Strange and Terrible Newes from the North

Strange and Terrible
The Northern great Storm arose in those parts, to the great
amazement of all the Inhabitants within the Realme of
England, and the great slaughter of divers poore
harmlesse Creatures.
An exact Relation of the late Fight, and the manner of ob-
taining the Victory by the Royalists Party, and the
full particulars thereof.
Another Fight in the West of England, betwixt the Parlia-
ments Forces, and the Rebels in South-Wales, and the
gallant successe and proceedings of the Forces
commanded by
Colonel Horton,
Colonel Lewis,
Captain Jones,
Captain Reade. and
Captain Griffith.
London, Printed for R. G. and are to be sold neere
Temple-Barre, 1648.

[Page 1]

1. A
The Royalists in the West of England, and other parts of the Kingdome. Wherein is declared their present Resolution touching the Kings Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament.


HAving occasion to send you a Letter by a friend of mine that came to London about business, I wil give you a touch of the affairs in these parts for the present, and & you a more ful relation by the Post. Col. Poyer and Col. Powell are joyned, and have declared for the King; they are now in the field, and upon their Guard. Sir Richard Pierce is very active in raising of Forces to assist Poyer, who hath lately mustered the county of Pembroke in his owne name at Colby Moor, where a party of the Inhabitants seemed to comply. The 11. of Aprill he mustered in Carmarthen shire, & the 12. at Lanbadern in Cardigan shire, but now he is quite spoyled of this sport, for Colonel Horton is marched against him, being assisted by 200. Horse and Dragoons out of Brecknock shire; as also by Col. Lewis, Capt.


Jones, capt. Read, capt. Griffiths Troop of Dragoons, Thomas Lloyd Esq High Sheriff of Cardigan shire, with the rest of the Commissioners for that county, and others, who are joyned into a Body, and consist of above 30 Companies of Horse and Foot, gallantly armed, and prepared to fight; they are even entring upon service, and before you receive this, here wil be something of consequence done; for newes came this evening which certifie they were upon ingagement, and that they have had a skirmish already; but the successe is variously reported: some affirme one thing, some another, according as their fancy leads them, but it is whispered, Poyers Forces are all ran away to their Hold: this is all I can impart to you for the present, when occasion serves, I shall remember you; in the mean time,

I remain yours, T. Davis. Carmarthen 13. April 1648.

2. An exact Relation of the late Fight in the North.


Here hath of late been a rising in these parts, but quelled almost as soon as undertaken; it was occasioned by a Blackcoat, who preached here, whose doctrine being not altogether right, the souldiers found fault with it, and offered to foyl him at his own weapons; this was agreed to, and the time and place for dispute appointed; but in stead of convicting them, he assaulted them, and with certain Farmers, anp a few rustical fellows, hee fel upon the Souldiers, and beat them out of the Town; but all is quiet now, and the chief Actors apprehended and taken, and are to answer it before a Councel of War.

Sandhill Aprill 15. 1648.



By Letters from the North intelligence was received of a strange accident, or rather a miracle, which hapned in those parts. Also a Gent. who was an eye-witnesse,and saw the same, did testifie, both by word of mouth, and under his hand writing, doth affirm that at Shereborn in Yorkshire, on the 24. day of this last March, in the afternoon, arose a great storm, beginning first with Rain, which was powred downe in great abundance; aftes which instantly succeeded a mighty showr of Hayl being powred down with such an extraordinary force & violence, that it brake mrny glasse windows, kil'd Geese, Ducks, and other such feeble creatures as wanted shelter. After the haile was over, their issued out of the Aire a great showr of wheat; so that in some places it covered the gronud, & it was in all respects like unto the commou wheat whereof bread is made, both for colour & form, but that it was something of a more sad or darke colour then our ordinary wheat.

It hath been likewise testified by others, & affirmed, that the poor people gathered up some of it, & made bread thereof, which they eat, & found it in operation like unto other ordinary bread, that bread was something for colour and tast like unto bread made of Rye. The fore-mentioned hailestones were of a very great bignesse, many of them being as big as smal Walnuts, or Nutmegs, and some bigger; also this hail was so hard, that some carryed them 4 or 5 miles in their pockets to shew, and yet they were not melted. The people in those parts which saw it are very much amazed at it; some think it to be a sign of a famine; others think it to be a signe that Bread-corn, or Wheat, or Rye, or the like, in Harvest shall be destroyed, by some extraordinary storm of Haile or Raine, or some such accident, but none can assuredly tell what it prognosticates; but surely, such strange and unusual things, are signes of some great alterations.


At Edinburgh the expectation of the malignants are great, and reports variable, but little concluded on: only we hear that they are resolved, that an army shal be sent into England, and although many wil not be perswaded to believe it, yet it may now more easily be gathered, that such a thing is intended, and wil speedily be effected, if not prevented; for the Scots army draws Southward, and many of them are ordered to be quartered neer the Borders, the Lord Belcarouse Troop have taken up their quarters within five miles of Berwick, having order so to doe. Many other Troopes have quarters assigned them in the South of Scotland, and especialy in the Townes and Villages nrer adjoyning to England; also from other parts of Scotland we perceive the Scots Forces to creep Southward, but they are wary, and do it by little and little, the better to avoid suspition, but if their intents are, as is suspected, England may chance to frustrate their designs, and the Scots after all their jugling be deceived of their expectations.

The Parliament of Scotland have given answer to the English Commissioners papers, but it is said to be very unsatisfactory. and that they refer the substance of all to their own Commissioners who are comming into England, of whom the Lord Lee is one to treat with the Parliament, and have Propositions and instructions given them, to treat about setling Religion according to the Covenant for the King his removall to one of his houses, and a personall treaty with him; as also for disbanding the Army, and other Propositions that I have not as yet; the certainty of the difference between the Clergy and state is as great as ever, they will by no meanes consent to the raising of men, although listing in divers parts of this Kingdome; 'tis supposed 'twill be speedily effected; and because many of the Commanders of the standing Forces of this Kingdome do not concur with them in this design, those Forces are to be disbanded, and the Earl of Calender is to be General of their new Modell; insomuch, [Page] that the Cavees and English Fugitives grow very high, treating ruine and destruction to the Parliament and their Adherents.

But indeed, some dayes there are great hopes of an agreement, and other days the distance is so farre, as scarce any man shal know how neer they are to have an Army: many English men are at Edenburgh, and they doe dayly increase. Another great ship came to Leeth Rode on Fryday night last; what she is, is not yet known, but a flying Report of the Prince being in her, but no certainty. Some Irish Rebels are come into some of the Scots Islands, and the Marq. of Argyles Regiment are directed, with some others, to march towards them. This is all, I earnestly request a correspondency weekly, and where I shal direct my Letter unto you, that I may take the occasion to subscribe my self.

Your oblieged servant, R. S. Barwick 16 April, 1648.



Since the writing hereof we hear that the Parliament of Scotland have given an answer to our Commissioners papers, but it is said to be very unsatisfactory, and that they refer the substance of all to their own Commissioners which are comming into England to treat with the Parliament.

IN the Marq. of Argyles Countrey, there is risen up in Arms one commonly called Kolkittok, which hath caused some of the Forces that lay in the South of Scotland to march Northward for the suppression of them, all the Officers in the standing Army of Scotland except Lieutenant General Middleton) have petitioned to the Parliament, and presented these Proposals, viz. 1. That they will be pleased to consult with the Ministers of the Kirk, in relation to their [Page] proceedings touching the Kingdome of England.

2. That they will be pleased not to ingage in a War against their Brethren of England, unlesse the Kirk of Scotland doe concur therein.

His Excellency Gen. Leven, and the rest of the Officers of the Standing army, have declared their unwillingnesse to ingage in a war against the Kingdome of England, Parliament, and army. Sir, I am yours, &c.

Sir, Since my last, we have received further intelligence from Southwales, that Col. Horton, and Col. Lewis with their Forces have streightned the enemies quarters, & forced them to a narrower distance, but not without some blowes; for, as it is said, they have had a very hot skirmish, and resolutely maintained by both parties, upon severall charges and conflicts; and after some dispute Poyers party retreated, our men pursues; some are wounded, but no great hurt done. This was done by Parties, the main Bodies are not yet engaged. By the next you shal hear further, from

Your most affectionate friend,
T. D.
Carmarthen 15. April 1648.


Imprimatur G. M.
This is the full version of the original text


abundance, borders, hail, town, village, violence

Source text

Title: Strange and Terrible Newes from the North

Author: R. S.

Publication date: 1648

Edition: 2nd Edition

Provenance/location: This text was transcribed from images available at Early English Books Online: Bibliographic name / number: Wing (2nd ed., 1994) / D437 Bibliographic name / number: Thomason / E.436[26] Physical description: [8] p. Copy from: British Library Reel position: Thomason / 69:E.436[26]

Digital edition

Original author(s): R. S.

Language: English

Selection used:

  • 1 ) whole


Texts collected by: Ayesha Mukherjee, Amlan Das Gupta, Azarmi Dukht Safavi

Texts transcribed by: Muhammad Irshad Alam, Bonisha Bhattacharya, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, Kahkashan Khalil, Sarbajit Mitra

Texts encoded by: Bonisha Bhattacharya, Shreya Bose, Lucy Corley, Kinshuk Das, Bedbyas Datta, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Sarbajit Mitra, Josh Monk, Reesoom Pal

Encoding checking by: Hannah Petrie, Gary Stringer, Charlotte Tupman

Genre: Britain > pamphlets

For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
