of S [...]ptember were burned at Mayefielde, John Hart, Thomas Rau [...]s [...]all, Nicholas holden, and two other, A [...]d the morowe after was bourned at Bristowe a yonge man a glover.
About this time ther was burned one John Hor [...]e at Newen [...], and a woman at wotton under edge in Glocester shiere. And at Canterburye in the Castell, John Clearke, Dunstan Chetterden, Archer, Pot [...]ins wy [...]e, and Willi [...]m Fo [...]ter, died of famine.
In Oc [...]ober one was bu [...]ned at North [...]mpton, and it [...]. died in Canterbury cast [...]ll, and wer buried in the fields. [The yere of the worlde 5518] [The yere of Christ 1557] The xx [...]i. daye of January were burned a [...] Cante [...] b [...]in one tyre, vi. persons.[Anni regum Angli 5]
The xxv. of the same moneth wer burned at Asheforde two, and at Wye othe [...]two. The xxvii. of February, ther came to London an Embassadour sent from the kynge of undefined span of illegible text, wher one of the thre ships that vent [...]ed towardes the caste, by the north seas, fortuned to arrive.
About this tyme, D. Scot bishop of Chester, D. Watson, bisshop of Lyncolne, and D. Christoferson bysshop of Chichester came to Cambridge, and there caused the dead carcases of Martin Bucer and Paulus Fagiu [...], of whom is metion before, to be solenly somoned to appere before them & answere to suche heresies as shuld be layd to theyr charge. And so sat in jugement upon the, and codemned them bothe to be burned. Wherefore they were taken up out of theyr graves, and solemnely burned on the market [...]il. And certen of the universitie that in their lyfe tyme were verie frendly and familier with them, began now to defame them as heretikes, amonge whome doctor Perne was one. And nere about thys tyme, Peter[Page]Martyrs wife shold have be so served at Oxford, but because none was able to say that ever he herd he [...] speak any worde of heresie) for she was a straunger borne, and never spake englishe nor Latin) she could not be condemned. But because she was wife to such a man, she was vehemently suspected, and therefore removed out of papisticall halowed grounde. And as some saye, buryed in a dungehille.
In thys februarie, the Lorde Sturton (who had bene bolstred in mischiefe so longe as his godfather Stephen Gardiner lived) was arrayned at West minster, for the murder o [...] two gentlemen. And in Marche folowyng he was brought [...]o Salisbury, and ther hanged the sixt day of that monethe. The same March, the xxii. day kyng Philip beynge returned from Flanders came to london & passed through to west minster with great solemnity accompanied with the Quene and nobles of the Realme.
The xii. of Aprille, were burned in Smithfielde John Lothes [...]ye, Henry Ramsey, William Stur [...]le, And one Stanleys wife. The xx. of May, Thomas Fowle, who hadde ventred his lyfe in preaching and ministring to the afflict [...]d christians in London, duryng the former yeares o [...] trouble, beynge visited with sicken [...]s, died, to the great discomf [...]rte of the afflicted flocke. The xxix. of the same moneth wer burned in. S. Georges fi [...]lde, Stephen gratwicke and william Morant. This moneth of Maye, Henry Stafford came oute of France, and toke Scarborow castell by force, and kept it two days, and was then take with his complices, and brought to London, where they suffred on the tower h [...]l.
About this tyme kynge Philip passed the seas againe into Flanders, and ther made great preparatio against the French men. For Thempe [...]our his father had surrendred to hym, all his [...]nheritaunces in the lowe countreyes, aboute whiche the warres betwixt him and the French men wer begonne and continued. In the beginning of June folowyng, the quene caused ope wars to be proclaimed betwene England & Frace,