An Admonition to the Towne of Callays

the Towne of Callays.

PUBLISHED BY P.A. de Zuttere



Whe[n] as I call to reme[m]bra[n]ce how many wayes God hath sought, Engla[n]d [...]eth fro[m] the gospel, and Callays followeth the same. to induce the to repe[n]ta[n]ce (O Callays, thow towne of myne educatio[n]) & on the other syde thine indurate rebellio[n], & hypocritical dissimulation in folowinge the footsteppes of thy mother Engla[n]d, I ca[n]not but with teares lame[n]t thyne emyne[n]t destructio[n], Lam. I. as the Prophet Jeremie bewayled the subversio[n] of his Cyte Jerusalem. God hath fought almeants[?] to call Callays to repentance. For what thi[n]ge hath god done in tymes paste to other cou[n]ntries & townes to cal the[m] to repe[n]tance, that he hath nor performed the lyke unto the, & to thy murmuringe mother, with a great deale more? Mat. II. Hath he not (as the proverbe pronou[n]ceth) piped unto the pleasa[n]t so[n]ges, & yet thow haste not rejoyced? Luc. 7. Hath he not also played unto the morninge notes, & yet thow hast not lame[n]ted? O what a melodious harmonie was the swere so[n]ge of his holy gospel in thine eares, coupled with the sice re ministratio[n] of his holy Sacrame[n]tes, & that under the autorite of a moste v[ir]tuouse & innoce[n]t kynge? Hon Callais hath rejoyced at the prechige of the gospel. But how dideste thow rejoice thereat? For sothe in the libertie of the flesh & not in the fredome of the spirite. For under the title of that spiritual melodie, the carnal ma[n] rejoiced in his carnalite: the covitouse, in his covitousnes: the Extorsioner, in his [Page] extorsio[n]: The wiced make the gospel a clocke for theire wichednes the a[m]bitious, in his a[m]bitio[n]: the dro[n]kard, in his dro[n]kenes: the Prowd, in his Pryde: the Adulterer, in his Adulterie, in maki[n]ge the same a cloke for their impietie. Where as thei shoulde have rejoiced in a spiritual joye laudi[n]ge the lorde that so lovingly in the middes of darcknes & ignora[n]cie had visited the[m] with the light of his gospel. But whe[n] as God save that this his benignite did no thinge move thy mother, nor yet the, to rejoice in the praise of his name, & in the amendme[n]t of thy life. God for ingratitude taketh a waie his gospel & sendeth papistry. Then thought he it highe time to take from you the pipe of mirth & co[n]solatio[n], & to sende the morni[n]ge songe of sorrowe & lame[n]tatio[n]. For in stede of his gospel he hath sent you papistrie: in stede of his holy Sacrame[n]tes, the blasphemus masse, For a christian ki[n]ge, god giveth an Idolatrous Quene. & unsav[or]y sacrefice of the bredde[n] god: & in stede of a moste christia[n] kinge, a moste wicked & idolatrous Quene. A very Jezabel, that is, a frinde to Baal & his pristes, & an utter enemie to god & his people. Yea a nother Athalia, that is, an utter distroier of hir owne kinerede, 4. reg. 11. kyngdome & cou[n]trie, a hater of hir owne subjectes, a lov[er] of stra[n]gers, & an unnatural stepdame both unto the & to thy mother Engla[n]de. This is the morninge songe that the lorde now singeth unto the, O thow unkinde Callais. But how doest thou morne there at? Forsoth eve[n] as before thou didest rejoice. For as before thou didest convarte thy joye fro[m] a spiritual into a carnal rejoicinge, eve[n] [Page] so now where as thow shouldest mourne in sprite, in bewailinge thy sinnes, ingratitude & infidelite, in repe[n]tinge & tourni[n]ge unto the lorde, who seketh al meanes to reclaime the. Thow mournest in the flesh with the Gergesites rather for the losse of thy hogges, Mat. 8. Mar. 5. Luc. 8. thine earthly co[m]modites, which Satha[n] in his tyra[n]nous instrume[n]ts hath, & his like to take a waie fro[m] the, the[n] for the departure of Christ, his worde & sacrame[n]tes. Callais morneth for fere of temporall plages & not for hir sines as did kinge Achab for the death of Naboth, Luc. 19. Esa. 5. Thow mournest rather for the te[m]poral plages which p[re]se[n]tly thow felest, & greater forscest to folowe, the[n] for any desire thou hast of the kingdome of god, & the florishi[n]ge prosperite of the same, which now is taken awaie for thine ingratitude, & for not knowinge the time of thy visitatio[n]. And therefor moste justly hath the lorde broke[n] downe the hedge of the Englishe churche and made it a praie to the Romishe bore, & his sweinishe papistical pigges, which now unmercifully wroteth up the rootes & bra[n]ches thereof, in defili[n]ge it with the stinki[n]ge dou[n]ge of dissaivable doctrine, & in stede of swete smelli[n]ge flowers doeth pla[n]te therein the odiouse wedes of idolatrie & hypocrisie. The which so ple[n]tifully spri[n]geth up at this p[re]se[n]t, that or it be lo[n]ge, it wilbe thorow ripe for the sickle of the lordes indignatio[n]. Apoc. 14. For the tares of satha[n] with i[n] these 9[?]. yeres sowe[n] i[n] the & thi mother, Mat. 13. hath brought forth more ple[n]ty of increse, the[n] did the good seade of the gospel in 7. yeres before. O lamentable alteration. Who ever woulde [Page] have supposed (O Callais) that thow bei[n]g so perfitly pla[n]ted in the ple[n]tiful knowlege of the v[er]itie, Callais ion stede of grapes bringeth forth thornes. Math. 21. Esa. 5. & so se[n]siblie hedged about with the sincere understa[n]dinge of the gospel, as a profitable vine to ylde ple[n]ty of good frute, that thow wouldest have brought forth such thornes & breers as appereth in the at this p[re]se[n]t? Who ever woulde have thought that Callays co[n]taini[n]ge so many erneste gospellers in outward appare[n]ce, The doinge of idolaters & hypocrites. that there should have bi[n] sene in it, such gaddi[n]ge to the masse, such mu[m]bli[n]ge in the prystes eare, such gapinge after a stra[n]ge god, such gaddi[n]ge a processio[n], such hau[n]tinge of papistrie such dissimulatio[n] in Idolatrie, such regestringe of names in the booke of the Beaste to the ope[n] renou[n]cinge of Christ, as is & hath byne used in the of late, to the great dishonour of god, the grevous sorrowe of thy frindes, & to the no litel rejoisinge of thyne enimies. But it sta[n]deth with equite that such as have no pleasure to walke in the shini[n]ge light of the gospel, that thei do stu[m]ble & fal into the palpable darknes of errour & ignora[n]cie. Who[m] Christ forsaketh Sathan fourth with pocesseth. 1. Pet. 5. Mat. 12. For how ca[n] it otherwise be chosse[n], but that if the light do leave us, darknes must nedes overwhelme us: & if verite ons forsake us, errour must nedes possesse us: that is, if Christ do reli[n]quishe us, then must Satha[n] nedes ceaso[n] upo[n] us. For he is that roring lio[n] that seketh co[n]tinually to devoure. Who, if he ons finde the house of our hartes clene swept & e[m]pty of godlines, the[n] retourneth [Page] he with 7. devels worsse the[n] hi[m]selfe, & so shal oure e[n]de be worse the[n] the begini[n]ge, the which thinge is al redy v[er]ified in a great manie, 1. Pet. 4. who beinge ons cle[n]ced, do with the sowe, wallawe the[m]selfes in the stinkinge puddell of papistrie againe.

Wherefor (my derely beloved) I beseche the in the bowels of Jesus Christ (whose wealth I wyshe for as myne awne) that thow do not ressayve the grace of god in vaine, neither yet be ashamed of his gospel, where of in his mercie he hath made the a partaker, fro[m] the which thow semeste now to slyde a side by dissimulatio[n], by plainge cole under ca[n]delstick (as the proverbe goeth) The great dissimulatio[n] of Callais, by ro[n]ninge with the hare & holdi[n]ge with the hou[n]de, by goinge unto god in thine harte & unto the devel in thy body, by sainge one thinge with thy mouthe & thi kinge the co[n]trary with thy mi[n]de, much like unto the Israelites in the tyme of Jesabels raigne, who covitinge to halt o[n] both sydes, with their hartes to serve God, 3. Reg. 18. and with their bodis to serve Baal, accordinge to the Quenes procedinge. They straied from the narowe path of godes savour, Mat. 7. i[n]to the brode waie of his despleasure, provokinge him thereby to plage the la[n]de with sterilite & barrynes so that he kepte raine & dewe from the earth for space of iii. yeres and vi. mounthes. 3. reg. 17.

Co[m]pare that storie with thy tyme, & state of thy mother Engla[n]d, & thow shalt finde the[m] disagreable [Page] in no thinge but o[n]ly in this, that goddes plages are not yet so fully performed upo[n] the & hir, as fel upo[n] the[m], but do now firste of al begine to appere & most certai[n]ly wil followe, al though not in the same forme, yet to the like e[n]de, if she & thow co[n]tineve & persevere in the like iniquite as you have begone.

A comparison betwixte Israel and Englande. 3 reg. 18. 3. Reg. 21. For as in the time of Jezabels raigne the prophetes of the lorde were slaine in Israel, so are thei now in Engla[n]de: The[n] juste Naboth loste hir viniarde by oppressio[n], so doeth many rightous me[n] now in Engla[n]de theire la[n]des & pocessio[n]: The people of god the[n] in Israel were forced to flee into stra[n]ge cou[n]tries, so are thei now in Engla[n]d, 3. Reg. 19 Other were imprisoned & most cruelly intreated, so are they now in Engla[n]d. 3. Reg. 18. Other some were faine to crepe into holes & caves, ro[n]ni[n]ge fro[m] poste to piller, livinge in moste painful penurie, glad to have bread & water, how many in Engla[n]d at this present are co[m]pelled to do the like, experie[n]ce teaceth in al partes of the la[n]de. The Rulers, the Majestrates & multitude disse[m]bled both with God & the Quene, eve[n] so do thei now in Engla[n]d. The lorde the[n] resarved some of the nobilite in Israel, as Obadia & other, who showed the[m]selfes v[er]y favorable unto his serva[n]tes, so hath god likewise reserved some of the nobilite of thy mother Engla[n]d (althought thei be but few in no[m]ber) as wildes to preserve his people fro[m] the tyranny of Antichrist in his blouddy me[m]bers (as thow Callais ca[n]st sufficie[n]tly [Page] witnes the same). No thinge doubtige but that thei shal finde favoure with Obadia in the sight of Elias & Jehu, 3. Reg. 18. 4. Reg. 9. 10. whe[n] as the lorde shal stire the[m] up to overthrowe the Auters of Baal, and to distroie his idolatrous Prestes, with theire Princesse-Jezabel.

This farre agreeth Engla[n]d with Israel, As Israel & England agreeth in sinnes so are thei like to agree in ponishment. and as thei agree i[n] gravite of sinnes, so (I fere me) thei are like to agree in gravite of ponishme[n]t. For the lorde is the same aeternal, immutable God, that he was then, favorable in mercie unto the penite[n]t & juste in judgme[n]t unto the wicked.

The plages af Israel in the daies of Jezabell were these, 2. Reg. 17 18. 20. 22. derth, famine, and mortalite of man and beaste, warre, battail, and invasion of the enimie, to the great spoyl of the lande, and slaughter of the people, the kynge slaine, 4. Reg. 10 the Quene distroied, and al their posterite consumed from the earth.

This was the Viale of the Lordes indignation in those daies powred forth upon Israel for the sinnes of the same. Praier very nedefull for England. Let us praye that the like or rather greater do not happen unto Englande, whose sinnes waied in the ballance of Goddes justice, are no doubt fou[n]d a great deale hevier.

And thow (Callays) let the state of Samaria in those dayes be an admonition to move the to repentance: 4. Reg. 6 Let Samaria be a warninge to Callais. which for the sinnes [Page] before expressed, was not o[n]ly besegede with the power of a most puisant prince, but also so extremely oppressed with famine, that the people therein were co[m]pelled, to eate theire owne dou[n]ge, & the filthe & dou[n]ge af theire beastes & byrdes: yea, the mothers were co[m]pelled to eate their owne childre[n], such was the wooful wrath of god upo[n] the[m] for their sinful dissimulatio[n] & declininge fro[m] god to Idolatrie, as witnesseth the holy scriptures. 4. Reg. 6 Let that exa[m]ple (I saie) O Callays move the to throw downe & hu[m]ble thy selfe undre the mighty ha[n]de of god in co[n]fessinge thy sinnes, & bewailige thy weaknes, that so sone haste bin ov[er]blowe[n] with so litel a blaste of te[m]ptatio[n]:Callais is gone back fro[m] the gospell unto papistry. That so sone haste gone backe fro[m] the knowe[n] truthe & pure religio[n] of god, unto that polluted puddel of papistry by dissimulatio[n], where as thy duety had bin before many other (co[n]sidering thine ancie[n]t gospelick professio[n] universally knowe[n]) to have sta[n]de stedfaste in the truthe, havinge for thy manifeste co[n]firmatio[n] therein, the moste certaine worde of god, the testimonie of thine owne co[n]scie[n]ce, the exa[m]ple of a gret no[m]ber of co[n]sta[n]t marters, & the continual admonition of many godly me[n], now flede into stra[n]ge la[n]des, to save theire lifes for a praie until the determinate time, & in the meane ceason to be profitable unto you at home.

Wherfor as thine unfained frinde & lov[er] [...]eve[n] such a one as for thy preservatio[n] coulde be [Page] co[n]te[n]ted to taste much miserie) do ernestly exhorte the to fle unto repe[n]tance, The oneli remedi to preserve Calais from distruction[?], is repentance[?]. the onely insallible remedie, able not onely to restore thy health, but also to preserve the fro[m] distruction wich is emine[n]t over thy heade.

For what kingdome or cou[n]trie, Citie or towne, Nota. ma[n] or woma[n] was there ev[er] that beinge infected with the like sicknes of sinne, did not perishe therein, Gen. 7. 8. 19. if this resaived remedie did not p[re]ve[n]t the same. For wa[n]t of this remedie, was not the firste worlde drowned? Dan. 5. With Saxons. Danes. Brito[n]s. And nou with Spaniardes. Samaria distroyed? Babelo[n] in one night subverted? And thy mother Engla[n]d thrise with stra[n]gers infected, & now the fourth time like to be desolated? Yf this remedie of repe[n]ta[n]ce do not spedely p[re]ve[n]t it? On the other side where as this remedie hath bin in time resaived, the da[n]ger beinge nev[er] so great, yet hath it al waies delivered fro[m] distructio[n]. As the exa[m]ples of Jerusale[m], Berulia, Ninive & many other do evide[n]tly declare, which onely by this meanes, as testifieth the scriptures, removed the plages p[re]sently purposed againste the[m]. O that thow hadeste the like grace to fle unto this remedie in this thine approchinge peril: which although thow (blinded with the love of thy selfe, carnal securite, Other [...]saive that Callaies seeth not. & co[n]fide[n]ce in thine owne stre[n]ght) doest not now presaive, yet thy fri[n]des, who with a more vigila[n]t eye watche over thy wealth do evide[n]tly behold spedely to approche. Wherefor (I saie) in time rise up fro[m] thy sinne. Cease fro[m] [Page] thine idolatrie. Throwe awaie the ma[n]tel of thine hypocrisie. Washe thy ha[n]des in innocencie, & be contented rather to suffer afflictio[n] with the sainctes of god, Hebr. II. the[n] with ease to e[n]joye the pleasure of sinne for a ceason, the ende where of wilbe thy utter subversion. For truely thow that haste refused to dri[n]ke of the lordes cuppe of tribulatio[n] with his holions, thou shalt most certainely taste of the dregges of destructio[n] with the wicked: where of thy mother Engla[n]d is like shortly to be a partaker.

All tokens which are the foregoers of destructio[n] fulfilled in engla[n]d For there is no token that is the foregoer of destructio[n], but it is apparant in hir. For if the subversio[n] of godes pure religion the[n] crectinge up of idolatrie & superstitio[n], the raginge raigne of traiterous tyra[n]tes, the dayly decaye of the prude[n]t & honorable, the tyra[n]nous crualtie of the clargie, Esa. 3. the dissembling impietie of the laiety, the abonda[n]t shedinge of innoce[n]t bloude, the cruel imprisoninge, banishinge & persecutinge of the servantes of God. If these signes (I saie) have al waies bin the forgoers of rewyne & distruction, as the stories of the holy scriptures doeth evidently witnesse, then let not thine unsaightful mother thinke to escape the same, in whom at this present al these tokens are evident. And especially the universal she[d]dinge of the innoce[n]t bloud of the constant witnesses of Jesus Christ now flowinge through out every Shire, Cyty and [Page] Towne cryinge for spedy vengance: The which with out al doubt is cominge, even as it were with in a kenninge. When Engla[n]d is plaged let not Calais thi[n]ke to escape free. And doest thow thincke (O Callais) thow that arte the doughter of so wycked a mother (if thow be founde partaker of hir impiety, that thow shalte not taste of hir plages? Yeas truely: And that paradventure with the fyrste.

For commonly when as God purposeth to ponyshe the parent, he beginneth with the chylde. And therefor thy lott ys so much the nerer, for that thow doest not onely lye in the waye of the enemye as a butte against his arrowe, Callais is covited of mani but also for thy strenght, beawty and commodite thow art desyred of many. And that thinge (as sayeth the proverbe) with much a do is preserved, that is of divers covited and desyred, especiallye when as the custodie thereof is in the handes of a woman, Callais is in the custody of a woma[n]. who with great difficultye ca[n] restrayne any Jewel that she hath from him, whom she loveth, he cravinge the same.

And doest thow thynck that he wyll not crave, Nota. Why the kinge loveth the Quene. who loveth hir onely for hyr treasure and Jewels, and not for hir person?

And supposeste show that he wyll not aske the (the nexte Jewel unto the beste, Callais the nexte jewell unto the beste. and lyinge so much for his commodyte) that hath all redy attempted to have all togyther? Yeas be thow sure of it.


The bragginge boste of the Spaniardes. The Spaniardes ca[n] boste & make their avasite that if their kinge had the, he would both brydel Fra[n]ce & rule Engla[n]d at his pleasure. And therefor he seketh but oportunite, to optaine, that which his harte so much desireth. The french Kinge watcheth but for opportunite to recover Callais. On the other side the Fre[n]che ki[n]ge watceth but for a time to recover againe, that which his ancesters of lo[n]ge time have loste. And whe[n] for that purpose was there ever better occasion ministred the[n] at this p[re]sent? For thy mother the staffe of thy defence, England at this present seams able to helpe callais is now so debilitated & weakened as wel in worthy Captaines & valia[n]te Soldiours, as in mony, monitions & victail, that she is scant able to defende, & releve hir selfe: much les then to succor the in thy necessite. Callais vanting frendes, is invironed with enemie. Thus art thow invironed with enimies on every syde, without havinge any assured frinde to leane unto. Wherefor I admonishe the to co[n]sider thy p[re]sent state, before it be to late, & in to what eminent danger thy sinne hath brought the. But whether now wilt thow turne the for thy preservatio[n]? psal. 137. The stre[n]ght of Callais is to weake for hir defe[n]ce, if the lorde do not p[ro]tecte the same. Unto thine owne stre[n]ght? Alas in veine. For in vaine doeth the watchma[n] watch the Cyte, if the lorde do not kepe the same. And how shal he kepe the, thow that hast made no co[n]scie[n]ce to forsake him the wholsome water of life, in digginge up againe the filthy Cestoms of papistrie & Idolatrie. Wilt thow turne the for helpe unto thy worthy Governour & prude[n]t cou[n]sailours. callais is like to lose hir frindes. In vaine also. For they shalbe take[n] awaie fro[m] [Page] the. Wilt thow require aide of some of the no bilite that seme to favour the. Eve[n] thei paradve[n]ture shal betraie the. For how should they love the, that passe not of thy mother, but seke al possible meanes to alienate hir fro[m] hir lawful enheritors unto forriners & stra[n]gers. Finally wilt thou seke for succour of thy ancient Soldiours & worthy warriours, of thy lovinge co[m]mons & wealthy marcha[n]tes? That is also in vaine. For with what hartes shal thei desende the (theire towne, the staffe of theyre earthly co[m]modites) that have showed the[m]selfes so faint harted in sta[n]dinge to the v[er]ite of goddes worde, the shoranker of their aeternal salvatio[n]. As easely wil thei suffer them selfes to be thretened & p[er]suaded to resigne the ov[er], as they have alredy co[n]ceaded without any appara[n]t da[n]ger, to relinquishe the pure religio[n] of god, & the fredome of the gospel, to be come the bonde slaves of Antichriste the Pope. For truely such as have showed the[m]selfes fai[n]t harted in the one, cannot be valiant in the other: excepte such as have setled their soveraigne felicite on earthly thinges, whose atte[m]ptes co[m]monly the lorde doeth not prosper. For such as for the safegard of theire lifes do denie him, & yet for the preservation of temporal thinges do hassarde the same, thei do thereby plainely declare; how litel thei regarde heave[n] & how much thei are addicte unto the earth. Who co[m]monly (such is the juste judgme[n]t of [Page] God) in sekinge to save their goodes, do lose theyre liffes, in that they have no thynge estemed the lyffe of the Soule in respecte of the earthly pleasures here. But whether now (O Callays) wylt thow turne the in this thyne extreme necessite? Even unto the Lorde God thyne onely soveraigne remedie: Who onely in ryme of nede is able to preserve and delyver the: and now onely able, but also moste wyllynge, so thow turne the unto him. For he hath promised by his prophetes, Zach. 1. Jer. 3. Joel. 2. Hou Callais ought to turne unto the Lorde. Esa. 1. that if we turne unto him, he wil turne unto us, to showe mercye upon us. Wherefor O thow backslydinge Towne turne unto the Lorde thy God with al thy harte, from thy wicked waies, forsake thy sinnes, caste awaie thyne abhominations, and then shalt thow lyve, and the wrath of God shalbe turned into mercye. Turne unto the lorde thy God (I saie) in repentance, Mat. 3. in fayght, in hattred of thy sinnes, in confessinge of thyne offences, and in the amendment of thy lyffe. Turne unto the Lorde thy God with the Cytes of Ninive and Betulia, and then wil the Lorde beholde the with mercie, Jonas. 3. Judith. 8. and cover the under the whynges of his defence.

He wilbe thy Buckler, thy spere and shilde. He wil be thy fortresse, thy wal and bulwarke. Al thyne enimies shall not prevaile agaynste the. They may besege the, they [Page] may subtelly conspire to betraye the, but all in vaine. For the Lorde wil be thy watchman. psal. 31. 91. Yea, he himselfe wil ringe the Alarom, Sound the trompet, Stryke up the drome, & avance thy Sta[n]dart agaynst thyne adversaries, in movinge thyne harte into thyne owne defence, and assiste the in the same, as a thinge lawfull both by the lawes of God, Nota the lawes of the Lande, and instincte of nature. For thow art not so farre sworne to obaie, as by obedience to showe thy selfe a Traytresse to thyne owne country: how farre Callais is subjecte to the Quene. Neyther art thow so subject to ths Quene, as for hir sake, to with drawe for ever thy subjection from the crowne of Englande, and the ryghtful enhaeritours of the same. Wherefore take hede: and make the Lorde of hostes be tymes thy frynde, and then thow nedeste not to passe who is thyne enemye. god wil bewraie the attemptes of traitors. For he wyl bewraye the dissemblinge devyces of thy fayned fryndes (but secret enemies) as he did the trayterouse counsel of Achitophel, against his servant David. 2 Reg. 17 For it is he that turneth the devyces of the ungodly into theyr owne destruction. Wherefore gett the be tymes under his defence, and thow shalt not nede to fere the power of al thy adversaryes. [Page] Callais is sicke, but she feleth it not. But if thow dispice this frindly admonition, persuadinge thy selfe that thow art in a better case, then in dede thow art, as the most parte of wordly persons do, even in the extremite of death persuade unto the[m]selfes lo[n]ge life: Thow shalt surely perishe in thy sinnes. Beleve not those flattringe Pharises that crie out in every pulpet, peace, peace, plenty, plentye, when as famine & distruction is at hande. Which now beginneth to appere in thy mother Engla[n]de & wil shortly approche unto the, al thoughe thou canneste not foresee the meanes, how, nor the time, whan. For of this be thow sure that God doeth never leave such impiete. as is in the, longe u[n]ponished. The waie to avoide it I have shewed the, if now through thy negligence thow perishe, If callais nou perishe, it is not for want of warni[n]ge thy bloude be upo[n] thyne owne head. For I am free from the same. Saie not but that thow art warned.

From Exile the .12. of April. 1557.

R. P.

Wicked people bringeth a Citie into decaie: but wysse me[n] set it up againe. Proverb. 29.

This is the full version of the original text


displeasure, god, harmony, mourning, plenty, vanity, wealth

Source text

Title: An Admonition to the Towne of Callays

Author: R. P.

Publisher: P.A. de Zuttere

Publication date: 1557

Edition: 2nd Edition

Place of publication: Wesel

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: Bib Name / Number: STC (2nd ed.) / 19078 Copy from: British Library

Digital edition

Original author(s): R. P.

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) whole


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > pamphlets

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
