The Jewell House of Art and Nature

The Jewell House of Art and Nature
Conteining divers rare and profi
table inventions, together with sun
dry new experimentes in the Art
of Husbandry, Distillation,
and Moulding.
Faithfully and familiarly set downe, ac
cording to the Authors owne experience,
by Hugh Platte, of Lincolnes
Inne Gentleman.

Printed by Peter Short, dwelling
on Breadstreat hill, at the signe
of the Star, and are to be solde
in Paules Churchyard.

[Page 8]

1. 4. How to keepe or preserve anie fowle or other peece of flesh founde, and sweete for three weekes or one whole Moneth together, not withstanding the con tagiousnesse of the weather.

Make a strong Brine, so as the Water bee over glutted with salt, and beeing scalding hote, per boyle therein the fowle or flesh which you would preserve some reasonable time, that is to say, accor ding to the greatnes and grosnesse therof, then hang it up in a conveninet place, and it will last a sufficient time without any bad or oversaltish taste, as i can te stifie of mine owne experience. This i thought good to publish both for the better preservation of mut ton, Veale, and Venison, whereof a great deale in this lande is yearely lost, in hote and unseasonable Sommers, as also for the benefite of our English Ma riners, which are forced sometime to vittaile them selves in such intemperate Clymates, where no flesh will last sweet foure and twentie houres togither, by reason that they have no means to make the same to take salt, which without all question will enter this way and make penetration verie speedily by rea son of the hote and fierie spirite of salt thus prepared. Some doe use to perboyle their Fowle, after they have taken out the garbage, and then do dippe them in Barrowes greace, or in clarifyed Butter, till they have gotten a newe Garment over them [...]

[Page 9]

2. 5. How to defend fresh Water along time from Putre faction.

This is performed by the addition of some small proportion of the Oyle of Sulphur with it, incor porating them both togither, whereof i have long since made a sufficient triall. Some commende the oile of Vitriol to the same end: and seeing my penne hath so unadvisedly slipt into an Element of so great necesitie, I wil make the Sea-men a little beholding unto me at their first watering, whih being spent, I must leave them to the brackish waters againe, un lesse by the helpe of some distillatorie vessell [...] they can make seperation of the freshe part thereof on ship-boord.

[Page 12]

3. 7. How to feed & fatten Hens, Chicken, Geese, ducks, &c. with divers other forts of fowle, in a more cheap manner, then hath as yet beene made knowne or com mon to the worls.

Iknow divers that have contented themselves, to feed and fatten them with graines onelie, whereof they have made a great benefit unto themselves; by reason of the easy price for which they are sold.But if you take the bloud of beasts, whereof Butchers make no great reckoning, filling stone pottes therewith, whose covers may be full of such holes, as that the flesh flies in sommer time, may easilie get in and out at the same, you shall finde the bloud by meanes of the flie-bloes and putrefaction together, wholie con verted into white and glib worms [...]which will fatten them exceedingly & make them eate most tenderlie.

[Page 20]

4. 12. How to rost meate more speedily, and with lesse fire then we now do in our common manner.

Make a square and concave boxe, or else of the fa shion of a Cilinder of iron plates, or else of wood lined with those plats long inough and large inough for such and so many joynts of meat as you meane to rost at once, within which Cilinder let the meat turne as it roasteth. For the reflexion of the heate that is ga thered within the boxe will make great expedition. Note that the boxe must onelie cover the meate, be cause you are to leave a fire to hang on a pot or kettle over the same fire. It must also be close on every side saving onely against the fire, and at the sides saving onely agaynst the fire, and at the sides thereof of you must have slittes to let in the spitte.

[Page 22]

5. 16. To helpe uenison that is tainted.

If it bee much tainted cut awaie all the flesh that is greene, and cut out all the bones, and bury it in a [Page 23] thin olde course cloth a yard deepe in the ground for 12. or 20. houres space, and it will be sweet enough to be eaten as I am enformed by a Gentlewoman of good credit, and upon hir owne practise.

[Page 26]

6. 22. How to erect or build over anybrooke, or small ri ver, a cheape and wooden bridge, of 40. or 50. foote in length, without fastening any timber work within the water.

Pece the timber work in such short, as that it may resemble an arch of stone, make the joints strong, and binde them fast with crampes or dogs of iron, let this bridge rest upon two strong pillers of wood at either end, both being well propped with spurres, & at either ende of your bridge make a strong buttresse of bricke, into the which you must let your pillers and spurres, that by no meanes they may shrinke or give backwarde, then planke over your bridge and gravell it and it will last a long time. This is already in experience amongst us.

[Page 31]

7. 28. Sweet and dilicate Cakes made without either Spice or Sugar.

Slice great and sweet Parsnep rootes (such as are not seeded) into thin slices, and having washed and scraped them cleane, then drie them and beate them into powder, fearcing the same through a fine fearce, [...]Then knead two parts of fine flower with one part of this powder, and make some cakes thereof, and you shall finde them to taste verie daintilie. I have eaten of these cakes diverse times with verie great good liking.

[Page 38]

8. 36. To keepe Inke from freezing and moulding.

Put a few drops of Aquavita therein, and then it wil not freeze in the hardest Winter that can hap pen, and in Sommer time if you put salt therein it will not waxe mouldie as I have beene crediblie in formed.

[Page 43]

9. 39.A gall water very necessarie to mingle with your inke, as it groweth thick in your standish or ink horne.

Slice or beat some of the best Galles, and put them in a glasse of faire water, and when they have given some reasonable tincture to the water, you may mix the same with your inke as it thickneth: this is a more kindlie waie, then to use either faire water, beere, or vinegar instead thereof. But when the water begin neth to be over olde and out of date, you must then throw away the same and make fresh.

10. 40. How to renew olde letters, that be almost worn out of sight.

This is performes by rubbing them over careful ly with the gall water aforesaid being wel prepa red, for that will strike a fresh hew again into the old and outworne Coppres. These two secrets I learned verie lately of a skilful & well conceipted gentleman, who hath made some practices thereof himselfe, and the first I can warrant by mine owne triall.

[Page 46]

11. 45. To make bad paper to beare yoke in some reasonable manner.

Rub your paper wel over with the fine powder or dust of Rosen and Sandrach mingled in equall parts before you write therwith. Note that you must tie the powder hard in a rag of Laune or thin Cam brick, and therewith rub the paper thoroughly well. This is a necessarie secret for students, whereby they may note in the margentes of their bookes if the pa per should happen to sinke, which is an especiall fault in many of our late yeere bookes of the Law.

[Page 60]

12. 64. To have store of seafish for the provision of ones ta ble, without repairing to the sea for them.

Syr Edward Hobbie [...]hath stored certeine dikes in the Ile of Sheppey, with sundrie kindes of sea-fish, into which dikes by sluces, he doth let in from time to time, change of sea-water to nou rish them.

13. 65. To make ale or beere to become stale, in a short time.

Bottle ale, or bottle beare, being buried somewhat deepe in the ground, in a coole or shadie place, be commeth stale enough to be drunkein 48. howers space, as i have been assured by an honest and sober Courtier.

14. 66. How to steale Bees.

If you place a Bee-hive somwhat before swarming time in the midest of a great beech tree, so close as that it may not be discerned for feare of stealing, the Bees will resort unto the same, especiallie if it bee first wel sprinkled within with water and honie.

[Page 71]

15. 77. How to keepe Claret wine, or any other wine good, many yeares together.

At everie vintage you must drawe off almost a fourth part out of the hogshead, and then rowle it upon his Lee, and after fyll it up with the best newe wine of the same kind, that you can get. Your caske must be bound with iron bandes or hoopes, and al waies kept full and tight. I have heard that an essex knight useth this practice, and hath Wine of nine or ten leaves (as they terme it) which is so many yeares olde.

[Page 73]

16. 83. To defend a Horse from flies in his travaile.

Steepe Arsmarte in water, making the water ve rie strong of the hearbe, and therewith wash your horse before you meane to travell.

[Page 80]

17. 96. How to melt downe the filings of yron, nailes, or other small peeces of yron with a small fire.

To three partes of yron put one fourth part of An timonie powdred, in a crucible or melting pot, set the same in any ordinarie fornesse, and blowe a little with a paire of belowed [...]and you shall finde the same to melt verie speedily. This way you may easily cast both Musket and Caliver bullets of Yron.

This is a selection from the original text


drink, water, winter

Source text

Title: The Jewell House of Art and Nature Conteining divers rare and profi table inventions, together with sun dry new experimentes in the Art of Husbandry, Distillation, and Moulding. Faithfully and familiarly set downe, ac cording to the Authors owne experience, by Hugh Platte, of Lincolnes Inne Gentleman.

Author: Hugh Platt

Publisher: Peter Short

Publication date: 1594

Edition: 2nd Edition

Place of publication: London

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: Bib name / number: STC (2nd ed.) / 19991 Physical description: [16], 96; 60; 76 p. Copy from: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery

Digital edition

Original author(s): Hugh Platt

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) title page
  • 2 ) receipt number: 4
  • 3 ) receipt number: 5
  • 4 ) receipt number: 7
  • 5 ) receipt number: 12
  • 6 ) receipt number: 16
  • 7 ) receipt number: 22
  • 8 ) receipt number: 28
  • 9 ) receipt number: 36
  • 10 ) receipt number: 39
  • 11 ) receipt number: 40
  • 12 ) receipt number: 45
  • 13 ) receipt number: 64
  • 14 ) receipt number: 65
  • 15 ) receipt number: 66
  • 16 ) receipt number: 77
  • 17 ) receipt number: 83
  • 18 ) receipt number: 96


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > manuals and guides

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
