'Ibrat Namah
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Introductory notes
Mirzā Muhammad Rustam Hārisī (b. 1687) came from Jalalabad, in southern Afghanistan. He was a nobleman of relatively small standing in Aurangzeb’s court, and witness to the decline of the Mughal empire from the last decade of Aurangzeb’s reign to the death of Farrukh Siyar. In his invocation, he describes his ‘Ibrat Nāmah as “tazkirah-i-Ahwāl-Khud ba Tarz-i-Roznāmchah [an account of events concerning himself in the mode of a diary]”. The manuscript consists of memoirs of the author's first-hand experience of events in Punjab and northern India from 1703, and of Aurangzeb’s later Deccan campaigns to the year of Farrukh Siyar’s assassination in 1719.
شب جمعه بیست و هشتم رمضان سنه مذکو ر( 1127) هجری باران شروع شده تا آخر روز یکشنبه سلخ ماه مذکور علی الاتصال جهری بود عمارات بسیار در شهر افتاد و شب دو شنبه که شب عید بود باران ایستاد اما هوا ابر بود ........... و از شب یکشنبه هفتم شوال سنه مذکوره باز باران شروع تا یک پهر روز مانده از سه شنبه نهم ماه مذکور به همان منوال سابق علی الاتصال سابق جهری بود عمارات بسیار که از باران سابق سالم مانده بود درین باران افتاد.