2.Mir Jumlah Sallamahullāh: az sādāt-e-ṣaḥiḥ-un-nasab ast wa umarāi buzurg-e- ḥazrat ṣaḥibqiran-e- s̱āni (Shāhjahān) wa dar ‘ilm-o-faz̤l māhir, chandin taṣānif dārad hameh marghoob wa maḥboob wa dar jawāb-e-khamsa khamsa tarteeb dādah wa diwān-e-ghazaliyat-e- wai niz murattab shudah wa khalqi be ṭufail-e-ān be mā yaḥtāj-e- khud mi rasad wa bar dar-e- wai har roz ṭa‘ami barāye fuqarā tarteeb mi dehand wa dar ayyām-e-qaḥṭsāli ein rātebah afzoodeh bood wa jam‘ae kas̱ir rā qutul yaum hamān bood.
Mir Jumlah belongs to the family of true Sayyids and is counted among the great nobles of Shāhjahān. He is accomplished in knowledge and scholarship and has authored a number of books, all well liked and popular. He has composed a Quintet in reply to the khamsa. His Diwan of Ghazals has also been compiled. People get subsistence for their needs due to him. Every day food is prepared at his doorstep for the poor. And during the days of the famine, this daily ration is enhanced and is the only food for the day.
3.Shaikh Bāyazid Ṣāboongar: (‘Aḥd-e-Jahāngiri) az muridan-e- Shaikh Muḥammad Ghaus̱ bood wa dar sarhind sokoonat dāsht, bisyār buzurg budeh, dar sanah-e- hazār-o- bist-o-panj ke wabā dar sarhind wa sāir-e-qașbat uftādeh hameh jā rā faru giraft magar maḥalla-e-Shaikh Bāyazid ke sālim mānd, nāgāh Shaikh ‘illat-e wabā bar āwurd wa az ‘ālam dar guzsht wa ān maḥallah rā waba ba‘ad az wai chunān faru giraft ke az taḥrir biroon ast wa hameh dānistand ke Shaikh ḥāfiz –o- nāṣir-e- ān mahallah bood, chun ou az miyān raft ātish-e wabā ān mahallah rā tamām besokht.
Shaikh Bāyazid Ṣāboongar (belonging to the period of Jahāngir) was among the disciples of Muḥammad Ghaus̱ and lived in Sarhind. In the year 1025/A.H. Sarhind and other towns were struck by an epidemic (wabā) that spread everywhere except the area where Shaikh Bāyazid lived. That remained safe. Suddenly Shaikh too was affected by the decease and departed from this world. After his death, the place was so badly afflicted with the epidemic that it is not possible to put it in words. Everyone understood that the Shaikh was its saviour and protector because as soon as he went, the entire area was consumed by the flames of the epidemic.
4.Maulānā Yāqub Thānagi: (‘Aḥd-e-Jahāngiri) taḥṣil-e-tamām dāsht wa fahim-o-khush taba‘a bood, āz shāgirdān-e-chidah wa barguzida-e- Mulla Jamāl Talwi āst, ba‘ad āz taḥṣil tark-o-tajrid pish giraft wa āwāza-e- rahnumāi wa hidāyat-e- quṭubul muḥaqqeqin khwāja Muḥammad Bāqi Naqshbandi Owaisi quddisa sirrahu shunideh kitābhā rā be ṭālib-e-‘ilmān dād wa khud āmdeh dar silk-e- muridān-e ān ḥazrat intiẓām yāft. dar sāl-e hazār-o- bist-o- panj be waṭan-e- āṣli-e- khud Thāneh baham raft wa dar wabāye ke ānjā wāqe‘a shud dar sāl-e- hazār-o- bist –o- panj (1025) roo be ‘ālam-e- ākhirat āwurd.
Maulāna Yāqub Thanagi (belonging to the period of Jahāngir) was fully knowledgable and wise and was among the choicest disciples of Mulla Jamāl Talwi. After hearing the reputation of Khwaja Muḥammad Bāqi Naqshbandi, he distributed his books among his students and came to Khwāja and attached himself to the entourage of his disciples. In the year 1025 A.H. he went back to his native place of Thāneh and departed for the other world in the epidemic that broke out in 1025 A.H.
Due to the extreme cold of the winter month, the sky is in great turmoil. Because of the thunder bolts and lightning the Sun has hidden behind the veil. The sky showered the earth with arrows (of water) and it started to tremble like the quick silver due to excess of rain and snow.