A Myrrour or Cleare Glasse

or cleare glasse, for all esta
tes, to looke in, conteinyng
briefly in it the true kno
lege and love of god, and the
charitie of a faithfull chri
stian towardes his
Remembre the mervailouse
works that he hath done, his
wonders also, and the jugeme
tes of his mouth.Psal. 105.
Make your frends with thun
rightous Mammon, yt when you
your selves shal have nede,
they may receve you into the
everlasting tabernacles.Lu. l.

PUBLISHED BY Henrye Sutton



But alas with what great sorow may we lament, in these our unhappy and moste wretched daies: If Goddes visitation. we consider the sharpenes of goddes late visitation amongest us, for oure unthankfulnesse sake, diversely to bee layde uppon us, by withholdynge specially the lyghte of his countenaunce upon us, yt w^ [...]drawi[n]g of his grace fro[m] us to the darknyng of our understa[n]ding, to the plucking back of his love & godly charitie in us, to the makyng of us hard herted & pitiles, to yt kendlyng amongest us, dishonorable warre & disce[n]tion: to the supportation also wherof, hath risen throughout this com[m]on welthe, greate & mervailous charges, importable & grevous exactions, to thincrease of povertie, great wo, and myserye, scarcitie and famine: the cursed motion, in deede, of the dyvell, and [Page] the fruites of hys malignaunte and wicked membres, wherby the christen regions are thus afflicted, an ope[n] and most manifest shewe of goddes wrathfull indignation agaynst us: namelye upon this our christen church of Engla[n]d, wherupon the brightnes of his glorye for the shewe of his mercy in rightuousnes, hath heretofore most bright lye shyned: and now of late dayes, thorough his just wrath, for our unthankfulnes sake, hath wythdrawne it: and by wicked and wilfulle warres (the swourds of hys vengeaunce) not only to sustayne the losse of suche peeces, beyo[n]d Warres. yt seas (wherof England somtime wt honour greatly rejoyced) but rather amongest us here wythin the realme greate and intollerable miserye, and the destruccion of the people by color, Famine. & famine. O how grevously, thorough out these whole dominio[n]s, were, & yet are yt poore creatures of god & tender me[m]bres of Jesus Christ, most grevouslye therwt afflicted? And commenly also, how ye harts of those were, & yet be hardened agai[n]st the[m], which i[n] their vocatio[n] and habilitye, (being here but stewardes of goddes treasures) were bound, [Page] Of pitilesse welthy me[n]. and ought in conscie[n]ce, to have sought their preservation and naturall comfort, soeyng we are not onely borne to our selves, & wastfully to support our vayne affectes: but also accordyng to our duetie, state, & habilitie, for others succour, helpe, and necessite: And how they were constrained for want of naturall feedyng, and accordynge to the use of mankynde, to be converted into the state of brute beastes, and to eate for the upholdyng of their wretched & moste wofull lyves, acornes, grayns, and draffe, the fylthy swynes refection. And howe naturall and deare parentes, throughe wretched povertie, weryly wandryng the wastful pathes Against nature. of lyfe, nature were inforced agaynst nature, to leave sleapyng in fieldes, and under hedges, or losynge in corners of cities and townes, their yonge babes & tender infantes, the beloved fruit of their bodies, tournyng them at adventure, frome theyr owne armes of compassion, into the moste unkynde and pitilesse worlde, bycause they coulde not abyde to heare their contynuall mournyng noise, their great lamentation, [Page] theyr pituous co[m]playntes, & most hevy countinaunces, alwaies fixed for help upon theim, their moost wretched and unable parentes: whose wofull hartes abhorted to see (in suche wyse) the destruccion of their owne fleshe, and the violente crueltie of death by colde and famyne, ready to take their lives from them. Either how sorowfull a thynge was this to heare, and more pitifull to see (by the reporte of credible & honeste me[n] that in Hertford shire, beside saint Albons, as they passed by the high way side, they sawe there, lyeng and sitting together, a poore woman, with her six A pitifull syght. or seven younge children. And as they approched nere unto them, to comfort theim with their godlye charitie, they see the mother of them, lye dead amongest them, consumed by famyne to the bones, and a younge suckynge infant also dead in her armes, another of her children dyeng by her side, and the rest pituously making lamentation about her. And as I have here made relacion (by credible reporte) but onelye of one companye, and a fewe personnes, that have sustained (through mannes most [Page] wretched unkyndnes) this greate wo and miserye: so coulde I name of dyvers, both men, women and children: either in villages without the citie, or within, in backe lanes, desolate corners, or uppon carraynely stinkynge donghilles, that hath ben bothe quicke and deade, wrapped in dust and horselytter, amonge the dogges, pygges, and fylthye swyne. O howe lamentable is it, to heare and understande, of the greate fall of Englande, from the grace of God? O the hardnesse of our hartes that hasteneth unto us the wrathe of God. O howe greattely appeareth the yre of God to hange over us? Yea howe heavyly already layeth Math. 18. he is hande upon us? O cursed be the occasion, by synne, for ever: that goddes heavy indignation should so lyght upon us, and his grace so clerely withdrawen from us, that we have no pity upon our poore neighbours, but suffre theim in suche wyse, to wourke desperatelye agaynste nature: the parentes to forsake theyr chylderne, and the childerne to bewaile the losse of theyr parentes, lamentablye sorowynge, [Page] crying, yellyng, sighing, sobbyng, and groning on both sides, ye one for the other, & the one not able to help thether, but abide to ye death, the bitternesse or their hard & most wretched fortune. O dolefull desteny, & most hevy adve[n]ture. O lame[n]table losse and most grevouse departure. O pitifull parentes. O forsaken & comfortlesse infantes. O re[n]der me[m]bres of Jesus Christ, febly creping always for lyfe, and findyng in theno nothing but death: whose irremediable and moste wofull signes ye beare: Miserable povertie. apparaunt pearcynge lookes, pale faces: leane chekes, wanne lippes, torne coates, gante bealies: withered skins bodies consumed to the bones, and waightynge alwayes deathes mooste deadly brunt, for the banefull breache of lyfe. O lorde, if we now lyuyng in these daies, & in the tyme also of lyght and knowledge of the gospell, shonsds but in this one onely point, co[m]pare our selves, with the good disposition of the people in other ages past, although in the daies of utter darknes and ignora[n]ce, for the great pitie & tender co[m]passion that was amongst them toward{is} the co[m]mon welthe, & for thadusidyng [Page] of suche unnaturall, most horrible and monstrouse sightes, amonge the poore membres of Christ and of the commo[n] wealth: what an untowarde most pitt les, and unnaturall generation, shuld we now thinke our selves to be, in co[m]parison of the other: but rather muche more wicked: moste wourthie also the wrath of god: most wourthie reproche among the very Infidelles: yea, & to be reproved also of the unreasonable and very brutishe wilde beastes of the field whiche against nature (to the reprofe of their owne beastelye natures) committeth not at any time, any one suche wretched evyll: but wylle naturally seke to nourishe, save, and defend that thinge, which nature hath naturallye in their owne kynde, most gladly desyred, most aptlye framed, inwardly preserved, tenderly nourished, & brought up in tyme amongest theim: by whose vertue also, constancie, and tendernes in their rude natures, the name of god their maker or is, or should be praised & magnified by mankynde, the only reasonable creature, and Lord of all creatures nexte under hym, as by the chiefe lover and speciall maynteyner of all [Page] causes necessarye to natures good affecte. O what natural good man then or man of god, except he were the verye devell hym selfe, or the divelles owne dearelynge, in whome restethend possibilitie of pitye or good nature but woulde lamente and have compassion upon these good creatures of god in such necessitie: namely of mankinde, theyr owne flesshd and bloude: whom God hym selfe so derely loveth, for our example: whome he so blesseth, and upon whome he poureth so abundantly his good graces and gyftes above all other his creatures? Doo not (as I sayd,) the lyke of kynd helpe their lyke? Are there anye so brute beastes The love of beastes. under the sonne, or vyle crepyng wormes upon thearthe, but wold in their kynd love one an other, and joyn their hartes in amitie, to withstand to their power, the crueltie of unnaturall and straunge adversaries? Are there amo[n]g wourmes and beastes of the earthe, more cruell or unnatural adversaries one strang beast or worm against another, then is either nakednes, colde, or famine against mankynd, whose furious [Page] and deadly force, we oughte every of us myghtily withstand (accordyng to the wyll of god) for one an others Dishonour to mannekinde. preservation? Can there be greatter shame and dishonour to mankynd, the lorde & ruler over al under god, tha[n] to be reproved in this special point of natural amitie, of most inferiour & base creatures? Truly I am of this opinio[n] before heaven and earthe, and thynke in coscience, I offe[n]d not: that as god never sent his sharpe plages & cruel chastismentes, unjustly upon the earth: but wourthili by his justice, for the punishment of synne, and that upon all estates and degrees of men: whether it be by warres, pestilence, or famine, all or some at ones: as hys justice, notwythstanding hys greate mercy, respecteth the stonye and harde heapes of synne: whereby hys wrath is the more largelye kendled upon this or other regio[n]s: so wyth the greate and moste wycked The innocentes with the [...] are plaged And why.offendours, the innocentes, (I so term them in respect of the other offendors) are also then plaged to this good ende and purpose, that the godly and repentaunte synners, and suche as are of sufficient [Page] habilitie, shoulde wyth prayer and fastinge, bountifully and freelye, reache forthe their hande of compassio[n] to the poore and nedy personnes: whiche by warres are eyther wounded or maimed, by dyvers diseases visited, or elle [...] grevously by famine afflicted, to the asswagynge of goddes greate furye and wrath, and that the spirit of desperation therby put a parte, the good creature of god maye have pacience in povertie, and thankfully rejoice in his mercye, which aboundantly spreadeth over all fleshe: whereas the onely compassio[n] and mercy of ma[n], so to succour & helpe, his poore and neady neighbour: upon whome, our eies (with compassion) ought to be ever fixed, that God in Eccle. 28. our charitie maye bee blessed. O howe faire a thing is mercy & pitie in yt time Eccle. 25. of necessitie, in the tyme of heavynes, anguyshe and trouble? Is it not lyke a cloude of rayne, that commeth in the time of drought? But alas, how greatlye to the contrary hath the divel now bli[n]ded our eies, robbed us of our good understandyng and memory, and hath also stripte us naked and bare of all [Page] compassion and charitie? What pitiles seedes hath he sowen in our harts? What scornefulnesse and contempte? What nicetie, leude wantonnesse and foly? O what may we thynke of oure selves, that glory so muche to be called christians, that cannot abide the name of hereticke, turke, scismaticke, or papist, that so muche deny Christ in conversacion: beynge utterlye converted into wourse state and behavioure, then the most vyle estate of Ethnickes and infidelles, and suffre our selves to bee reproved of beastes, and overcomme with these most horrible monsters, fylthie covetousnesse, pride, and excesse: & to be blyndelye ledde in suche singuler and vaine affectes, that we regard not but rather contempne, the most gloriouse and lyvelye Images of God, the Gene. [...] redemed me[m]bres of Jesus Christe, our christen brotherne and naturall countreymen, but suffer theim wythout co[m]passion (in suche lamentable wyse) to appeare before oure eyes in every corner: In fieldes, in high wayes, in churches, in stretes, in by lanes, in comme[n] Jaquesses, under stalles, at rych mens [Page] doores and under their walles? Ah most lamentable & wofull case: wherby, if we do enter into oure owne consciences, what shall we there fynde? What good matter of rejoycinge and perfecte peace, shall there (before god appeare in us? What remaineth in us wanting the charitie of god, to be quiet in our selves, and to live in the state of goddes grace? Remaineth there nothyng uprightly in us? What nothing at all? No no verily, of any inwarde or heavenly joy: but a terrible out cry, Where the charitie of god remayneth not there the conscience abideth un quiet and alwaies in terrovie. and an open accusation agaynste us, and the just terrour and vengeance of god uppon us: because we have not in tyme to our powers (accordyng to the order of charitie and perfect compassion) prevented these most notable and cursed evils: or at the least, for not preparyng present comfort in suche tyme of necessitie: makynge our frendes of wicked mammon, whereby the poore myght be relieved, & that there myght be also layed up in store for our selves, a good foundation in Jesus Christe against the tyme to come, and obtayne-thorough Rom. 12. 1, Timo. 6 Eccle. 11.hym everlastynge lyfe. Ryches [Page] is a good thing, for it is the gift of god, and so likewise is povertie: and as god hath made somme men riche (with an holye and good spirite) to despyse worldlye gooddes: so hathe he also appointed some, to beare the bourden of povertie, that they might happilye receive his benefites, at suche charitable and rich mennes handes. O how blessed are those that have riches (the good gyfte of god) where by they maye not only make many frendes: to the praise Pro. 19. of God, and their owne comforte: but seeke also the favour of the poore: that are often through poverty (forsaken of their frendes, whose continuall praier and swete blessinge) by the promises of god, shall purchase unto theym the favour of god, healthfulnes, joy, prosperitie, and plentifull encreace. For the charitable acte of the rightuous & godly man, god alwayes beholdeth and accepteth as an hygh and wourthie sacrifice: whiche he (at any tyme) vaynelye receyve not, and without recompence but as his acte is worshyppeful accordynge to Salomon, to doe good and to help the poore in their necessity, which [Page] be calleth lendinge unto the Lorde, or layed out for a season: so the Lord god that is all goodnesse and truths, that delighteth in well doing, and rejoiceth in hys people, wyll not wythholde hys bountyfull hande, but see him largelye requighted agayne. The poore and the Prou. 19. Prou. 29. Prover. 12 lender ofte meete together: but it is the Lorde that lightneth both their eyes. It is the lord that prepareth povertie. It is the lord that geveth unto ye poore strengthe, and consolation, thoroughe faith by the power of his spirite, to ask in his name, and to attaine reliefe: It is the lord also that geveth ryches, and Eccle. 17. wourketh in the hartes of the rich, tender compassion and mercye towardes the poore, by the same spirite: whereby hys name in theym bothe is hyghlys reverenced and magnyfied. And he that thus geeveth or lendeth unto the poore in the name of God, shalbe blessed, and not want himself. For the mercye that a mercifull man sheweth here unto his neighbour, in these terrestrial & vain earthly thynges: is as it were a purse wyth hym, or a treasure house, [Page] plentuousely stuffed with thin comparable and endlesse treasures of god the father: in, and by oure Lorde Jesus Christe: thorowe the love and faith in whom, a mans good dedes preserveth hym, even as the apple of an eye. So that al vertuous and charitable dedes God lovyngely beholdeth in Christe, and largely agayn requiteth, If grace wer amongst us to consider the same, and practise it. But we are (I saye) to the contrary, so blynded and sore infected with earthely and vayne affectes and selfelove so prevayleth our senses to rule, that wee forgette god and his wourde: we neglecte Christe and his gospelle: we have embraced but a benummed and deade faythe: wee have not reverentely in price, the onely merites of Christes deathe, but wee rather heare the name of Christyanitie and holynesse, secludynge the true faithe in the waye of rightousnes, and are in deede environned and cloked in with all kyndes of maliciousnesse and wickednesse. We have professed (in Jesus Christ) to love god above all thynges and our neighbours as our selves [Page] but we contempne God and Christe, our creatour and savioure, and the rather neglecte oure poore neighboures and christen brotherne, our companions in Christ, and felowe heyres with him in his kyngedome: bendynge our whole affectes, to the onely dead will of the flesh: we love so much the world the divelles snares hath caught us: Ena The devell the worlde and the flesh prevaileth against us. hath deceyved us: light fa[n]tasies are obeyed: excesse beareth rule: our callinges are abused: our eies must be satisfied: our bodyes must go gaye: our feding must be fyne: our pastymes must be kepte: and what so ever earthly vanitie, the devill motioneth, the worlde procureth, or the fleshe coneteth, thereunto our corrupted hartes immediatlye consenteth. Trulye, Sathan, that cursed enemy and prynce of impietie, syns his firste fall from the kingdome of god into utter darkenes, never better bestirred hi[m], to the nereace of his helly kingdom, the[n] now in these our pitiles and most unhappy daies. And how he prevaileth, and in victory triu[m]pheth god to oure plage suffereth, his grace he withdraweth, which our wickednes [Page] serveth, and that the godlye most grevously feeleth and with teares also lamenteth. And if herein, we now consider mennes ingratitude: amongeste whome, in their degrees they greatlye differ: as some are muche more to bee noted then some, namelye of such thinges as shal immediatly folowe: considering how merveilously we be mixed with what diversitie of spirites we bee guided: and how variable in al our doynges: we are alwais affected: for we have not amongest us: one only faith we leane not zelously to one only true god: neyther doo we seeke one onelye eternall and heavenlye father: whose wyll of all men shoulde onely be receyved & folowed, if our hartes in dede, were onlye to him united. But as we bee apparauntly and to evel devided, and some to one way, and some to another addicted, so the powers of darkenesse hathe mightilie prevailed, and wroughte open contempte to our just reproche.

Therfore, respectinge these two natures thus devided, I wyll humbly now wyth reverence, leave here wourthylye untouched, all vertuous, ryghte [Page] prudente, honourable, and godlye governours: whose harts I acknowlege in their doinges, to be alwayes moste aptly tempered with the revere[n]d feare of God, from whome springeth (wyth beautie) the comfortable, free, & lyvely fruites of compassion, christen charity and frendly liberality: and unto whom (above all others) most wourthilie doo appertayne such thinges, as hereafter foloweth, accordinge to their right reverend estate and dignitie: In whome goddes people rejoiceth, & unto whom they owe due honor, harty prayse, and dayly praier: amongest whome also, I meane nothinge lesse, then arragantely to kendle (herein) offence against the[m] or against any godlye man of anye degree: but charitablie with humblenes, do touche (in fewe wourdes) this familiar abuse, which is: whereof it co[m]meth that among the riche and wealthy me[n] of this world, we se (for their pleasures wythoute numbre) their fatte fed dogges of every kind: their pampered horses: their fair mules & gay glisteri[n]g Genettes:



Which way shal he now turne his face, but the poore membres of Christe shall appeare before hym, in extreme necessitie and miserye, and cal upon him for his charitie, in the name of Jesus christ? whose name we ought say. 65. Math. 1. Roma. 14 Philip. 2. to reverence, and to extende freely for his sake our charitie, according to our habilitie, and as we see justly occasion of necessitie, to content well god. Or at what time shal we in conscience better dispose oure charitye to the people of god? Was there ever by theym the like wofull attempte? O that the spirit of god our synnes through his mercy beynge remitted woulde yet happilye descende uppon us, and amongest us, to wourke in us, and to pourge, and mollifie our corrupted and flintie hartes, [Page] of impietie, unnaturall slackenes, selfe love, and all vayne affectes: that A nedefull request of God. wee maye wyth the more lyvelye diligence in the fears of GOD, tender hys beeloved people: and so prepare for theym, that oure holye and moste juste GOD, maye in all oure dooynges, be well contented and pleased. O howe happy shoulde we bee to fulfill the wyll of GOD, yf oure eares were opened, and oure heartes by the dewe of goddes grace, softe tempered that wee myght aptlye heare and worthily receyve the voice of god [...]h [...]e calleth unto us, sayenge: Be not ashamed of thy neygboure, in hys dystres and miserye: Defende the poore and father lesse! Delyver the out caste and poore: Shutte not thyne hande whenne thou shouldest geeve: Distribute thy breade Eccle. 4. psal. 82. Eccle. 4. unto the poore and hungry, bringe the poore fatherles home into thine house: geeve hym lodgynge: clothe hym yf he bee naked: and tourne not thy face Esay. 18. frome thyne owne fleshe: that is to saye, from thy poore neyghboure: thy Chrysten brother or Syster.



But yf thyne harte be otherwise corruptly fixed upon fylthy avarice, onely without the feare of God, regardynge the state of thyne owne welfare, and to enriche thy selfe with craftye abuse: in Who so hordeth or hideth up corne, shal be cursed among the people: but the blessing of god shal light upon his heade that selleth it. Prover. 11. withholdynge, secrete hoordynge, hydyng, buryeng, wilfull spoylyng, raisynge of prices, or uncharitable denyeng, not to have that, whiche in deede thou haste: or to withhold thy diligent good will, from labouryng, tyllynge, temperyng, and sowyng the erth, And so foorthe, to seeke as muche as in thee shall lye, good encreace and frendely furtherance of all thynges under thyn hande, joynynge thy good wyll to the wyll of god, to put by dearthes, and further a common wealth in thy countreye, to the comforte specially of the poore people, and that they maye happilye lyve by thee: or elles that thou of a naughtys and evyll conscience, [Page] onely for private wealthes sake: flatteringly thoroughe the coloure of necessitie, or fallynge into povertie, by Deceiptful enemies of the comme[n] wealth. chargeable seruyce in marciall affaires, or otherwyse: thou suest to the vertuouse and noble cou[n]saylours, and other thy frendes, to be frendelye unto thee, and to bee thy gracious good lordes and medyatours in thy beehalfe, unto the kynges majestie, for ye graunt of a lycence, in recompence of thy seruyce, to carye over beyonde the seas, a certayne su[m]me of grayne: peradventure by requeste one thousande quarters. &c to make thy market: or otherwyse certayne dyckers of leather: or suche lyke commodities of the realm, whereby thou shouldest bee relieved: sygnifienge unto theyr honoures, formallye forgyng a false tale, not wayeng the vertues of suche godlye actes, and lawes, as hath bene from tyme to tyme, for suche purpose appointed and stablished: neyther charitably considerynge in deede, the present scarcitie of thy countrey, to the increace of famin and destruction of the people:



[...] we have peace: al thynges are safe, we stande in no perel: we thynke of no daunger: we care for no chaunge: wee passe of no warres: wee remembre no famin: neither pestilence or murrain; we dread no subversion, nor feele none affliction: So destruccion or sorow hastille approcheth us, or death immediatlye (by the will of god) cometh swiftlye uppon us: lyke an outragious and moste vehemente runnynge streame, wyth hys terrible chastisementes, and wyth hys impytuous and mooste roughe rorynge soundes of horroure and desperation: renewinge into our conscyences the sharpe sentence of GOD, sayenge unto us: Thou The [...] shalte dye, Thy time is nowe expired, therefore nedes muste thou dye, I death, the messenger of the most high, immortall, and juste GOD, am sente unto thee for thy presente confusion.

My charge and and comyssion is so grayghte agaynste thee, that I maye [Page] not deferre to styfle thee, or geeve thee thy deadly wounde. Nay nay, striving prevaileth not: ther is now no remedye, for the swourde of god is whe [...] against the. What, couldest yu not have thought of thys before? Hast thou not ben often advertised to remembre the ende? Hast thou not had (by the doome of thy conscience (often and sufficiente admonition of goddes myghtye hande and power? Haste thou not sent by all meanes possyble the experience of thys bryckle lyfe? Remembrest thou not, that with one only blast, ye dimme Job. [...]. lyghte of thy candle of lyfe, is utterlye extincte and put oute. And that it is in suche wyse dynged, that there remayneth in it no spark of hope for thy light to retourne agayn? And that the lyght beyng ones loft, the waxe lieth waste, the heate abateth, the snuffe smoketh, it corruptly stinketh, it quickly consumeth, and sodeinely falleth to asshes? Haste thou not thus thought of mans mortalitie and falle?



And as we have over longe, wyth corrupted and vaine hartes, bene vaynely addicted to vaine thynges, and our wylles greatly dissenting from the wil of god: so let us now make haste, that wyth all puritie and cleannes of harte, suche fondnesse and impuritie may be rejected, and goddes most divine wyll obediently retayned. Yea, and though God (in deede) by his justice, hathe some thing of late dayes Gods heavye and bitter wrathe upon Englande. and prese[n]tly also touched us, and hath seemed to laye upon us cruell strokes, and rough chastisementes, whether by our late kynges death, that most godly and christe[n] prince, either by the breach of vertuous and good lawes: by the alteration of Chrystes holy religion, by takinge awaye the lyght of the gospel, by cruell persecution and destruction [Page] of the pastoures and flocke of Christe: And in stead of mercy and pitie, bitter tyrannye, and most shamefull effusion of innocente and christen bloude, by bournynge, famishinge in prysons, buryenge in dungehylles, rackynge, headinge, drawynge, hangynge and quartering, as in the dayes of goddes slaughter by his greate and most heavie indignacion: besides strange diseases, sodein deathes, dishonorable warres, grevouse exactions, meynteinyng of straungers, universal famyne, losse of goods, losse of frends, or otherwise, yet for the avoidynge of further daungers, that by ye bytternes of his wrath maye yet fall upon our fleshe, and specially escapynge the second death, secludinge wilfull ignoraunce, obstinatie, Good cou[n]sayle. and stiffeneckednes, let us humbly geve thankes unto gods divine majestie for all thinges, and namely for the present shewe and joiefull lyght of his countynaunce, now shynynge agayne upon us: [...]



[...]for everye of us see in our selves, our due dosertes: but wyll henseforthe blesse us: he wyll renewe styll hys joyfull countynance upon us: he wyll wythdraw the power of the divell from us, that he prevayle not agaynst us in no kynde of temptacion: he wyll not suffre us to be tempted above our strength, but wyl in the myddeste of temptation prepare us awaye Numc. 23 1. Cor. 1.10 1. Thes. 5. 2. Pet. 2. to escape: he wyl so strengthen us that when his grace is offered unto us wee shall not receyve it in vayne: hys good spirite shall possesse us, & cleanse oure hartes of the develles infections, he wyll not suffce us to be overcomme or drowned in theym: for he wyll sowe in oure hartes, the lyvely seedes of his grace, and fill us full of the wisedome By thereare of god sin is eschewed. of Chryst: he will putte his feare into oure heartes (whyche the proude and scornefull people of thys worlde, and they that maliciousely meddle against [Page] god do want: his grace is taken from Job. 18. such, for they dwell without his feare, he will so knitte our hartes in unitie, that havynge but one harte and one waie, we shall feare his name all the daies of our lyves, that we and oure children after us, maie bee blessed and Jere. 32. psal. 118. prosper the will delyver us frome all daungers and misfortune: he wil take warre and discention frome us: he will geeve us victorye over our ennemyes: he will prepare us quietlye to [...] injoie oure wynuyngs: he wyll not suffre us to be confou[n]ded, our children destroied, our goodes spoiled, nor our wyves, our daughters, our maydens to be ravished and defyled, he wyll be our mighty protection, at all assaies, & geeve us longe life: he will blesse oure Job. 8. posteritie: he wil fil our mouthes with laughter, and our lippes wyth gladdenesse: he wyll blesse the lande wherein we dwel, & take from us, famine, pestilence, & all strange dyseases, specially of the mynde: [...]

This is a selection from the original text


dearth, famine, grain, pestilence, poor, poverty, war, wealth

Source text

Title: A Myrrour or Cleare Glasse

Author: Thomas Palfreyman

Publisher: Henrye Sutton , Jhon Waley

Publication date: 1560

Edition: 2nd Edition

Place of publication: London

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: http://eebo.chadwyck.com/home Bib Name / Number: STC (2nd ed.) / 19137 Copy from: Cambridge University Library

Digital edition

Original author(s): Thomas Palfreyman

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) tp, images: 54-62, 66, 73, 103, 113, 116


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > pamphlets

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
