Anno Secundo & Tertio Philippi & Mariae
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Introductory notes
This is a list of acts passed in the reign of Mary I and Philip of Spain, relating to husbandry, charity, crime control, and specific trades. These acts were passed during the famine and dearth of the mid-1550s. The full legislation has not been transcribed here, but can be accessed on EEBO.
Anno secundo & Tertio Philippl
& Mariae.
made at a Parliament, begon
and holden at Westminster, the .xxi.
daye of October, in the seconde
and thyrde yeare of the reigne of
our soveraygne Lorde, and Lady
Philip and Mary, by the grace of
God, kinge & Quene of England,
Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and
Ireland, defendours of the fayth,
Princes of Spayne and Cycilie,
Anchedukes of Austria, dukes of
Myllayn, Burgondie, and Bra
band, counties of Haspurge, Flau
ders and Tyroll, and there conti
nued and kept to the dissolution
of the same, beynge the .ix.
day of December then next
ensuynge, were enacted
as foloweth.
‘Cum privilegio Regiae Majestatis.’
PUBLISHED BY Johannis Cauuodi
1. The Table.
AN acte for the reedifiynge of Castels and Fortes, and for the enclofyng of groundes upon the borders towardes Scotlande. | Cap. i. |
An acte for the reedefiynge of decayde howses of husbandrye, and for the encrease of tillage. | Cap. ii |
An act for the kepyng of mylche kine, & for the breading & rearyng of calves | ca. iii |
An acte for the extinguishement of the fyrst fruites, and touchinge order and disposition of the ten thes, of spirytuall and ecclesiasticall promosions, and of rectoryes and personages impropriate remaynynge in the Quenes majesties handes. | cap. iiii. |
An acte for the reliefe of the poore. | cap. v. |
An acte agaynst the excessive takyng of the Kyng and Quenes majestyes purveyours. | cap. vi. |
An acte agaynst the bying of stolen borses. | cap. vii. |
An acte for the amendyge of hygh wayes. | cap. viii. |
An acte to make voyde divers lycences of howses where in unlawfull games be used. | cap. ix. |
An acte to take examynation of prysoners suspected of any manflaughter or fellonye. | cap. x. |
An acte touchinge weavers. | cap. xi |
An acte for the vieuyng and sellyng of othes commonly called Brydgewaters. | cap. xii. |
An acte for the inhabitauntes of Hallifaxe touching the bying of woles. | cap. xiii. |
An acte for the reedifiyng of foure mylles nere the citie of Hereford. | cap. xiiii. |
An act that purveyours shal not take victuals within .v. miles of Cambridge and Oxforde. | ca. xv |
An acte touchynge watermen and bargemen upon the river of Thamyse. | cap. xvi |
An act to take away the benefite of clergie from Benet Smith for the murder of Rufford. | ca. xvii. |
An acte touchynge commyssions of the peace and gaole delyverye in townes corporate not beynge counties. | cap. xviii. |
An acte touchynge Powdike in marshelande. | ca.p. xix. |
An acte for the enlargyng of the duchie of Lancaster. | cap xx. |
An acte for the continuatyon of ceriayne statutes. | cap. xxi. |
An acte for the confirmation of a Subsidie graunted by the clergie. | cap. xxii. |
An acte of a Subsydie graunted to the Kynge and Quenes majesties by the temporaltie. | ca. xxiii. |