By the Queene

By the Queene.
A Proclamation for the restraint of transportation of Graine.

PUBLISHED BY Christopher Barker



Wheras the Queenes Majestie is given to understand, that [...]of her subjects of is realme, under the colour and pretence of Carrying of Corne to certain partes of Fraunce, being in good amitie with this Crowne (but neere to the partes of Spaine) have caused the said Corne to be transported and carried by colourable meanes into Spaine, and there [...]and sold the same, where of a great part was this last peere past imploied in the victualling of the late Armie and fleete set forth to the seas by the king of Spaine, for the [...] of this realme, and directly against her highnesse person and crowne (which intention and purpose was by Gods only goodnesse defeated, and miraculously [...], as is notoriously knowen.) And wheras also her Majestie is further given to understand, [...]evill practices are intended by some, that through a most greedie and dishonest desire of graine, having more respect to a private enriching of themselves, then to the dutie they owe to her highness, and to the fate. [...]and well doing of the whole state of the Realme, meane to hold on that undutifull purpose, to a further re liefe of the enemie against this Realme, under like colours and pretences as are aforesayd: Her Majestie there fore for the prevention thereof, doth most straightly charge and command, according to her Royal authoritie, that no person or persons after the publishing of this present proclamation, doe transport or carie out of this [...], into any of the parts beyond the seas, by vertue of any formal licence whatsoever, or by any other co lour or pretence, any kind of graine, upon paine of her highness extreme indignation and displeasure, and such further corporall paine and other penaltie, as to any that shall be aiders, helpers, assisters and abbetters of the enemies of her Roiall person and Crowne, may bee inflicted by the lawes of this realme, or by her highnesse [...]prerogative, upon the sayde offendors, as in such cases concerning the State and preservation of her [...]realme, may and ought to be imposed and inflicted. And for that the disorders in this behalfe commit ted or to be committed, are and ought to be chiefly discovered by her highnesse officers attending upon the col llection of custome and subsidies in their severall portes and charges, and in the Creches of the said portes, from time to time as they are incident fallout, and that by vertue of their oaths which they have in that be halfe taken, as by her highnesse lawes is to the same effect ordered, and upon such further penalties as in the [...]lawes are mentioned and conteined: her Majestie like wife straightly chargeth and commaundeth all and every Customer. Controller, Surveior, Searcher, Farmer and deputie farmer, attending upon the col lection of Custome and subsidies within all and every port and ports, to keepe diligent watch, and to have a care full oversight, that no person or persons whasoever, either by way of entries or without entries, doe lade, ship, transport, or cary out of any place under his or their charge, any sort or kind of graine, to any place out of her majesties dominions, except to the partes of Holland, Zealand, or Flaunders, where her Majestie hath a ny of her subjectes in garrison, and not any thither without speciall direction on her Majesties behalfe, by the Lord Treasurer of England, or by the Lordes of her privie Counsell, upon paine of such penaltie, as by [Page] her highnesse lawes as aforesayd, is to be inflicted upon them, and such further prosecution of the crime of his or their wilfull perjurie, as by [...]course of law is provided. And in case the sayd officers or any of them doe meet with any graine, shipped and laden to be transported out of the Realme, that forthwith they and eve ry of them make seisure of the same, the one moitie thereof to be taken to her majestie [...], and the other to accrue to the partie that shall make the sayd [...]: and that the parties that shall be taken with such graine, be committed to prison, there to remaine without baile, untill by order of the Lordes of the Councell, the same shall be further punished. And in case the sayd officers or any of them, in his or their severall charge and char ges, doe [...]and undutifully conceale, and not apprehend such offendor in this behalfe: Her highnesse straightly chargeth and commandeth, that upon discoverie and proofe thereof duely made before the order and others of her privie Councell, or before the Lorde Creasurer in the Court of the exchequer, the partie or parties so offending, shall be deprived of his or their said office and offices, and the same foorthwith be collated upon the partie or parties so informing, being meet persons for the same, upon due proofe of the abuse aforesaid, and the partie offening be further punished at hr Majesties pleasure. And for the due and better execution of this present proclamation, her Majesties further pleasure and commandement is that wheras by vetue of her highnesse Commission lately sent under the great seale of England, into the several maritme Countries within this her highnesse realme, there are certain special Commissioners chosen and appointed for that pur pose, that the sayde Commissioners in each of the severall Counties, shall constitute and appoint some such trustie persons as they shall find to be wife and discrete, and not affected to the transporters of Corne, and for whole faithfull service therein, they will be answerable to have some kind of oversight of the sayde officers of the ports, and that within the port,Towne or Townes, within the severall limites of their sayd Commission, they do appoint one severall day of meeting to be kept every three weekes at the least, to enquire by [...] of twelve men or otherwise, upon the due observation of this her Highnesse proclamation, and of the abuses and contempts committed against the same. And such as shall bee found upon due proofe to bee [...], to commit them to prison, there to remaine without ba [...], and to certifie uno the Lordes and o thers of her highnesse privie Counsell, the names of the sayd offendors, with the qualities of their offences, to the end there may be made some exemplary punishment of them, to the terror of all others that shall presume to commit the like contempts. Given at her Majesties Manor of Greenwich, the ninth day of November, 1588, in the 30 yeere of her Highnesse raigne.

God save the Queene.
Imprinted at London by the Deputies of
Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes
most excellent Majestie.

This is the full version of the original text


charge, grain, majesty, pain, pretence, punishment

Source text

Title: By the Queene. A proclamation for the restraint of transportation of graine.

Author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I)

Publisher: Christopher Barker

Publication date: 1588

Edition: 2nd Edition

Place of publication: London

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: Bib name / number: STC (2nd ed.) / 8177 Bib name / number: Steele, R. Tudor and Stuart proclamations, 807. / Physical description: 2 leaves Copy from: Bodleian Library

Digital edition

Original author(s): England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I)

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) Whole


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > official legislation

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
