Browse texts by title

  • GODLY FORME OF HOUSHOLD GOVERNMENT: FOR THE ORDERING OF PRIVATE FAMILIES,, A according to the direction of Gods Word,, Robert Cleaver, John Dod (1598)
  • General HISTORY of Earthquakes, The, R.B. (1694)
  • Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle Vol.XLI, The, (1771)
  • Geographical Account of Countries Round the Bay of Bengal,, A 1669-1679,, Thomas Bowrey (1905)
  • Glory of England, The, Thomas Gainsford (1618)
  • Gluttons Feaver, The, Thomas Bancroft (1633)
  • Godly Letter, A, John Knox (1554)
  • Gods Blessing Upon the Providers of Corne, Charles Fitz-Geffry (1648)
  • Good Motion, A, Anon (1646)
  • Goriber Gaan, (1900)
  • Gratefull servant A comedie. As it was lately presented with good, The applause at the private House in Drury-Lane, by her Majesties Servants. Written, by Iames Shirley Gent,, James Shirley (1630)
  • Guzidah Ash‘ār-e- Sabk-e-Hindi, Ali Reza Zakavati, Ne'amat Khan Ali (1952)
  • Guzidah Ash‘ār-e-Sabk-e-Hindi, Ali Reza Zakavati, Ne'amat Khan Ali (2016)
  • For more information about the project, contact Dr Ayesha Mukherjee at the University of Exeter.
